My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 37: Sudden attack

long long ago

In the corner of endless chaos, a pure will was born from the boundless darkness.

The force generated by this will changes the sea of ​​emptiness and chaos centered on it. It divides countless worlds like the creator, and these worlds are supported by chaotic seas by countless stone pillars.

She is the mother of all things in this world.

Therefore, there are gods, demons and humans.

God and demon are constantly arguing. God is fighting to defend the world. Devil is fighting to destroy the world with a long stick. The creator has fallen asleep. She is regarded as the king by the devil-the golden devil, and is also the devil that brings nightmares.

She is an incomprehensible huge existence, the mother of all darkness, the real king of the demon.

She has always expected people who can return to their former postures, those who are dimmer than the darkness, and those who are deeper than the night. Living in a chaos, all the nothingness is born, where all the chaos lies, and the existence of nightmares is ruled.

She is the pure power, the full name, the golden nightmare king mixed with the will of nothingness.


"Bai Yujing's **** guys!"

The perfect queen's temperament disappeared at this moment, the face of the golden nightmare was full of unwilling expressions, "I actually took my world away while I was sleeping and not paying attention!"

Hearing the complaints of the Golden Nightmare King, the others present were silent.

To be honest, the strong men present are also well-informed.

But even so, they can't understand how serious a creator and creator can be before they know nothing about their world.

What makes them more unbearable is that such a brash woman has strength above them.

If her world is still there, crushing them is even just a finger.


Realizing that his thoughts were a little off track, Sero immediately coughed and caught the attention of others before speaking. "In other words, there are three Red World Demon Gods. Why haven't they come yet."

As soon as the words were spoken, Siro felt a little instinctive.

Among the many allies called by Sailor in these years, the Red World Demon God is probably the most determined. Because the Red World Demon God can go to this step, Sailo is absolutely indispensable.

A long time ago-before the establishment of the Space and Time Administration, Sero had used Noah's power to travel.

At that time, he encountered the Red World Demon God who had not yet stepped out of the plane in a strange plane. Seeing the hardship of the Red World, Siro gave the Devil Gods a larger world view and knowledge of going out of the world.

This matter was originally just a trivial matter in his memory.

But when they met again, Cerro was surprised to find that the Red World Demon Gods had become a great existence. It was with this kind of friendship that the Red World Demon Gods simply joined the alliance and became his firm ally .

Under such circumstances, when Cyro sends out a contact, the Red World Demon God is definitely the first to respond.

But now, the other allies are here, but the Red World Demon God is nowhere to be seen.

The other things that Sairo can think of are also thought by other powerful men-the golden nightmare king is an exception. At this time, the girl is really seriously thinking about why the red world demon gods have not arrived yet.

"Well popping popping!"

A slightly weird laughter suddenly sounded, extremely abruptly, a black and white bear appeared in the center of the void, "Of course the reason that those red world demon gods did not come is that they cannot come ah bear!"

"who are you?!"

Seeing the black and white bear that suddenly appeared, Sero suddenly felt uneasy. In his heart, he seemed to be caught by something.

"Who am I? Good question!"

Upon hearing Silo ’s enquiry, the black and white bear suddenly looked excited, "I am your friend, bring the desperate black and white bear, please advise me a lot, everyone!"


Hearing this word, Siro immediately remembered the law of despair in the origin of the central plane, and the star of Ott, a flash of light flashed in his brain, he shouted almost aloud:

"Did you take action against the Star of Alter !!"


The black and white bear admired Siro's gaffe, and said with a smile, "To be honest, how happy we were when we sensed that you left. Without your Otto star, it was just a brush, full of holes."

"Desperate, Silo Altman, because of your departure, Altstar will face a second time"


Before the words of the black and white bear were finished, Aaron's **** pestle turned into a streamer and bombarded it to the slag. "Don't listen to his nonsense anymore, Sero, go back quickly. Star Ot need you!"

"Yes, yes, go back immediately!"

After a moment of hesitation, Sero immediately calmed his mind and prepared to open the space-time channel.

"No one is allowed to leave!"

As if anticipating Sero's movements, the screaming suddenly sounded, accompanied by the endless flames that came from the sky, and the dark flames seemed to destroy everything, whether heaven or earth, or space, or time.

"Go away!"

Sensing this scene, Aaron didn't say a word, the Buddha's supreme supernatural power—the magical foot power immediately blessed Sero, and then he directly raised his hand, and Shiro disappeared in place.

Turning around, looking at the dark sea of ​​fire, Aaron clenched his fists.

It was not only him, Destroyer, Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, Mercury Snake and Golden Nightmare King who held their breath, and the instinct of being a strong man told them that it was time to die.

Red world!

It is a different world that humans can never reach.

In the distant past, people only heard about the "Red World" scene from the "Red World Disciple".

The people who live in the "Red World" are collectively referred to as the "Red World Apprentice", referred to as the "Apprentice", and the supreme power of the "Red World Apprentice" is the "Red World Apprentice", referred to as the "King".

But whether it is an apprentice or a king, they all feed on the power called the force of existence.

The so-called power of existence is the energy to maintain the existence of everything. In a sense, the nature of this power is not much different from the power of the world.

In other words, the people who live in the Red World are essentially an existence that devours the world.

The existence of such nature is destined to continue to deteriorate its living environment, and eventually even raise a butcher knife to its companion in order to protect the living environment.

The three demon gods of the Red World supremely foresaw this situation very early, and began their respective preparations.

But a long time ago, the arrival of a stranger brought new ideas to the demon gods-their eyes turned to endless chaos, at the cost of helping other planes, in exchange for deepening the world of the red world. force.

Since the endless years, I do not know how many Red World disciples, and even the Red World King has died.

However, in exchange for the prosperity and prosperity of the Red World, the blessings of countless world powers, and the blessings of many plane consciousness, the Red World has ushered in an era of near dreams.

Only now, this dreamy era seems to have suffered a terrible disaster.

The evil force beyond imagination tore the sky, and the muddy and crazy breath twisted everything that he infested, and the nearly endless monster of evil **** came! ..

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