My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 69: Eternal battle

This is a war enough to remember the history of chaos.

Both the Nagato and the leader of the beast civilization have done their utmost, as if the long river of truth that runs through endless chaos is interwoven with the invincible giant beast that can easily tear the plane, roaring and roaring one after another.

The fighting is extremely fierce and terrifying, just a few aftermaths are enough to destroy every plane.

And with the passage of time, the intensity of the battle is still rising.

So much so that the chaotic instinct finally couldn't sit still.


Sudden roar echoed throughout the chaos. At this moment, all the creatures, even the Taoist ancestors above, could feel their own strength and were drawn.


Encountered such a change, the stardust outside the battlefield was obviously a bit unprepared.

In general, the seal she is maintaining is flawed.

At the next moment, the huge star seal was broken.

God Lord, Buddha Lord and Xi Reappear!

However, at this time, Stardust had no intention to take care of the three Taoist ancestors. Her eyes looked straight at the battlefield in the distance. I saw that there was an unknown power on the battlefield that collapsed the entire battlefield.

Almost in less than a moment, the two Dao ancestors who were fighting were sealed into the void of nowhere.

"how come?!"

Seeing this scene, Stardust's face was full of surprise.

The girl didn't worry about the safety of Nagato, and not to mention that in her heart, the man was absolutely invincible, not to mention that in the past, the two of them had established the deepest contract on the soul.

Through the contract, Xingchen knew that Nagato was not only okay, but because of the epiphany, he was going to a higher level.

She was amazed by what happened before her and what was going on.

"It's an eternal battle!"

At this moment, the Divine Lord suddenly opened his mouth, and saw that this long-standing Taoist prince was no longer proud, but boasted, "I didn't expect that I would witness the eternal battle between the ancestors for the second time."

"What is an eternal battle?"

It was n’t anyone else who asked the question, it was Stardust.

As the youngest Taoist ancestor in the world, Stardust's mind is simpler than other Taoist ancestors, because after hearing the word of the Divine Lord, he almost instinctively asked.

It was just that she was not an ignorant girl after all, and she immediately made a warning posture after speaking.

Stardust knows that the three Taoists around him are enemies.

"Not so wary."

Seeing the stardust's alert, there was a wry smile on the face of the Divine Lord, and he said, "Since the new Taoist ancestor has not been promoted successfully, then we will not shoot again."


It is said that the alert on Xingchen's face is still unabated.

"of course it's true!"

At the same time, the bitter smile on the face of the Divine Lord was even worse, indicating Stardust to look at the Buddha Lord and Xi who were slightly away from him. "Don't say to join forces to deal with you, now we three must guard each other."

"Well, I see."

Slightly silent, Stardust finally slightly calmed the alert look on her face, and then the girl remembered her own question, "Yes, you haven't answered it yet, what is the eternal battle."

As soon as the girl's voice fell, even the surrounding Buddha Lord and Xi moved slightly, seeming to be curious.

"Eternal battle, that's the top battle of chaos!"

Hearing the question from Stardust, a trace of memory appeared on the face of Divine Lord, and said with emotion, "Our Taoist ancestors are the most chaotic gods in this chaos. The battle between us can affect thousands of worlds and countless souls. "

"And once the two ancestors did not hesitate to burn their roots to carry out a desperate battle, their power is so great that they can even shake the foundation of chaos."

"Under such circumstances, the chaotic instinct will draw the power of all living beings and chaos to banish the battlefield."

Speaking of which, the God Lord paused slightly, and then said, "Now the Lord of Beast Civilization and the Lord of Reason may be fighting the battle of life and death in the eternal void between chaos and reality. Only the winner can return to chaos."

"How did you know!"

Hearing this, Xingchen couldn't help asking.

"Because I have seen it!"

I do n’t know why, the arrogant Divine Lord has answers to Stardust ’s questions, and is even mild. “In the long past, I have witnessed the eternal battle between the Immortal Lord and the Devil Lord.”

"Well, I see."

There was a sudden flash of light on Xingchen's face, and he said with some joy, "That is to say, Brother Nagato can come back as long as he kills the big monster, which is really great."

As soon as the girl said this, the gentleness on the face of the Divine Lord disappeared, and he couldn't help whispering:

"Perhaps it was the victory of the behemoth civilization."

"Brother Nagato will not fail, hum, you are a bad person, ignore you!"

Hearing the Divine Lord's whisper, Xingchen did not hesitate to refute. As soon as the words fell, the whole person turned into starlight and disappeared.

"Wait, your name"

Seeing that the stardust disappeared neatly, the face of the Divine Lord changed drastically, and finally he could only be silent.

But beside him, the Lord Buddha did not know when he had disappeared.

Only the sun shrouded in the mist all over his body remained.

I saw her with a small smile and said, "I really did not expect that the famous God Lord would actually fall in love."

"Huh, how about that!"

Faced with ridicule, God's arrogance returned once again, and he disdain to deny his will.

As Xi said, he did like Stardust. The subtle nature of the personality of Stardust's chaotic son attracted him deeply-although the Divine Lord himself did not understand these reasons.

The Divine Lord is only instinctively understanding, and he instinctively desires to get the body and mind of the other party.

"But people don't have you in their hearts."

With a chuckle, Xi said the worst situation for the Divine Lord, "The woman in love is very stubborn, and the Taoist ancestor in love is absolutely paranoid. If you have a normal strategy, you have no chance."

"What do you mean?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the breath of the Divine Lord gradually became awe-inspiring.


Looking at Divine Lord's reaction, Xi said lightly: "I have a way for you to get that girl."


On the other side, the stardust that just returned to the chaotic starry sky gave a slight meal.

Just now, she seemed to feel an inexplicable maliciousness, but soon, the maliciousness disappeared, and the girl who couldn't understand the reason just remembered it and was ready to tell him after the victory of the eternal battle of Nagato. .

The girl didn't have the heart to ignore it. After all, Nagato told her many times that Daozu's premonition would never go wrong.

"It's just when Brother Nagato returns, it's so troublesome!"

Thinking so, when the girl returned to the central hall of the main city of Baiyujing, she saw at first glance the red-haired boy meditating on the throne of the hall.

"Brother Nagato ?!"

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