My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 76: Speculation and Lingzi

In the end, Einhardt was late.

When the girl shouted the report in front of many classmates and teachers, the shadow area in her heart was almost imaginable under the curious eyes.

Fortunately, Einhardt's performance advantage on weekdays, and occasionally late to get the teacher's understanding.

When the girl with flushed cheeks sat down in her place, she looked at the master who had just worshipped and walked into the classroom, and looked around. She couldn't help thinking.

Nagato didn't know his new disciple's thoughts, he was looking around with curiosity.

The Imperial Royal Elementary School where Einhardt is located is a school affiliated to the Imperial Royal Academy. There are also Royal Middle Schools, which together form the Empire's education system. Among them, the Royal Elementary Schools are spread all over the country, with a total of 3,000.

The number of secondary schools is much less, there are only 81, and there is only one emperor royal college.

Of course, in addition to the Imperial College, there are other colleges.

But how to say, compared with the colleges supported by the entire empire, other colleges are equivalent to Pheasant University to a certain extent, no matter the faculty or knowledge savings, there is more than one level difference.

The Imperial Royal Elementary School where Einhardt is located is numbered 1817. It occupies a huge area and is as large as a town.

It actually includes the apartment where Einhardt lives, which is also part of the elementary school.

Almost all of these apartments are rented to excellent students for free.

Speaking of this, it was only ten years before the civil war of human civilization. The empire was a waste of life, but so many primary schools were still established, and it was really puzzling to improve its own education system.

Regarding this issue, Nagato was originally read in the memory of Einhardt. Obviously, the girl also thought about this issue.

According to the girl's memory, after studying for a long time, she can only attribute it to the policy of the empire.

In Einhardt's research, the professional system of human civilization is strange.

After counting many known occupations, Einhardt found that the gap between the strengths and weaknesses of the professionals is very large. The powerful people can destroy the city and destroy the army even at the turn of the stage, and the weaker ones are actually better than ordinary people. A trace.

The reason for all this lies in the two modes of professional promotion, inheritance and awakening!

Inheritance, as the name implies, is to inherit an existing occupation. Senior professionals can gain insight into all the information that they have achieved as professionals and organize them into materials to guide later generations into employment.

Only in this way, the latecomers can surpass the limitations of the previous generation and walk out of their own way.

Awakening is the path of the first generation of professionals.

In the absence of any guidance and help, or by studying themselves, or epiphany between life and death, awakening their own profession, such a professional belongs to the pioneer, and their future needs to be developed by themselves.

Only awakened professionals have strengths and weaknesses, and their awakened occupations also have strengths and weaknesses.

But after all, the talented people are girls, and the most in the world are mortals.

As a result, many awakeners have poor careers.

From the perspective of the entire empire, rather than awakening these people to poor careers, it is better to provide them with more ordinary and moderate occupations through education to ensure the strength of the empire.

Of course, in Einhardt's view, the empire may have the intention to reduce the appearance of the kind of guy who awakens and destroys the world.

I have to say that Einhardt's research and speculation are very reasonable.

From this point of view alone, the girl is worthy of long-term investment. Of course, she can speculate to this point that she can't be separated from the development and influence of Supreme Pearl on it.

After all, she had to be transformed into a body that could adapt to the will of Nagato.


"It's still too tender!"

Glimpse at Einhardt quietly, and Nagato smiled softly. The imperial education system may indeed have some dark thoughts, but otherwise, it definitely has a more important purpose.

From the memory of Einhardt, Nagato could feel that the founder of the empire was a hero.

Such an existence will definitely not be afraid of any challenger.

"So, what is the reason?"

Secretly whispering, the red-haired boy strolled out of the classroom and came to the school playground. At this time, some classes were taking physical education classes, but they were different from the physical education classes in the memory of the long door.

From unarmed combat to gun training, to team unity, it's all combat training.

"It seems that the empire's crisis is great!"

Thinking this way, and thinking of what I know, the past fifty years of human history, Nagato understood the whole story almost instantly, "So, it seems that the third reiki impact is coming." Yes, the third aura impact!

