My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 17: Nagato vs. Big Snake Pill


One of Muye's newly-promoted film-level combination "Three Ninjas".

He is a disciple of Muye Village's third generation Naruto Arihitsu, along with Ziye and Gangshou. He is a wise man who is good at researching ninjutsu and has great talents and accomplishments in forbidden skills.

To be honest, Nagato really did not expect that he would meet each other so early.

"Don't presume that title in my face!"

Immediately after hearing the title of "Three Ninjas" from Nagato, Da She Wan's face changed, his hoarse voice was much deeper, and the murderous sentiment came out of him.

The temperature of the surrounding environment seems to have dropped slightly for a moment, and many people felt goose bumps.

"Well, I get it!"

Seeing Da She Wan's reaction, Nagato suddenly understood.

At this time, the names of Da She Wan, Zi Lai and Gang Shun's "three ninjas" are not as praised and praised by the world as they are in the plot period in the memory of Nagato.

Speaking of "three ninjas", the world thinks not of the prestige of three people, but the power of Shanjiaoyu Hanzo!

With the pride of Da She Wan, it is natural that this situation is unbearable.

In this way, the reason why Da She Wan appeared here is very simple. This man like a venomous snake prepares to overthrow the name of the country of Sichuan, and then sanctions Shanjiao Yuhanzo under the name of the country.

After all, Shan Jiao Yu Han Zang is even stronger, he is also a ninja of the country of Sichuan, nominally a ninja under the name of the country of Sichuan!

In the original work, it may be Da She Wan, or Muye's strategy was successful, so that Shanjiao Yuhanzo, a ninja world deity, had strong strength, but had to become a Muye later.

"But now that I have appeared, I will certainly not allow this to happen!"

The thought flashed through his head. The long gate took a step forward, and the invisible oppressive force diffused, making an invisible confrontation with the murderous spirit of Da She Wan in the void.


Feeling the pressure on Nagato, Da She Wan frowned slightly.

As Nagato had thought, Da She Wan appeared here to retaliate the mountain pepper fish Hanzo, but he really did not expect that he would encounter such a powerful enemy in a simple task that was clearly expected.

The most unacceptable thing for Da She Wan is that this masked enemy is so young!

Although the face covered by the other person's mask makes it impossible to accurately judge the other's age, with his own experience and snake-like senses, Da She Wan still feels that the other person is young and unreal.

Da She Wan admitted that he could not imagine that in ten years, who else in this world would be the opponent of the people in front of him.

Thinking of this possibility, the murderous opportunity in Dashe Maru's heart could not help rising.


At this moment, Ape Fei Xinsuke, who had just been blasted by Shenmen Tianzheng of the Nagato, covered his heart and walked out of the ruins. "Sorry, Brother Da She Wan, it seems that I let you down."

"Speak after meaningless words, Shinsuke, you go back further"

Speaking to Xinsuke in his mouth, Da She Wan raised his foot and walked towards the long door. During the walk, Da She Wan dropped a shuriken, and his hands were sealed: "Shurien Shadow Doppelganger!"

The shuriken was divided into two, two changed into four, and four changed into eight. In less than a moment, the sky was covered with dense shurikens, all covering towards the location of the long gate.

Faced with the attack of Da She Wan, Nagato did not perform the Shen Luo Tian Zheng as usual.

After all, the target is the dangerous enemy such as Da She Wan, and the almost absolute defense ability of Shen Luo Tian Zheng, it is still more appropriate to be the final insurance.

Immediately, the red-haired boy's hands were raised, and the seal was printed at an alarming speed.

"Wind escape-thousand face wind!"

With the seal of the long door, thousands of small wind blades appeared in the sky and beheaded towards the dense shuriken. Instantly, the collision between the wind blade and the shuriken sounded round the square. 100 meters.

Seeing that his ninjutsu did not work, Da She Wan was not disappointed, but continued to seal.

Before the red-haired boy showed some strange abilities, before really testing out his ability, Da She Wan wouldn't risk close-ups-he didn't want to die inexplicably.


"Tu Dun-Earth Dragon Bullet!"

As the Indian style came out, the ground around Da She Wan turned into a quagmire, and then a grim dragon head appeared in the quagmire, and a large number of mud bombs bombarded towards the long gate.

As for the attack of Da She Wan, Nagato was unwilling to show his weakness: "Feng Dun-Vacuum Great Jade!"

"Boom! Boom !!!"

Several waves of wind escaped from the entrance of the long gate and collided positively with the mud bomb. The aftermath of the collision diffused and directly destroyed the courtyard of the mansion of Sanada Yukimura

"Wow, what a danger!"

At this time, with the help of the ministers, Sanada Yumura, who had been away from the battlefield, looked back at the battlefield and couldn't help but say, "But my mansion seems to be destroyed, obviously I still like it!"

"Don't control the mansion, it's lucky to be able to save your life!"

After hearing Xingcun's words, Wu Yin couldn't help but say, and then a flash of emotion flashed across his face, "But what surprised me the most was Nagato Jun, how long it took him to grow up to this point. "

"Obviously, seven or eight months ago, he did not dare to join in the secret battle between us and the wooden leaf ninja."

"Now, he can actually fight that big snake ball!"

"indeed so!"

Facing the emotion hidden by Wu Yin, Xingcun nodded and said, "Perhaps it is because of the eyes. After all, it is the eye of the legendary Ninjutsu ancestor."

"But the facts are right in front of you, so don't get too thorough."

With that said, Sanada Yumura ’s eyes turned to the white-haired teenager who had been with him all the time, "Ten generations, the battle on the side of Nagato-kun cannot guarantee victory, so I need you to catch other Konoha ninjas. Question. "

"It should be possible, after all they were injured before!"

The white-haired boy gave such an answer in an instant, but it did not satisfy Xingcun. He saw him deeply looking at the boy: "You should know what I mean, what does it mean!"

"I know, I will not kill Ape Feixinsuke!"

Facing Xingcun's gaze, the white-haired boy turned his head and reluctantly replied, and then he finished with one hand, and the sound of "Bang" disappeared into white smoke. ..

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