My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 46: Time song!

Facing the siege of the semi-finals, Nagato could not help but chuckle.

The beautiful appearance of Enoshima Shield is matched with the demeanor of Nagato's arrogance of the world and the look of all living beings, and the embellishment with a light smile immediately presents a shocking beauty.

Nagato noticed that as the battle went on, his almost Gu Jingwu state of mind rippled inadvertently.

Emotions such as excitement, openness, and joy flow in my heart

"Are I a combataholic?"

Nagato couldn't help but ask himself secretly, but soon he gave a negative answer.

The real battleaholic should be the group of people who are persistent in fighting evenly, or challenging strong enemies, and are constantly breaking through in battle. However, since the rebirth of Nagato, the actual battle of even rivals has not been enough.

It is a growth rate that can't be overwhelmed, so that the majority of the battles of Nagato are completely crushed, crushed, and crushed!

Under such circumstances, Nagato may be bloody, but it is definitely not a fighting maniac.

"Now, why am I happy?"

Such doubts flashed in his mind, and the Nagato felt from the coming siege attack, the four unyielding wills, and immediately he understood that he was happy for the glory of this will.

In a trance, the long door even flashed many enemies encountered in his life.

Although most of them died in the hands of Nagato, although their strength seems to be ants in the current Nagato, but their shining unyielding glory of soul is still imprinted in Nagato's memory.

Nagato is eager to witness, to witness all the splendor of the world, the highest scenery, the bewitching beauty, and the radiant soul!

"Yeah, that's it!"

The smile on the corner of the mouth became more and more obvious, and the will of Nagato was linked to the power gem, space gem and red reality gem.

People often say that some opinions are true, but using real gems can truly and unexaggeratedly translate these opinions into reality. This gem may be the most powerful and the most difficult to use.

When the heart wants to accomplish everything, this is the power of the reality gem. In a sense, it is usurping the power of heaven and earth for its own use.

And it just so happens that this battlefield space was opened by the long gate not long ago!

The consequence is that the power of real gems is raised to the extreme, coupled with the increase of power gems and the blessing of space gems, a space barrier that is dozens of times stronger than the plane barriers such as crystal walls emerges around the long door.


At the next moment, the space around the Nagato burst into a big explosion that shocked the entire battlefield.

The intense explosion directly distorted time and space, as if to destroy everything into nothingness. However, in this earth-shattering explosion, the figure of the long gate still stood still, and it seemed that there was no harm.

The four of the Golden Nightmare Kings are not strong, and the aftermath of the Big Bang can't hinder their vision.

Therefore, Nagato's posture at this time was completely seen by them. If not a few cracks on the space barrier around Nagato's body showed that their attack was not completely ineffective, all four of them might have lost their hostile courage.

But even so, the strong gap still makes the hearts of the four people more and more heavy.

"The attack is good, almost touched me."

The four people can see the long gate, and the long gate naturally can see them, and he only said lightly, "Come out any means, maybe this is the last battle in your life."

"Don't look down on people, you bastard!"

After fully awakening under the pressure of the Nagato, the Golden Nightmare King no longer has the ignorance and dullness of her past, and her character has become a little more irritable and powerful offensive.

So after hearing the words of Nagato, the blonde girl attacked again without hesitation.

I saw that the blonde girl burst out with black lightning, and the endless power of destruction was condensed in his palm, and soon turned into a ball of light enough to destroy all the material of the time and space, blasting towards the long door.

As the mother of Chaos, the energy of the Golden Nightmare King is absolutely infinite, but the attacks under his anger are also endless.

The violent spheres of light blasted one by one, crushing the explosion aftermath that had not yet dissipated, and then tearing away the space barrier of the Longmen that almost gathered the entire battlefield power, and approached his real body.

Facing such a situation, Rao Shilongmen was a little surprised. The King of Golden Nightmares was indeed strong enough to be beyond his expectations.

Just surprised, but Nagato's reaction speed is definitely not slow. Under the blessing of the power of the space gem, his figure immediately disappeared in place, and appeared behind the golden nightmare king in the next moment.

It was just the moment when he appeared, the long door's face changed slightly, and he noticed something was wrong.

Not only from the instincts of Mingming, but also because he realized that, since the firepower of the Golden Nightmare King is so strong, why did the previous siege fail to tear his own space barriers?

Before waiting for the long door to think about anything carefully, he felt that a powerful **** had come upon himself.

A seemingly complicated magic circle centered on the long gate and spread out on the ground.

"Haha, you arrogant guy really got his way!"

As if he had long known that the Nagato would appear behind him, the king of the golden nightmare laughed and flew out tens of meters, standing on a node of the magic circle, and then turned to look at the Nagato, his face full of complacency. .

In words, there is a mysterious, red crystal in the hands of the Golden Nightmare.

When he saw the spar, Rao Shilongmen couldn't help but be surprised, he would be such a sage stone!

Yes, the Sage Stone!

That spar is nothing else. It is a great miracle in the history of alchemy, the omnipotent holy grail.

Normally, the sage stone is made of souls, the most important thing is the soul of souls as material, and the sage stone in the hands of the golden nightmare king is even more terrible, even using a whole plane for the material. .

Not only she, Emperor Qi Ai and Aaron are holding the same spar, standing on the other two nodes of the magic circle.

The power of the three people inspired the spar, increasing the power of the magic array with a geometric multiple!

Faced with this situation, Nagato's eyes were not placed on the three people who inspired the magic circle, but slightly raised his head. Then he saw that the figure of the Mercury Snake was standing in the sky.

The entire magic circle is running around it

The death-like silence spread from that weak and fluffy posture.

When the long gate looked up, the Mercury Snake just bowed its head.

Between the four eyes, he saw the intent!

Obviously, the supporter of this magic circle is the Mercury Snake, and at this time this powerful transcendentalist already had the intention of death. Immediately, Nagato knew that the Mercury Snake wanted to burn with his own jade.

"bring it on!"

Faced with this determination, Nagato didn't say much, but opened his hands, "If you want to take me to die together, come on, my life is here, it depends on whether you can take it away."

"Weapons and words are all weapons of injury!"

Seeing the posture of Nagato, the Mercury Snake said nothing, and sang out loudly, "Prosperity and friends, lack of testmates; destiny is weak. Retrieve what you have, immediately!"

"Fate is not only blind to oneself, but also blind to the recipients more often."

"There should be a little foolishness between thoughts. Occasional irrationality also gains."

"Eat, drink and play, there is no happiness after death."

"At the moment of life and death, witness the end of the unknown!"

Along with the magic chants, the entire magic circle went crazy, and the three sage stones made of complete planes with materials poured out endless power, increasing the magic circle to the point where it could not be increased.

"My Mercury Snake, sacrifice everything here, sound, time elegy !!!"

Under the final words, the whole battlefield was broken silently, and the chaotic time had cut through the void, and came suddenly! ..

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