My Infinite Life

: Saya Game: Strengthen! Ask for monthly tickets!

The next day.

Above the main **** space platform, Ma Gaoyi, Xi Cheng, Li Manyun, and Hao Fu, a total of four people stood under the main god.

Except for Xicheng, the other three people all had solemn expressions on their faces, as if they were waiting for a sacred moment.

Hao Fu did not know how to be brainwashed by Li Manyun yesterday. In just one day, the expression on his face seemed to have washed away the cowardice and nervousness of ordinary people. He was just cautious and cautious.


At this moment, the fifth door in the space was opened, and everyone looked in the direction of the door. I saw the one who walked out of the door, but not the silver gown girl they imagined, nor the whole body. Alien queen in armor.

It's a woman in extremely simple clothes, showing a large skin, and a flamboyant woman.

The werewolf captain Ma Gaoyi and the newcomer Hao Fu felt that they were a little bit angry for the first time. The woman in front of them gave them the feeling that they wanted to get on to her, but at the next moment, the two saw the silver robe girl behind the woman and suddenly wilted .

It is not that the silver gown girl is not beautiful, on the contrary, the girl's beauty is unmatched by the other two adult women present.

It ’s just the girl ’s fighting power that often makes people ignore her charm.

"You got up so early, it seems that you are all conscious."

Wandering to the four people, Shaye pointed to the woman who was beside him as a guard, and introduced, "Reverse Hair Grow, one of my gods, you know, in the future battle, she will be my ears One."

"So, let's start the exchange, I will not affect your choice, but—"

"There is only one requirement. If you are not strong, you will be at your own risk!"

"I'm too lazy to kill, but the weak are naturally eliminated. This is the characteristic of the team I am in charge of!"

With that said, Saya glanced at everyone and paused a bit as he scanned Xicheng, because in a flash, the girl saw the blood and excitement in the eyes of the vampire—

"Ha ha!"

With a chuckle, Shaye's consciousness was connected with the main **** light ball and began his own exchange—

The strengthening of the main **** is divided into four categories: lineage, secret method, technology, entertainment!

Lineage: The ability to evolve and change at the genetic level to make it another species.

Mystery: exchange of all exercises and items that can be practiced.

Technology: Many weapons and equipment based on science and extended.

Entertainment: debris, ignore!

Saya's interest and enthusiasm were mobilized, and she devoted herself to the study of the Lord God's exchange of goods like the sea. The four major items of blood, secret method, technology, and entertainment were all hurriedly viewed by Saya. Although not all of them have been viewed, it also makes Saya feel very novel.

"It seems that the exchange level of the Lord God has changed, is it no longer specifically pursuing the genetic lock?"

Saya found that there are many, many more choices for exchanging cheats, that is, secret methods than the previous generation of gods.

Obviously, the reincarnation of the first generation of the main **** was easily annihilated by the Nagato, and even exploded the most important thing about the Nakasu main god, giving a great wake up to the evolved second-generation main god.

The so-called genetic lock is only a niche after all.

If it is not the second generation of Saint, or the son of luck, do not want to be promoted to the third order, the fourth order gene lock.

"However, spiritual practice is the mainstream way for all beings in the infinite world to become stronger."

"It's too unscientific to burst something!"

Quietly, Saya looked at his reward points. Probably because Saya rounded all the aliens, he actually got eight thousand reward points and two d-level soul gems.

d, c, b, a, s, these are the five levels in the second-generation main **** exchange.

Although there are only five levels, at this time, Saya can only be converted to the c-level option at most. This is determined by the team level. The second-generation master space has three different settings from the previous generation.

One is that the second-generation Master Space can create teams.

As long as you pay a b-level soul gem, you can create a team, and the team is divided into levels, low-level zone teams, intermediate zone teams, high-level zone teams and ultimate zone teams.

Teams in the low-level zone can only have two levels of redemption permissions, d and c, and only participate in the upgrade task to upgrade the permissions.

The second is that there are different modes of missions in the second generation of Lord God Space. What death mode, upgrade mode, competition mode, and honestly, there is no special meaning in the eyes of Saya.

The third is that there is a black market in the second-generation master space, which will open every three days, only two hours each time.

"What do you think, let's exchange it first!"

Shaking his head, Shaye gave up his useless thoughts and found the bloodline he wanted to redeem—Broken Devil Witch Bloodline!

The bloodline of the Devil Witch Maiden, from the world of Inuyasha, is owned by the witch Kikyo, who guards the Four Soul Jade. It is very destructive to evil creatures, can easily control spiritual power, and is good at using bows and spells.

"Just use the blood of Sister Bellflower, otherwise, this body is too unqualified!"

After spending a d-level soul gem and three thousand bonus points, Saya exchanged for the d-level witch-broken witch blood. In an instant, under the white light, the girl felt that her spiritual power from the soul could finally fit into the body. People are a lot easier at once.

At this time, other people also chose their own exchange.

For example, the werewolf captain showed a stronger werewolf blood power, for example, Li Manyun showed a trace of demon charm, and it seemed to be exchanged for a line with enhanced charm. For example, Hao Fu, showed a trace of ghosts. The anger made Saya slightly interested.

As for Xicheng, this person with the most potential has bone spurs and so-called evil spirits filled his body!

"God, I am not walking on the road of vampires. I am a little disappointed, but after all it is a team member. Then let me look forward to it a little bit!" ..

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