My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 1: New beginning

In the evening, the rain drizzled.

Under the sky covered with dark clouds, the ruined village of the Kingdom of Chuan appears particularly bleak.

As a main battlefield of the Second Ninja War, the weak and humble country of Chuanzhi became the victim of the struggle of the three great powers of the Fire, the Wind and the Land.

Displaced refugees, deserted villages, ruined towns

This country that has been raining all year round is full of sorrow left by the war.

Weiming Town is one of several important commercial towns in Yuren Village, the country of Ninja Village in the vicinity of Kawagawa. It is one of the few towns in the country of Kawagawa that was less damaged by the war.

However, affected by the war, the former commercial towns are now extremely depressed.

A large residential area in the eastern part of the town was also destroyed by the overreacting ninjutsu that temporarily inhabited the Konoha ninja before January, and the parents of Nagato's life were killed at that time.

Also at that time, inspired by the death of his parents, Nagato's soul finally woke up.

"It's been a month!"

In a dilapidated house in the east of the town, the six-year-old child with red hair and purple eyes looked at the drizzle outside the door fascinatingly.

The child's name is Nagato, or whirlpool Nagato!

Nagato was originally not a person in this world, but a graduate student from the azure planet called Earth. He was an orphan since childhood, and he is relatively lonely. He has few friends and even no confidant.

Running back and forth in the days of looking for a job, when the future has not yet come, the sudden earthquake sent Nagato into reincarnation and reincarnated into this world.

To be honest, Nagato did not know whether he was lucky or unfortunate.

Because Nagato knows his life very well, or the life that Nagato was originally destined for!

"In the final analysis, what kind of rebirth is an anime character!"

Such words flashed in my head, the long door did not speak, but only sighed softly.

Nagato-a famous character in the Japanese anime Naruto, a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, the leader of the villain organization, the son of the prophecy in the population of the big toad immortal, Uchiha spot is selected as the heir to the reincarnation eye.

The original Nagato should have experienced the pain of the death of his parents and best friend Yahiko, inherited Yahiko's organization, and became the second leader of Akatsuki, pursuing the ideal of nurturing peace in a painful cycle.

It was only afterwards that he was influenced by the magical power of the protagonist Naruto Uzumaki, regaining his childhood dreams, using the reincarnation to resurrect those who died in the battle of Konoha, entrusting his will to Naruto, and exhausted.

All in all, this is a villain with high popularity and extraordinary strength, but destined for tragedy.

Reborn as such an existence, Nagato did not know whether he should be happy or not.

Although nothing needs to be done, Nagato has one of the strongest plug-ins in Naruto world, the reincarnation eye, but as a price, Nagato is deeply trapped in Uchiha's chess game.

If nothing else, Nagato is sure that there is absolutely no one who is staring at himself in secret.

"What a **** life!"

With a curse in his heart, Nagato calmed his mind. This month after rebirth, Nagato has been baptized by the war years. Whether it is living in a broken house or wearing rotten clothes, it is unbelievable in the past life of Nagato. .

You know, Longmen ’s previous life was also an orphan, but even so, he did not have such a painful experience.

From here, Nagato realized deeply that he was no longer in the original world.

The cruel reality has also thoroughly washed away the impetuousness of Nagato from the previous life.

Therefore, there are still some long gates in some cities.

Nagato knew that as long as he didn't show any flaws, there would be no problems, at least for now.

"Forget it, try extracting Chakra first!"

Thinking in this way, Nagato closed the door, although there was no difference between closing and not closing, and then found a hidden and clean place and sat directly cross-legged.

In this cruel world, only by having the power can you protect yourself.

And the foundation of power is the existence called Chakra.

The so-called Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of the body's control of various components of energy. It is the perfect fusion of physical power and spiritual power. It is the root of the extraordinary existence of this world and the ninja profession.

The extraction of Chakra is the fusion of mental and physical strength in one's own body through special meditation thoughts.

It stands to reason that this kind of meditative thought is not available.

However, in the disaster a month ago, in the face of the death of his parents, Nagato inadvertently used the power of the reincarnation eye to awaken the memory of the previous life, killing the overreacting Konoha ninja.

And just then, the long door of memory awakening subconsciously read the memories of some Konoha ninjas using reincarnation eyes.

Then he was lucky to get some memories of ninjutsu and meditation.

In this month, Nagato interpreted that part of memory in detail, and then, with the help of memories of previous lives, it was a preliminary understanding of the cultivation system of ninja.

It's just that he didn't start practicing, but he resisted this impulse and regarded himself as an ordinary orphan of war.

After all, Nagato killed the Konoha ninja, and then there will definitely be a Konoha ninja coming to investigate. If they see an orphan who is practicing Chakra, what will happen?

Thinking of this possibility, Nagato can only temporarily abandon his practice and wait quietly for the limelight to pass.

As for whether the Konoha ninja will find itself through the traces of the scene, Nagano can only say that in a country like Chuanzhiguo where it rains every day, the rain will wash a lot of things clean.

The most important thing is that Bai Jue, who is secretly watching the long door, will help him deal with some possible traces.

Nagato, who was thinking in this way, did not even go too far from his ‘home’ and still lived in Zhendong.

Facts have proved that Nagato's idea is correct. In the past month, Nagato saw the Konoha Ninja and Yuyin Ninja come here to investigate, and then left nothing.

"It's been a month, now it should be safe!"

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and the goalkeeper cleared his last thoughts.

Maintaining the emptiness of his thoughts, the long door closed his eyes slowly, listening to the sounds around him, and the sound of rain, and then began his first formal practice in his life.

ps: When I first wrote, I simply wrote Naruto, but at that time, the two-dimensional series was in power, and I was not firm in my will. Now that the writing of the new book has failed, the old book ca n’t help but open the new pit. The protagonist has no gold fingers, or He is the golden finger himself. ..

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