My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 68: Return and thinking

Just when Muye made his decision, Yuren Village.

Solved the two major problems of Uchiha Spots and Heiju, which can be called the shady screen of the ninja world. The long door that felt full of comfort quickly took Jiu Xinnai back to this village that seemed to be bathed in rain forever.

The leader of Yuren Village, Shanjiaoyu Hanzo got the news almost immediately and hurried over.

Then after seeing Jiu Xinnai, Ninja Realm was ignorant.

After returning to the mountain, Shanjiao Yuhanzo told his men to arrange the vortex Jiu Xinnai properly, so he couldn't wait to grab the long door and go back to the central office building in Yuren Village to talk.

Hanzang is extremely curious about the experience of going out for a few months.

Especially after seeing Jiu Xinnai, a nine-tailed man with column force.

Muye ’s loss of the Nine-Tailor Pillar Force has spread throughout the Ninja world these days. Almost all ninjas are speculating on the whereabouts of the Nine-Tailor Pillar Force. Hanzang thought it was a big ninja village that was hiding in private.

It's just that Hanzo didn't expect that it wasn't the Daren Village, but the Nagato, that the Jiuwei people secretly hid.

Although it would have offended Konoha in this way, since Nagato joined Yuren Village, Hanzo no longer feared the five major ninja villages. In his view, Yuren Village with the nagato is destined to override the five ninjas in the future village.

But at this time, the resources of Ninja have been monopolized by the five Ninja Villages, and the rise of any Ninja Village will inevitably take food from the mouth of Da Ni Village.

Under this premise, there is not much room for peace between Yuren Village and Muye Village.

Offending or not guilty of Konoha does not matter at all.

What Hanzo cared about was how Nagato got the force of the Nine Tails.

It ’s just that when Nagato skipped the panel and Heijue, he tracked himself out and encountered him, came to Xingren Village to capture the stars, killed Zilai, suppressed the Miaomu Mountain, intercepted the experiences of Jiu Xinnai and Uchiha Spot When he came out, the mind of Shanjiaoyu Hanzo was blank.

It was half-sounding, and the ninja **** had recovered, looking at the red-haired boy in front of him, wondering what his expression was.

In just a few months, the experience of Nagato was really bizarre.

Whether it is capturing meteorites, killing Zilai, or suppressing Miaomu Mountain, and intercepting Hu Yunyin, and capturing the strength of the Nine-Tailed Man, any event is a major event that shocks the world of ninja.

As for the last ambush Uchiha spot, if he knew that Nagato disdain to deceive people, he thought it was false.

After all, as everyone knows, Uchiha spot died long ago in the hands of Muye's first generation of Naruto.

The reappearance of a legendary ninja that was supposed to die decades ago has illustrated many problems ... Although Nagato has ambushed it, Shanjiao Yuhanzo inexplicably felt some strangeness in his familiar ninja world.

Thinking of this, Hanzo looked at the long door and slowly said, "Can you tell me why Uchiha spot wants to kill you."

"Of course because of reincarnation eyes!"

Hearing the words, the red-haired boy's mouth slightly raised, and said softly.



It was three hours after Nagato left the central office building of Yuren Village.

In the past three hours, the red-haired boy told Shanjiao Yu Banzang about the origin of his reincarnation eyes and the relationship between the two sons of the Six Dao Xianren.

Of course, the reason for Nagato is not due to factors such as bad taste.

Well, the red-haired boy does have a little bit of fun.

But he is more hoping to broaden the horizons and insights of Shanjiaoyu Hanzo, so as to help him better break through his limitations.

After all, the breadth of knowledge also affects one's achievements to some extent.

As frogs who do n’t know how wide the bottom of the well is, there will never be an idea to break through the ancient well. If the knowledge is too short, even the strong will be restrained in their common sense.

In any case, Shanjiao Yubanzang has helped a lot in his growth, and Nagato will naturally pay back.

Of course, when helping Hanzang broaden his horizons and horizons, Nagato also pays attention to proportion.

All he said was what Uchiha Ban knew, not the history of the real ninja world ... In addition to being unnecessary, Nagato didn't want to cause the fear of the six Dao immortals lurking in the dark side of the ninja world.

Yes, be afraid!

As the eldest son of Chakra's ancestor, Liu Dao Xian has unparalleled talents. Although his body is old, his soul is independent of the pure land and guards the dark side of Ninja Realm.

Of course, this is the saying of the six Daoxian in the original story, and Nagato is suspicious.

Before actually meeting Liu Dao Xianren, Nagato could not characterize it, but through those so-called original plots, Naruto could vaguely grasp a characteristic of Liu Dao Xianren.

That is, the Six Dao Immortals really hope for peace in the ninja world, but he prefers his two sons to decide the winner and dominate the peace.

If this were not the case, there would not be so many wars in the long years after his death. With the power of the Six Daoxian, even the only soul left could secretly manipulate the ninja world and bring the world to peace.

Nagato was not the reincarnation of the two sons of the Six Daoist, but he got reincarnation eyes.

Based on this alone, Nagato definitely entered the eyes of the Six Daoxian.

Especially after he ambushed Uchiha Spot, Liu Dao Xianren will definitely pay more attention. Under such circumstances, if Nagato still knows the true history of Ninja Realm, how would Liu Dao Xianren feel?

This question is worth exploring, but for now, Nagato feels that he still has to resist his curiosity.

"Cut, it's really troublesome!"

Secretly pouting his lips, Nagato couldn't help but feel a little unhappy. Fortunately, although the Six Dao Immortals were a threat, he also seemed to have some restrictions, and he didn't have much control over the intelligence of Ninja.

As long as you are careful, Liudao Xianren will never get too much information about herself.

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato left behind the matter of the Six Daoxian for the time being. After all, even if Nagato really faced the Six Daoxian, their battle would be in the future, not now.

Turning his thoughts, Nagato thought of the previous discussions with Hanzang in the office.

After expanding Hanzo ’s worldview, the two discussed the situation of the ninja world and how the Yuren Village managed themselves, and finally decided that a small rule war is bound to occur in the ninja community, and that Yuren Village should Wait for it to change.

"The war between Yunyin and Muye, although it is not a world war, it should be written."

"It's just that I should pay more attention to my own strength than this!"

Thinking like this, Nagato's thoughts moved, and a virtual layout appeared in front of his eyes.


Name: Nagato

Age: 10

Spirit: 4.3+

Flesh: 2.1+

Reincarnation eye: lv7 (expand)

Chakra refinement: lv9 + 2

Sealing technique: lv9 + 1

Three Body Technique: lv8

Water attribute: lv8

Wind attribute: lv7

Thunder attribute: lv5

Fire attribute: lv5

Soil attributes: lv5

Talent ability: Incomplete fairy, super perception, perfect control

Source energy: 330 (45 + 35 + 50 + 200)

Comprehensive evaluation: The super strong at the super-shadow level, but lack of understanding, it takes years to precipitate.

ps: After drinking a few glasses of wine, waking up thirsty in the middle of the night and seeing so many rewards, I ca n’t help feeling ashamed ..


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