Although there is no evidence for the time being, Nagato is sure that it is definitely the reason.

As for the basis for his judgment, it is an inference.

In terms of results, the initial Aura Shock spawned the evolutionary era and contained the distorted monsters infected by the abyssal forces, while the second Aura Shock shattered the ambition of mankind to return to the earth.

If Reiki Impact is used as a means, and it is motivated to use this means, isn't that the true earth consciousness lady!

"It's just, if my reasoning is correct, what is the third Aura Impact for?"

I couldn't help flashing my doubts in my mind, and Nagato's thoughts were turning rapidly, but I always found that the third reiki shock seems to have no benefit to the real earth consciousness.

"Don't it, is that guy offended ?!"

While subconsciously drawing this conclusion, Nagato realized vaguely that he seemed to be right, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the red-haired boy became more and more curious about Reiki and even the professionals he spawned.

Nagato is an activist. Since curiosity arose, he immediately took action.

The first time, Nagato found a professional within the school.

It was a magician who was meditating in the back room of the school.

The unreal figure of Nagato came without any obstruction. With a slight movement of will, the meditation professional was immediately stunned, and no defensive rune had been triggered around him.

Afterwards, Nagato did not have any second words, and took a memory read directly to the magician in front of him.

I have to say that legal professionals are legal professionals, and they have much more knowledge in their memory than the talented student Einhardt, and the information about the professionals is more detailed.

The division of professionals after taking up a job is very simple, that is, simple one-turn, two-turn, three-turn and four-turn.

One-turn professionals are the original powers, and their bodies will produce psionic organs of their own profession, used to expel the spirits between the world, and then derive all kinds of incredible powers.

The second-turn professionals began to derive a vitality field, regardless of life span or strength, they began to surpass ordinary professionals.

The three-turn professional is a pinnacle of the professional. In this state, the vitality field, the psionic organ, or the spirit of the professional will achieve a perfect unity, and the theoretical life expectancy will reach half a hundred.

The four-turn professional is a leap in the professional system, and those who enter this situation are enough to call God.

Nowadays, there are only four dozen professionals on earth.

The founder of the empire is one of them.

According to the magician's memory, I don't know when it started, there are still five revolutions on the earth. It is said that the four revolutions are not the ultimate of professionals. On top of it, there is another five revolutions.

"Professional, interesting system!"

Interpreting the magician's understanding of the professional, Nagato didn't take it seriously. Anyway, this is just an ordinary one-time professional understanding. There are definitely a lot of mistakes.

After digesting the other party's memory, Nagato's will power began to penetrate into the other party's body.

The psionic organ of a magician is a magic circuit that surrounds him.

This kind of psionic organ and nerve tissue are almost one body. To a certain extent, it is very similar to the magic circuit of the moon type world. As the magic messenger of the moon type world, Nagato knows this very well.

Under such circumstances, the red-haired boy took some time to peel off the magician's psionic organs.

Not paying attention to the blood spilled from the magician, the long door looked at the mesh circuit suspended in front of his eyes, and his will appeared, slowly eroding the circuit, analyzing the components of the circuit, and soon, he discovered A special presence.

It is a kind of existence that is condensed in the deepest of the network loop and has a dual state of matter and energy.

The aura absorbed during the operation of the mesh circuit will be separated and integrated into it.

Above it, Nagato can even sense a lot of information.

After extracting this information, the red-haired boy found that the information was specific information for the profession of magician.

"It turns out that this is the essence of the professional system!"

Under high-level construction, many problems are solved in the eyes of Nagato. "If you guess right, this is the original power of the real universe. Whether it is aura or a professional, it is just a variation of this power."

"The specific situation is not very clear, so let's call it-Lingzi!"

There was a scorching glow in Nagato's eyes, and he could feel that Lingzi was very important to himself, and thinking about it, the red-haired teenager directly and violently extracted Lingzi from the magic circuit.

Soon, the Lingzi fell into the hands of the long door, and the magic circuit was completely turned into fly ash.

The next moment, the figure of Nagato disappeared.

Only one messy room was left. ..

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