My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 51: The body appears!

The void is shaking, the plane is breaking

The annihilating millstone slowly rotates, and the ultimate destructive power spreads out in the chaotic pattern, and overthrows the entire plane group, as if a compiled celestial net, dragging the world to destruction.

At the cost of the world's destruction, the power of the World Destruction Millstone is slowly and firmly growing.

On the plate, Aaron sat in silence, feeling the truth that came back from breaking the world.

The faint Dao Yun echoed, seemingly the final elegy.

At this time, Aaron was full of joy. He clearly felt that his cultivation practice was constantly improving with the great destruction and the feedback of his perception. It was only a short moment that was better than the pain of the past 10,000 years. repair.

In addition to the joy, Aaron also felt a little regret, he thought he should have done so already.

In the past, the near-pure organization such as the Space and Time Administration made him scrupulous. With the pressure of Bai Yujing, he was also reluctant to break up with high-quality allies such as the Space and Time Administration, so he did not destroy the world.

"As it turns out, I was wrong!"

"Instead of believing in so-called allies, it is better to believe in yourself and believe in the annihilation of the world!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Aaron put this anger out of his mind. Now that his allies are defeated, or sealed, or fallen, or the life and death is uncertain, unprecedented confidence has emerged in his heart.

"But it's not too late for the world, let me be the nourishment for moving forward!"

With such a will, Aaron's spirit spirit is intertwined with the World Destruction Millstone, which has raised its power to the extreme.


Shaking arrows, the rotation speed of the large grinding disc began to accelerate.

It was so large that it was overwhelmed by the ultimate power. All the creatures in the plane group felt an unprecedented pressure. Even if no one told, all the creatures realized that the end had come.

All orders are destroyed at this moment, and the spiritual activities of all creatures are extremely intense.

Or collapse, or anger, or sorrow, or cry, or joy

All sentient beings are different.

All kinds of violent spiritual activities burst out of the spiritual power immediately activated the dream world, so that this unreal plane in the eyes of ordinary people does not appear in the chaotic void, suppressed on the annihilation of the millstone.


Unexpectedly, Aaron could not help but groan.

If it is the usual time, Aaron may not be able to respond a bit, but his mental state in a special state is surprisingly good, and he almost directly understands his situation in a flash of light.

"Is the Unreal World piled up by the spirits of all living beings supernaturally magical!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, Aaron realized the supreme supernatural power that he had learned from the Great Destroyer of the World.

The dark magic energy burst out of his body, as if he wanted to dye everything in the world to black, Aaron's body gradually became illusory, and transformed from the existence of the entity into an almost invisible heart demon.

In an instant, he not only relieved the oppressive power of the dream world, but also began to madly absorb the power of the dream world.

"Haha, what about the dream world, in front of my demon road, it's just bait!"

The so-called mind demons are the aggregation of all the thoughts. For Aaron, the dream world is like a huge cake. The countless thoughts gathered in the dream world are enough to transform into the promotion of Aaron ’s magic road. grain.

Coupled with the perception of giving back to destroying the world, Aaron could almost imagine that his road ahead was suddenly bright.

Thinking of this, Aaron couldn't control himself anymore and laughed.


"It's noisy!"

The clear voice echoed in the void.

Aaron's laughter could not help but suffocate, it was only a word, and there was no special power to gather on it, but Aaron felt a dignified sense of crisis germinate in his heart.

At the next moment, the vast mysterious power is like flowing water, if the flames, swept from the unknown void.

Aaron's body almost collapsed under the impact of power.

Although turning into a demon body made Aaron immune to the impact of the dream world, it also reduced his defense to an extreme point. Therefore, under the impact of mysterious power, Aaron walked directly on the edge of life and death!

"Damn it! World-Worshiping Millstone !!"

Aaron, who had escaped from the dead, was full of anger, which directly activated the power of the World Extinguisher.


The grinding disc is a meal first, and then runs more intensely.

Numerous planes of the plane group are mourning, and the destructive power released by the grinding disc is unknowingly transformed into another force, no longer destroying the plane, but directly drawing power from the source of the plane.

The dark light burst out from above the grinding disc, and after guarding Aaron, it spread out in all directions.

While the black light eroded the sky and clouds, it expelled the mysterious power from nowhere.

In less than a moment, everything around turned into endless darkness.


Seemingly seeing the power of the World Warrior, the indifferent voice reappeared, but this time there was a trace of surprise in the voice.

Along with the meaningful words, the dark void opened a mouth directly.

The sense of crisis in Aaron's heart suddenly surged

Danger, danger, extreme danger!

Aaron's head was almost blank, only the idea of ​​running away,

Just waiting for him to put it into action, I saw that in the empty mouth, the red-haired boy in the Chinese robe hunted out slowly, the simple decoration, the young man who appeared indifferently at first glance, it looked like a very beautiful picture at first glance Picture scroll.

But Aaron's sense of crisis soared to the extreme with the other party's light footsteps toward him!

Perhaps it must be the opposite of things. At this time, Aaron calmed down, and then he realized the identity of the red-haired boy in front of him-the master of Bai Yujing, the manipulator of Vientiane, the principle of the principle of infinity!

This is not Aaron's knowledge, but because the presence of the boy in front of him is too special.

He is like a phenomenon that has existed since ancient times, the origin of all laws.

As long as you stand in front of the other party, any presence with a little power can know the other party's name, just like ordinary human beings facing the vast universe, you don't need to specifically inform you, you can also understand the greatness of the universe ..

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