My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 32: The choice of Nagato

Nagato's mood at this time is very complicated.

As if there were countless emotions filled in my heart, but it seemed like my head was blank. I didn't even know what I was thinking. I didn't sigh until it was half loud.

Just now, through inexplicable contact, Nagato knew a lot.

He knew that this universe was at the beginning of a new era.

At the end of the last era, there was a terrifying war in the universe that affected hundreds of millions of souls. The ultimate winner, the master of the back that he had just seen, got eternal detachment.

The existence of Nagato is the reflection of the detached eternal who has left this universe.

He was never a rebirth, just a whirlpool gate!


Whispering secretly, Nagato didn't know what he should do.

Such a fact is completely denying the existence of Nagato. You must know that since awakening the so-called memories of past lives, red-haired teenagers have regarded themselves as rebirth from the bottom of their hearts.

Fortunately, after all these years of practice, Nagato's already-grown state of mind made him adapt well to this fact.

But in the face of such a situation, the long door at this time inevitably felt a bit hesitant.

It's just that he was hesitant, and he was a little thankful.

Fortunately, at this time, I understood my true identity. If I knew this fact earlier, I might be too immature to have problems because I can't bear the facts.

But if at a later time, you have a completely established personality and road, it is difficult to accept this fact.

Only at this point of time, the mood is sufficient, but because of the lack of experience, the self who has not established a character path can adapt to it in the shortest time after knowing this fact.

"That guy is completely calculated."

The prototype that had left was flashing in his head, and the long door sighed secretly.

To be honest, the red-haired boy's mood is not very good. Although he knows that the other party is for his own good, but his mood is not good, even with the sense of his prototype is more complicated.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the gift" He "left me."

For a long time, such thoughts flashed in my head, and a mysterious tetrahedron reflected in the vision of Nagato.

According to the information in his mind, Nagato knew that this was the strongest seal in the universe.

Sealed a great enemy of the eternal!

Yes, the enemy!

The eternal man faced countless enemies in his life.

But what can really be called the enemy, but a handful of them, this one is the leader.

For a long time, the other party even surpassed the eternal.

It was only in the final battle at the end of the last era that the Eternal defeated the enemy and sealed it, but then he couldn't help but make trouble in dealing with the enemy.

Because his grievances with this great enemy are too great, whether it is to subdue or to kill, it is a bit difficult.

When he finally left the universe, He saw the presence of the Nagato, and as soon as his spirits moved, he sent the seal of the enemy to the Nagato and left it with a golden finger.

"Golden finger!"

Interpreting the information that the eternal has left in his mind, Nagato became troubled. Although it is a golden finger, in essence, it is through the settings left by the eternal, to extract all the power that the enemy has, which can be said to fulfill all wishes. The means used.

In short, that is—


With emotion, he told the truth of the golden finger, and Nagato thought carefully.

In all fairness, Nagato has too many wishes.

Maybe he wanted too much.

But in the final analysis, it is a question of power.

Not to mention the other, in the current situation of the red-haired boy, he really wants to kill all the Uchiha spots and black and white that have been staring at him, or have the power to kill them.

With power, Nagato can get everything he wants through his own power.

And the power of wishing can undoubtedly make him the most top-notch existence in this universe. After all, that is all the strength of the strongest existence under eternity, which is enough to achieve the long door.


"That's so boring!"

Slightly pondering for a moment, Nagato couldn't help but come to such a conclusion.

Although the years of practice are still short, Nagato is a true practitioner. Although he likes powerful power, he prefers to have powerful power step by step.

The most important thing is that if the wish has that kind of powerful power, Nagato may not be forever.

Although no one told him, Nagato's instinct was telling such a fact.

And after seeing the eternal red-haired boy, he still yearns for that kind of scenery.

Therefore, Nagato Kee endured the endless temptation, or ruled out the idea of ​​direct wishing to gain power, and turned his thoughts to how to use this wishing to give himself an opportunity to achieve eternal success.

Yes, the opportunity!

This is an imported word in Chinese, usually referring to the key, pivotal or decisive link in the development of things.

The red-haired boy does not know how to achieve eternity, but he knows he needs an opportunity.

Having the opportunity to achieve eternity is equivalent to having a beacon on the endless road of the endless road, and the long gate can naturally continue to move towards eternity without being lost halfway.

Thinking of this, Nagato started the setting left by the eternal man according to the information in his mind.

"I wish to get an opportunity to achieve eternal success!"

"as you wish!"

The next moment the wish ended, the indifferent voice rang in the ear of the long door.

Unimaginable power madly poured out from the mysterious tetrahedron, which is far beyond the cognition of red-haired teenagers, as if the absolute power of hundreds of millions of stars can be crushed into powder in an instant.

Bathed in this absolute power, Nagato's will once again began a horror jump.

In an instant, the long gate crossed the endless time and space and descended into a mysterious space.

The long gate between trances seemed to see the ultimate mystery of the cosmic famine, but it seemed as if nothing had been seen. Everything in the vast world lost its meaning in this time and space.

Destiny does not exist, cause and effect cease, and it seems that everything is the end, but it is like the beginning of everything.


It was only a moment's time, and the will of the Nagato resonated with the space. ..

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