My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 107: The so-called restraint!

Maybe people are not as good as heaven.

Noah's calculations are wonderful. Both the starting point and the method of implementation seem reasonable and reasonable. In theory, she can accomplish her purpose and put Saya into the right path of civilization.

But theory is only theory after all.

Some beings are beyond common sense, just like Saya!

When the torrent of Noah's incarnation and civilization struck Saya's soul, her consciousness came to an unspeakable, unbookable, indescribable mysterious place.

The end of infinity made Noah feel an infinite crisis.

In this ending, she witnessed a horror obsession that could not be described in words.

Through the endless time and space, twisting thousands of reincarnations, surpassing destiny!

To be honest, Noah could not understand how normal creatures have such a terrible obsession, even the ultimate Taoist ancestor, this obsession is really a bit extraordinary.

The heretics in the heretics are so paranoid that it is terrifying.

The torrent of civilization transformed by girls not only did not crush Shaye's obsession, but at the moment of approaching the obsession, the mighty torrent of civilization was almost distorted and assimilated.

If it weren't for her to act decisively and immediately withdraw from the other party's mind, the consequences might be unimaginable.

"What the **** are you doing?"

It was difficult to stop the retrogressive trend. Noah's eyes were only on Saya in the distance, "even if it is the so-called perfect Taoist, but you guys are too abnormal!"

During the speech, Noah glanced at the end of the field of vision, the cracks in the space barrier.

This battlefield space is no ordinary space.

It is unusual to be able to be a space where the Daozu level exists on the battlefield, not to mention a space that can resonate with the Daozu level and burst out with greater power.

The name of this space is between civilizations.

As the name implies, civilization is sublimated to a space derived from the extreme. It exists in the hearts of all sentient beings of civilization and is formed by condensing the soul of all sentient beings. There is a tendency of detachment and chaos.

Noah lurked into the real earth through this space and the real world traversal as a medium.

In a sense, this space is the foundation of Noah.

As Noah ’s own civilization continues to improve, this space will continue to sublimate. If there is enough time and accumulation, this space can even become an independent world, transcending endless chaos.

After all, the endless chaos itself is the product of the soul and spirit of all beings on the real earth.

From this point, the way of civilization is the way of chaos simulation.

This is the road Noah practiced, an upright road with clear prospects.

Therefore, when she saw the cracks in the space barrier, the girl felt terribly distressed. She knew that this kind of thing would happen, and killing Noah would not put the battlefield here.

Thinking of this, the girl's eyes burst into tears of regret.

"Ah, if it scares you, you can only apologize."

Standing quietly in the void, Saya looked at Noah's gesture at this time, gently covering her small mouth, and smiled softly, "Actually you should know, after all, you have been to that place in Saya's heart, haven't you?"

Listening to Saye's prompt, Noah couldn't help but startled.

There was an infinite shock in her eyes.

Noah had also felt before, but she still felt very incredible when she really heard what Saya had said-Saya's spiritual space was actually between civilizations! Yes, between civilizations!

Although it is different from her civilization, not only does it not have the slightest vitality, but only an infinite end, but after careful recall, Noah can still be sure that it is between civilizations.

Of course, that is between civilizations after the end of civilization.

This horrible guy actually obsessed with himself, ended the way of civilization that he was about to embark on, and even took this as a step to embark on an unimaginable road of terror.

Weapons like killing dragons and gods will have features like dragon slaying and **** killing.

Saya's power also has a hint of civilization nemesis.

Its soul is the origin of the end of civilization.

Because of this, in a sense, Saya is Noah ’s nemesis, and the torrent of civilization of Noah ’s incarnation will be defeated when he hits the other ’s soul.

"You guys are totally enemies of all beings!"

Thinking of this, Noah couldn't help but speak softly, thinking of the end of this road, Noah's face gradually dignified, "Does your ultimate goal is to end the entire chaos!"

"Well, who knows."

Faced with Noah's inquiry, Saya's face remained unchanged, still with a faint smile, "But after all, we are still fighting, then continue."

"and many more!"

Seeing that Saya was about to start, Noah hurriedly spoke, ready to stop.

Now that the civilization is traumatized, the girl is not ready to continue to work, although it is not without power to fight again, but it is not cost-effective if it really damages its own roots.

It was a pity that her words had just been spoken, and Saya in the distance had already started.

This time, Saya was real!

"Boom !!!"

The girl's form suddenly dissipated in the void.

At the same time, a huge shock reverberates throughout the space, as if there is some horrible existence waking up, and the terrifying sense of crisis continues to stimulate Noah's body and mind.

If it were n’t for the ancestors of the Daozu level, they would have lost their composure.

And the next moment--


A huge ring emerged out of space!

Nothingness, silence, and great shore!

Noah can clearly see that the river contains immense souls. This is a terrible long river composed of endless souls. The river flows endlessly, like a giant snake head and tail, swallowing everything.

This is the manifestation of Saya's law, the long river of soul, or-the mother river of soul!

Then, before Noah's shock had receded, the huge ring directly covered Noah, the power of terror shook the void, and the whole space shook away with the action of the giant ring.


Feeling the foundation of space shaken, Noah's face flashed with anger.

"Don't go too far, you bastard!"

In this way, Noah burst out of immense arrogance throughout his body, blessing between civilizations, and then evolved a more powerful force, bombarded towards the giant ring covering down.

"Boom !!!"

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