My Infinite Life

: Lord God Wanted Order [Next]

Come to the seventh day of this world!

The city that entered this world was unexpectedly simple. Using a human skin mask from the space of the main god, Lin Feng replaced the identity of a rogue hooligan, forcibly binding the identity chip through a high-tech computer, and entered the human area easily!

In fact, what Lin Feng did not know is that his so-called high-tech identity chip made by Red Hou was completely exploded, but for the mischief of a certain lady, Red Hou secretly made him succeed!

Within seven days, Lin Feng was a little worried at first, because the Lord God would not let people pass through the customs for no reason. Young people have been worried about not knowing where to rush out of the strong like Miyamoto Rei.

But with the passage of time, Lin Feng suddenly thought that this world is not under the control of the Lord God!

That is to say-

"I don't have to worry about what kind of broken things such as the main **** making the task difficult!"

As a result, Lin Feng calmed down and gradually integrated into the city.

In seven days, Lin Feng fully understood some things in this world, and every time he understood one thing, Lin Feng would vomit once more. It was not that Lin Feng was not calm, but that the world could not calm down!

Ten years ago, the virus experiment of the umbrella company leaked, resulting in the outbreak of a biochemical crisis and zombies rampant

"A decisive biohazard world, this is a terrifying world!" Looking at the beautiful woman named King Ada on TV who published the latest empire policy, Lin Feng didn't know what to do.

Ten years ago, the Japanese goddess of war — Yokoshima, was born. This was the glorious beginning of a generation of goddess of war

"It's worthy of being a school sister, it's really tough!" Taking out the beautiful photos of the poisonous island duo in Dilu's family and looking at it, Lin Feng could only say such a word.

Ten years ago, the Shenluo company was born, replacing the umbrella, and establishing hundreds of bases, which is the cornerstone of the empire

"It is definitely my luck not to see Safiros!" After hearing such a name, the house Lin Feng could only comfort himself so much!

Ten years ago, the devil was born, trying to destroy the world

"What is that eva?" Lin Feng didn't know the pictures of those demons, but they didn't know that they were Zheng Zhe Chu Xuan. It's just that the giants who appeared in the Adam Human Completion Plan are so familiar.

Ten years ago, emperors and angels saved the world

"It's actually Saya, there are hundreds of Saya, and it's really an angel!" Looking at Saya's picture, the otaku was immediately jealous of the emperor. Everyone knows that the angel is the emperor's forbidden.

But when Lin Feng saw the emperor's picture, the whole person was stunned.

"It wouldn't be so coincident, red hair, magic eyes!" Lin Feng was horrified. "Couldn't this be the number one wanted in the space of the Lord God! Void Demon!"

"The emperor's name is the long door of the vortex, and it seems to be familiar. I rely on! Is it the long door of the vortex !!!"

A completely undefeated villain quickly appeared in the knowledge reserve of the otaku, the vortex of the protagonist who played the protagonist and his party in Naruto World undefeated!

The reason why Naruto is famous is because of its excellent plot in the early stage and the collapse of the plot in the later period. The appearance of the whirlpool long gate completely exerts the mainstream style of abuse, because the name of the whirlpool long gate also makes countless otaku housekeepers remember At heart.

"However, if the Void Lord is this guy, it makes people feel that weird feeling should be, but also, this guy has too many cards, the mystery value is too high, but" Sitting in his temporary residence, Lin Feng looked at the watch in his hand. It was only a few minutes before the master watch was about to be connected to the master space, and his task was about to be completed!

"Even he can't resist the Lord's wanted!"

Lin Feng smiled, it was his own victory's coming smile, but the next moment—

"If there is a head-on collision, there will indeed be some dangling." The sudden girl's voice made Lin Feng instantly cold behind him. The young man who turned around saw a beautiful girl in a military uniform who was happily looking at his wrist watch!

"Sand, Saya!"

Lin Feng felt that his voice was hoarse. At this moment, the youth's IQ increased rapidly, and he immediately understood that maybe everything about him has been controlled by others!

After all, they are daring people who dare to fight against the Lord God, how could they know nothing!

"However, under such circumstances, it is still very easy for me to secretly calculate the main god, not to mention the user of the power of space and time like Brother Nagato!"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl in the military uniform reached out to Lin Feng's master watch.

Lin Feng just wanted to get started, but found that he could not move anyway. It was not because of any secret calculations. If it were to be said, it would probably be the feeling that the average person was so scared when facing the tiger!

Just when Lin Feng was frightened, Saya touched the main **** watch--

"Ding, the Lord God watch was attacked by the light of the soul and the counterattack failed. The other party continued to invade the Lord God watch and lost contact with the space."


The master space watch, which could not cause any damage to the nuclear bomb, was actually broken

Lin Feng ’s heart was instantly cold and cold, and at the same time a strange sense of relief. At that moment, Saya opened his mouth, "I think, the so-called Mr. God will definitely be willing to follow us Tell us about some changes of our old friend, Lord God, right! "

"Be sure to know everything, and endless words!" The legendary tiger landing style appeared in front of Saya!

"Target has been successfully contacted!"

"The destination is the world of the pre-Resident Evil series, and after judgment, the wanted target breath matches!"

"Please select the gods in the ultimate zone to prepare for the killing of the most wanted person in the main **** space, the Void Demon King, and you will get a second chance for final test!"

In the pure white world, dozens of powerful figures appear here, everyone's breath is a little floating, it seems to be eager to try, but the next moment-

"Warning, wrong judgment in contact, light of soul intrusion, connection disconnection, virus intrusion, data error"

Rumble! !

The violent roar erupted throughout the space, fortunately no one was killed or injured, but everyone here looked a little embarrassed

"Fuck! What's the situation!"

Even if the people here are the gods of the Ultimate District, this is the first time that such a problem has been encountered. The main **** space has been invaded. Although they have heard of what the guys on the wanted order have done, they are the first time To the skill of the guy on the wanted order!

ps: There is a reason for this outer story to be set for the remaining three wanted people who will appear later! ..

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