My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 50: Nagato and Kyuo

As the saying goes, it is better to see it than a hundred times!

Very early, no matter whether it was from Shanjiaoyu Hanzo or the original story in his mind, Nagato knew a lot of information about the tail beasts, especially the nine tails.

But the intelligence was only intelligence after all, and when the meeting really took place, waves appeared in Nagato's heart.

It was a huge red monster with nine tails curled up in everything. Although it was locked inside the iron gate, it was still filled with terrifying coercion.

I have to admit that Jiuwei is indeed the strongest tail beast.

Only when the eyes touched the red-haired boy did he feel the unimaginable malicious impact, hate, resentment, and curse of all the negative emotions of human beings.

Fortunately, the Nagato at this time was considered a successful practice, and soon suppressed the waves in my heart.

Then the first time, Nagato realized one of his weaknesses.

That is, the time for practicing oneself is still too short. No matter how hard it is during the practice, or the precipitation of the practice years is too little, so little that one's will is not as firm as one might think.

"It seems that future practice should pay attention to this."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato's eyes continued to look at Jiuwei. After shielding from the malicious impact, he felt the huge and terrifying Chakra that permeated Jiuwei.

Even the toad pill that Nagato had seen, that is, the big toad fairy, is far inferior to Kyuo at this point.

It is more correct to say that Chakra of Toad Maru is not as good as one-fifth of Nine Tails.

This is a terrible data.

You must know that Toad Pill is a super old antique that has survived the baptism of the Ninja world for thousands of years.

Thousands of years, even mediocre guys can accumulate amazing Chakras, not to mention the fairy like Toad Maru whose Chakra is probably no less than the average tail beast.

"It's worthy of being the strongest tail beast!"

Can't help but sigh softly, Nagato suddenly understood why the wooden leaves would leave Kyuo alone when he distributed the tail beast to other ninja villages.

And just at the moment when Nagato said, the surrounding air appeared slightly frozen.

In the iron gate not far away, the false tail beast slowly opened his eyes.

The wild beast pupil immediately stared at the red-haired boy.

"Little devil, who are you ?!"

People could not help feeling extra heavy words suddenly sounded around him, only to see Jiuwei's eyes slightly squinted, watching the long gate gradually showed a dignified look.

Yes, dignified!

In fact, at the beginning, when he sensed that someone was approaching, Jiuwei thought that he was going to see his own person's column strength, and he was thinking about how to give the other party a power off.

But whoever thought of it saw an unusual guy.

Obviously, he seems to be young, not even as good as his immature man, but at the moment when he saw the other party, Jiuwei felt a wave of fear from the bottom of his heart.

As if the red-haired boy in front of him is his own natural enemy.

The wild instincts continue to sound the alarm!


Seeing Jiuwei's alert and dignified posture, Nagato couldn't help but feel surprised. He thought that Jiuwei would hysterical riot in front of him.

Or use methods such as seduction and threats to let yourself unlock the seal.

But now it seems that Jiuwei is very afraid of himself.

"Interesting, because of my strength"

"Or because of reincarnation eyes?"

Such a speculation flashed in my head. The corner of Nagato's mouth slightly lifted up and said, "My name is Nagato. It's the same race as your current host. I came to see you specifically, Jiuwei, Bujiu Lama!"


The moment the red-haired boy's words fell, there was a roar in the surrounding space.

I saw that Jiuwei, who was still a bit afraid of the long gate, stood up suddenly, and the scary scarlet Chakra spread in all directions, constantly striking the iron gate of the seal. "You guys! Who the **** are you! Why do you know this name !!!"

Shouting such words loudly, Jiuwei rushed straight towards the location of the long gate, hitting the iron gate of the seal fiercely, and then stepped back directly.

The iron gate of the seal remained immobile, still standing there.


Realizing that he couldn't help the seal at all, Jiuwei raised his forelegs, and his claws tried to penetrate the gap of the iron gate toward the location of the red-haired boy.

However, the position of the long gate is a little far away, but the claws of Nine Tails are always a little bit worse.

At this point, it seems as if we are close to the horizon, dividing Nagato and Kyuo.

"This is the power of the seal!"

Looking quietly at everything in front of him, the red-haired boy couldn't help but express such emotions, and then he didn't say much about his hands and began to seal.

His printing speed is not fast, but there are also three printing styles per second.

It took more than half a minute, and nearly a hundred Indian styles.


"Vientiane seal erodes!"

The strongest seal technique just obtained not long ago bloomed in the hands of the red-haired boy.

The Vientiane seal of Nagato is not a single seal. It is more correct to say that in addition to being able to seal, the Vientiane seal has different uses.

At this time, the power exerted by Nagato is one of the special usages.

You know, the seal of Vientiane is the master and sublimator of the current seal technique, so when facing other seals, Nagato can replace the seal of Vientiane by analyzing the power of the seal.

And this is the true meaning of the erosion of the Vientiane seal!


Immediately, the dense runes started from the foot of the long gate, spreading in all directions, and soon occupied the entire sewer space, and then eroded toward the iron gate.

Perhaps it was a little inconsistency between the erosion and transformation, the iron door began to buzz.

Although Jiuwei didn't know what Nagato was doing, the problem with the seal was definitely what he most wanted to see. Under ecstasy, Jiuwei began to madly impact the seal.

The violent chakra cracked indiscriminately, and the tail, claws, fangs, everything that could be used, all nine tails were used.

The entire seal space was shaken by its impact.



"I'm not here to liberate you!"

With such words in his mouth, the eyes of the long door opened slightly, and the erosion speed of the surrounding runes doubled instantaneously, and all the erosion was completed in less than a moment.

Then the light shined, and then converged, and eventually everything returned to its original state.

Of course, it just looks the same.

In fact, the seal has been completely changed.

Thinking of this, Nagato looked at Jiuwei, who was still madly striking the seal, and raised his hand to snap a finger. The surrounding environment suddenly changed from a sewer to a gorgeous world.

The sky is vast, there are no clouds in the sky, the sun is falling down, and everything is full of vitality.

As for Jiuwei, it was directly suppressed under the Wuzhi Mountain in the distance.

Yes, Wuzhishan!

A huge mountain like five fingers directly suppressed Jiuwei underneath, leaving only one head outside, and the top of the mountain was branded with a seal rune.

"The annoying guy calm down first."

Speaking softly, Nagato was ready to leave this sealed space.


"Who are you?" ..

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