My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 27: Change of life

Zilai's inquiry was not answered by the big toad fairy.

It was half loud, and it seemed that Zi Zi, who had remembered something, also raised his head. What caught his eyes was a huge toad about fifty meters tall, wearing a black doctor hat.

It was just that the giant toad was leaning on the stone seat, and the huge head was still a little bit.

Unconsciously, the big toad fairy fell asleep.

Zilai also sighed softly. Although she had long known that the Toad Fairy had some dementia and often fell asleep inadvertently, when facing this situation again, Zilai still felt a little speechless.

"Old man!"

"Little Zilai is here too!"

It was n’t just talking, but another toad standing next to the big toad fairy. Compared to the huge toad fairy, this toad is much more normal, only twenty centimeters.

This toad appears upright, wearing a windbreaker, kind-eyed, good-looking, and extremely tolerant.

It is not an ordinary toad, but a deep work of Miaomu Mountain, one of the two immortals who is second only to the big toad immortal, and also the husband of another immortal Zhima.

The big toad fairy has the supreme status in Miaomu Mountain, but it is very old after all, almost irrelevant.

Under such circumstances, Shen Zuo Xian Talent is the true leader of Miaomu Mountain. At the same time, it is also a teacher who directly teaches the power and magic of Toad Toad, one of the "Three Tolerants".

This time, I came to see the Toad Fairy, and it was from the Shensuo Fairy who led the way.

Hearing the call of Shen Zuo immortal, half a sound, the big toad immortal finally woke up slowly from his sleep, with huge eyes slightly opened, carefully looked at Zilai, then slowly said:

"Little Zilai."

"I'm here!"

Straightened slightly, he said aloud from the beginning.

"Remember, the prophecy I gave you?"

"of course!"

Hearing the toad fairy's enquiry, Ziye's eyes narrowed slightly. Not long ago, probably before the battle of the three ninjas, the big toad fairy also made a prediction about Zilai.

You must know that the toad's prophecy is well-known in the entire ninja world.

According to various information that Zilai also occasionally heard from Miaomu Mountain, he knew that the prophecy of the fairy grandfather was almost an inevitable fate, destined to happen.

Therefore, Zilai takes that prediction very seriously.

In that prophecy, the big toad fairy said that he would accept a child as a disciple, and this child would bring unprecedented peace or destruction to the future of ninja.

One day he was forced to make a "choice", and his choice would lead the world to peace or destruction.

Faced with this kind of prophecy, the sense of responsibility is also heavy.


"Grandpa fairy, I have not confiscated the apprentice yet."

As soon as the words were spoken, it seemed that the improper coming came quickly added, "I am not deliberately not accepting the disciples, but I have indeed found no suitable disciples in these years."

"That's normal!"

Facing the narrative of Zilai, the Toad Fairy brewed for a while before slowly speaking, "My prediction is not divination, but is realized through dreaming." "In a deep sleep, my vision can travel through time and space and intermittently see the future mapping of others."

"Because of this, my predictions have always been 100% accurate."

"Just recently I discovered that the future has changed."


Hearing the rare detailed description of the Toad Fairy, the Zhazuo Fairy immediately said loudly, "Sir, this is not a joke!"

As a symbiosis with nature, practicing Chakra for more than eight hundred years without knowing the senility of the fairy, the deep works are definitely knowledgeable.

Therefore, it knows clearly what the "future changed" means in the population of the big toad.

To know that the Toad Fairy predicts the future by observing the projection of the future space and time, in other words, this is an inevitable trend, a destiny torrent.

But now the future has changed, which means that there must be a force enough to reverse fate.

In terms of intensity, it must be the power of six Daoian celestial beings!

Thinking of this, Shen Zuoxian could not help feeling a little heavy-such a powerful force appeared, and it really did not know whether it was a good thing for this world.

Miaomu Mountain has a long history, and there are large living toads like living fossils, so the deep-seated fairy knows a lot of historical truths.

For example, the story between Chakra ancestor Hui Ye and her two sons.

To be honest, Shen Zuo Xianren has always felt that there is no destruction of the world where the three mothers and sons of Huiye have not been destroyed. Each of the three guys has the ability to destroy the world.

"That one"

Seeing such a gesture by Shen Zuo Xianren, Zi Zi was still a bit ignorant, and could not help asking, "Boss, what's wrong with that future change?"

"The problem is big!"

For questions about Zilai, Shen Zuoxian said immediately.

Then he explained the specific reason to Zilai carefully, and then looked at the big toad fairy, "Master, can you continue to see the dream of the future?"

"No, it's impossible for at least ten years."

Speaking of which, there is a little helplessness in the tone of the big toad fairy. For the big toad fairy, peeking into the future in the dream is a rare entertainment for the elderly.

It's just that the change of fate is not that simple. At least the whole time will be turbulent.

Before Changhe returned to stability at that time, it could not continue to dream of foresight.

"So, Grandpa!"

At this time, the splendid coming from the shocking answer given by Shen Zuo Xianren also suddenly asked aloud, "Do you have any clue about the force that changes fate?"

After knowing that there is a force that can withstand the fate of the sky, Ziran naturally cannot sit still.

In other words, few people can sit down.

Zilai didn't have the idea of ​​controlling that power, but he had to determine whether that power was harmful to Muye or the entire ninja world.

Half-noise, the big toad fairy slowly spoke

"Bear Country!"

"The place where the meteor falls!"

"The rebellious teenager will truly complete the awakening" ..

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