My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 115: Extermination and Advent

Nine words mantra!

Originally a mantra in the Taoist classics of the old era, after years of training and creation by Jun Wushuang, it has become the strongest move in his hands.

Compared with the four-turn, the strongest in the five-turn level has the biggest feature in the sky.

Beyond the scope of the field, it can be called a half-plane hole.

But this also raises another problem, that is, the home buyers' body is a little too small compared to the sky embedded in the void.

Therefore, the five-turn path is to hone the body through the power of the sky until it can bear the sky.

The nine-character mantra is Jun Wushuang's highest achievement on this path.

Through the power of these nine-character mantras, Jun Wushuang can strengthen himself to the greatest extent, simulate the operation of Dongtian, and draw the power of Dongtian in different ways.

Such as Lin Zi Jue summons Dong Tian projection, Zhen Zi Ju simulates Dong Tian cycle

The simultaneous use of the nine-character mantra is—

"Dongtian is coming!"

With the angry will of Jun Wushuang, the huge world that was like a mirage at this moment seemed to enter the reality from the illusion and manifest in the air.

"Boom !!!"

The huge sense of existence makes the time and space of the entire battlefield vaguely present a feeling of bulging, which makes one cannot help but think of an inflated balloon.

The power emanating from the faint world of Dongtian is even more horrifying.

The lava devil who slammed up immediately hit a ‘iron plate’.


In the violent roar, the devil ’s horrible body of more than 300 meters fell straight down from a high altitude path, and hit a tiankeng fiercely on the ground.

The spider-like fissures spread frantically in all directions around the big pit.

However, this is not the end.

The real manifestation of the cave world did not let the devil out, and turned it into a super horrible meteorite, which fell directly from the sky and bombarded the sky pit where the devil was.


Unprecedented shocks of terror spread in all directions.

The entire continent of Yingzhou has been steadily shaking during this impact. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and even mudslides and other disasters have appeared throughout the continent.

For a time, Yingzhou mainland seemed to enter the end.


Under the unprecedented attack, the Lava Demon King was seriously injured, and in the mad roar, the power of terror poured out from the Demon King's huge body.

The coercion, or gaze, pervading in the void has also increased over time.

It is not only suppressing the outbreak of Jun Wushuang, but also helping the devil.


"It's useless!"

Strongly enduring the weakening of the pressure of the void, Jun Wushuang, who had a pale face, said softly, "I will not give you any chance, go to die."

The surging murderous intention immediately caused the temperature of the void to drop a lot.

The cave that cracked down on the devil began to work.

The power derived from this is far beyond the supreme power possessed by individual creatures. In an instant, Jun Wushuang's cave is like a huge grinding disc.

The horror demon up to three hundred meters has become a prey under the millstone.

The operation of the grinding disc makes the life of the devil continue to end.

The whole process lasted three full minutes.

During this time, the Demon King had several crazy outbreaks, but without exception, they were suppressed by Jun Wushuang. Until the end, the Devil's life finally came to an end.


Wounded the demon king, Jun Wushuang's face was spitting pale.

Although he is one level higher than the so-called Demon King in terms of rank, when it comes to the nature of life, he is not as good as the dark Gaia's minions.

Jun Wushuang also paid a great price to annihilate the Demon King, and he needed to rest well for a while.

In thought, Jun Wushuang's eyebrows rose slightly, he could feel that the original pressure of the surrounding void had dispersed, and his body suddenly lightened.

Secretly pursing his lips, Jun Wushuang did not say much, but the joy of defeating the devil was reduced by more than half.

Not long afterwards, monarchs and other people who retreated from the distance due to the aftermath of the battle came one after another.

"His Majesty!"

"Have seen the emperor!"

"Father Emperor!"

Looking at Jun Wushuang, who stood in the middle of the ruined battlefield, and the ruined world around him, everyone couldn't help but burst into cheers.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, the war ended.

The demon king that ravages the world is hereby awarded.

Located in the center of the cheering crowd, Jun Wushuang looked around and smiled towards everyone around him. Eventually his eyes focused on his own son, Jun Xie.

Just waiting for Jun Wushuang to say something, a faint sigh appeared around him.

Obviously it was just a simple sigh, but it clearly appeared in the ears of the people, evoking the minds of the people.

The cheer came to an abrupt halt, and everyone's pupils contracted instantly.

The sense of horror sprang up.


Jun Wushuang's cultivation was the highest. At the first time, he captured the direction of the source of the sigh and turned his head to look. A white youth figure appeared in his vision.

Seeing Jun Wushuang's move, everyone followed his gaze


A look of uncertainty flashed on Lincoln's face, although in terms of appearance, the old figure in front of him was indeed the master of the Holy See and the Pope he knew.

But the subtle breath looming on the other side made the President of Iron Fist somewhat uncertain.

More than Lincoln, everyone else thinks so.

The reason is that the pope's breath is too detached.

It seems to be above everything!

"Dark Gaia!"

He gritted his teeth and said the name. The face of Jun Xie suddenly changed, which came from the memory of the future, so that he soon understood how the other party exists.

Obviously, the dark Gaia, with the pope's body bearing the will, came.

"Whoosh !!"

Before the words of Jun Xie had been settled, he saw that the Pope raised his right hand, the index finger and **** together were a little bit emptied, and a pure white laser appeared out of thin air, pointing directly at the heart of Jun Xie.

The laser seems to penetrate through time and space, and its speed is so fast that Jun Xie has no time to react.


At the moment when Jun Xie was about to fall under the laser, Jun Wushuang shot, and saw that the lord of the empire instantly drew the power of the sky and condensed into a huge mirror.

The laser bombarded a huge mirror, then refracted it out, traversing a long crack on the ground

ps: The protagonist returns in the next chapter:

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