My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 136: Blasting

In the end, Mecha is really powerful.

It's huge enough to shock any creature, an indestructible Xeon defense, a terrorist power that surpasses any creature, and a super destructive power attached to it

The characteristics of Lin Lin make the ultimate mech become a peerless war machine.

However, what is said is that there must be gains and losses.

After the initial shock and surprise, Nagato and Saya realized for the first time that the final mecha with such amazing body and destructive power was definitely not perfect.

It definitely has weaknesses in certain areas.

You know that even chaos itself is not perfect, and unless there is eternal detachment, there is no real perfection.

Any seemingly perfect existence must have its own weaknesses.

The final mecha is the same.

From the beginning, it was clear that the long gate and Saya even divided some thoughts to observe their enemies in the fierce battle. The extremely high realm makes their perception beyond imagination.

Then, almost identically, they discovered the weakness of the final mech.

That is--

"The Final Mecha" x2

At the same time, he said his answer. Nagato and Saya looked at each other with a smile. Then Saya said, "It seems that the final mech is evolving, but the essence is only internal adjustment."

Yes, internal adjustments!

By carefully observing the evolution process of the final mecha, Nagato and Saye clearly concluded that the final mecha does not have the ability to evolve like a bug.

The reason why it looks stronger is that it is adjusted internally and self-optimized.

Again, in the end, the mecha was too huge in the end.

As we all know, scientific creations advocate the combination of theory and experiment. The more high-tech creations, the more they need to be, and the ultimate mech is the same as the highest creation of Atlantis civilization.

But in the end, the mecha's oversized body made it impossible to experiment after it was created.

Therefore, there is definitely something unreasonable in the final mech.

In other words, it is only a semi-finished product!

After understanding this situation, Nagato and others could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and also understood how to deal with the final mech in front of them, that is to exert the strongest power and not give it a chance to adjust.

and so--


As the leader of the Taoist ancestors, Nagato took the lead in action.

I saw that the red-haired boy shouted the name of the gray-haired girl first, and then his figure was slightly trance, and the whole person instantly disappeared in place and appeared beside Stardust.

"Understand, Brother Nagato!"

Hearing the call and looking at the teenager who appeared beside him, Stardust responded with a smile.

The hands of the two did not know when they signed it, and the atmosphere resonated.


The Metatron Cube in the other hand of the gray-haired girl even shined with an unprecedented glory, directly wrapping the girl and the red-haired boy beside her in an endless radiance. Then the whole endless chaos shuddered slightly, and the power of terror continued to gather.


It seemed that the crisis had been sensed, and the mech finally struggled a few times, completely rid of the shackles of the stardust's original formation, and the huge head was raised and the mouth was wide open.

The unimaginable power of disintegration is condensed in the roar of the steel giant, and it will be ejected.

This is the ultimate attack derived from the ultimate mech simulation monster.

Its name-finally roaring!


The terrifying roaring shock broke through the chaos, collapsed the void, and moved towards the place where the brilliance was. Just as the roar was about to hit the place where the brilliance was, the same beam of light bombarded down.

The terrifying collision appeared in the chaotic void, which directly collapsed the large chaotic void.


At this moment, a tremendous sound of dragon chanting echoed through the entire chaotic void, and then saw a brave dragon head with the size of several planes protruding from that brilliance.

Completely ignoring the collapsed chaotic void, the dragon head rushed down and bit the iron giant's shoulder.

The terrifying bite force even bit a little crack on the giant's shoulder.

Faced with the bite of the dragon's head, the steel giant raised his right hand to tear it off.

Just waiting to put his intention into action, the second dragon froze out and bit his right hand, then the third, fourth, and fifth

However, in the blink of an eye, a total of three thousand dragon heads were born with brilliance as the core.

This is the strongest demon created by the combination of Nagato and Stardust.

Based on the authority of Nagato and Stardust in endless chaos, it condenses most of the power of today's chaos. With the symbol of power and the dragon as the form, the ultimate magic dragon manifests.

Under the will of the red-haired boy and the gray-haired girl, the dragon finally roared over the final mech.

No energy attack was used, only the supreme demon body condensed by the mighty power of chaos, and three thousand fierce dragon beasts opened their blood basins and tried to crush the giant's steel defense.

Backed by chaotic authority, the dragon even suppressed the giant once.

It was just that as time went by, the giant kept adjusting itself internally, showing that its own functions continued to evolve and evolve, and it quickly got rid of its disadvantages and entered a collision of even competition.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

A terrifying collision continued to sound in the chaotic void, and a chaotic wave of chaos ignited. I don't know how many planes and creatures dissipated in the aftermath of the collision.

Gradually, the atmosphere of the catastrophe completely filled the void, and there was endless sorrow everywhere in the chaos.


At a certain moment, the breath of the armor finally transformed again, and when it was about to go further, the three dragon heads of the magic dragon blew up at the same time.


The unprecedented big bang suddenly appeared in the history of endless chaos.

The sound of the explosion has lost its meaning. The terrifying force of the explosion directly shakes the foundation of the endless chaos. Senro Vientiane is like a fragile glass plate, which has shattered.

More than that, the power of self-detonation even blasted a huge gap in the body of the final mech.

"It's now!" X2

Since the final appearance of the dragon, Saya and Noah spoke at the same time, and the words of the two girls disappeared directly at the same place before the words fell. ..

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