My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 125: Fairy war

The witch's shot was extremely fierce.

The light of death is a forbidden curse. As the manifestation of the law of death, it has a lore-like effect in the hands of ordinary wizards.

But even so, this attack is only trouble for the Immortal Lord.

It belongs to the kind of attacks that can be easily blocked with a little defense.

But for the existence of non-Dao ancestors is different.

It can be seen from here that the witch master's shot is only a temptation, but he does not mind taking advantage of this temptation to kill all three thousand listeners in the Zixiao Palace.

It is important to know that these three thousand Daoists are the pillars of the Immortal Dao civilization, and once they are overthrown, the civilization will be a disaster.

But what kind of character is the fairy lord, and he has been alert for a long time?

The answer is obviously no!


The chemical jade dish located above the head of the immortal master emits infinite amount of light, as if dispelling the darkness, directly destroying all the black radiance that symbolizes the law of death.

Not only that, the infinite amount of radiance also turned into a strong impact, striking the witch master at the entrance of Feixiao Palace.

"Your Excellency, you have done too much!"

An angry voice spit out from the mouth of the immortal master. I saw that the immortal master waved his robe, and all the many listeners on the battlefield were included in his sleeve.

Then he looked straight at the witch lord, his eyes gleaming in the depths of his eyes.

"After that, what then?"

Faced with the anger of the fairy lord, the witch lord seemed extremely leisurely. "Since I am here, it means that we must fall between each other. So, is there anything to worry about?"


Listening to the word of the witch lord, the fairy lord appeared silent.

But his heart was already roaring.

To be honest, Immortal Lord really doesn't know why the witch master **** will find himself. Although the life-and-death battle between Dao ancestors is almost a future destined trend, it should not be the witch master.

In the prediction of the fairy lord, either the lord of reason or the real earth consciousness found himself.

In addition, there should be no Dao Zu dare to provoke themselves.

But who knows, the witch master has come to the door.


With a sigh of his own forecast mistake, the eyes of the Immortal Lord gradually became dangerous. "Indeed, since you are here, then we must fall down."

"So, make jade dish, suppress me!"

Accompanied by the order of the Immortal Lord, the synthetic jade dish above it suddenly became larger, and it exploded in immense brilliance and Qingyun, surrounded the Witch Lord, and even sealed it.

And in order to prevent the opponent from revolting, various sounds sounded around the void, disturbing the mind of the opponent.



Sudden roar burst out of the infinite amount of light and Qingyun.

Then a super giant Hydra of more than three thousand meters roared free from Qingyun, and nine grimaceous mouths burst into an infinite amount of black light at the same time, bombarding the jade dish.


The violent roar cracked on the guardian enchantment of the chemical jade dish.

At the next moment, the huge jade dish returned straight to the top of the fairy master.

"Sure enough, Yudie's attack and defense are inadequate!"

With such emotion, the immortal master didn't care at all. He glanced at the grisly Hydra and pointed at the jade dish, and there was a vibrato in the jade dish instantly.

Afterwards, including Zixiao Palace, a huge formation was displayed over a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

The void presented an endless distortion of time and space, and then the entire battlefield expanded undisturbed, twisted, and instantly, Hydra appeared in an inexplicable space.

Facing this sudden change, Hydra was silent for a moment, and then took the most violent method.

That is-destruction!

Destroy everything you see in front of you!


So the huge roaring sounds came and went throughout the world, and the damage caused was getting bigger and bigger. Soon, the whole world shattered under the destruction of Hydra.

However, what appeared after the world shattered was still a twisted world.

Although different from the previous world, it is still in the middle of the battlefield.

"Ha ha!"

Faced with this situation, Hydra chuckled like thunder, and then saw the scales of the Hydra slightly open, and a monstrous and twisted monster emerged from the scales.

After the monsters appeared, they changed shape and changed into another silver-white creature.



The monsters opened their blood basins directly, and used the empty space as food to crush them. In this way, under the bites of the monsters, the whole world quickly collapsed.

Unsurprisingly thereafter was the third twisted world, which by the way was filled with endless flames.

These flames are not ordinary, they are the legendary Samadhi.

Obviously, this is to deal with twisted monsters.

But at this moment, the twisted monsters changed one after another, and there was a touch of red on the silver-white basis, and then there was more Samadhi in their food.

World collapse, reappear, collapse, reappear

Almost every new world will have some wonderful elements, mainly used to deal with twisted monsters, but people can not help but admire that those twisted monsters are really powerful.

Their adaptability is invincible, they can change themselves in accordance with changes in the environment, and thus devour everything.

Finally, after the collapse of the ninety-ninth world, the celestial lord finally appeared.

The formation has not collapsed, but he can't stand it anymore.

Immortal Lord can be seen, in addition to acting as a battlefield and reducing his own losses, he can't help the enemy in front of him.

and so--


It is still a fake jade dish made by hand.

Then Yudie started to run

"Boom !!!"

I saw that with the operation of the chemical jade dish, the immense amount of chemical power appeared in the sky, condensed into a black, extremely mad devil, and rushed up with a world-destroying millstone.

The immortal master recreated his old enemies with his mighty power and became his own puppet.

Facing the attacking demon, Hydra was slightly stunned and opened his mouth instantly.

Nine huge snake mouths instantly condensed terrifying energy.


Nine channels of dark energy converge in the air, condensing into a powerful and terrifying destruction energy, and the most intense head-on collision with the World Extinguisher Millstone covered by the devil. ..

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