My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 70: The tree is quiet and the wind is constant

The next day, Nagato began a new practice.

His practice is not as he pleases, but according to a certain rule, basically it is to realize the Chakra refining method in the morning, and to limit the strength for combat training in the afternoon to enhance the combat experience.

In the evening, long gates are used to read books and learn various materials about Chakra practice.

Time flies, and half a month has passed in an instant.

In the past half a month, perhaps because it has already stood in a whole new realm of the Chakra system, Nagato has gained a lot, and it can even be said to be great.

Among them, the increase in the understanding of Chakra's practice of refining is the smallest gain.

But even so, Nagato can clearly feel that every step of his Chakra refining method has become smoother, and the whole person is more compatible with natural energy.

Even his own fairy process showed signs of speeding up.

Of course, the signs are only signs. If you want to really speed up the fairy process, this time is not enough, but it is a good thing to speed up the fairy process.

After all, if Nagato wants to truly become an immortal, it takes time in years.

If the benefits of Chakra refining are more reflected in the future, then the benefits of combat practice are real, even visible to the naked eye.

In just over half a month and hundreds of battles, Nagato's combat experience has advanced by leaps and bounds.

The application methods including super-intuition have also been significantly improved.

Even if the level of power remains the same, the improvement of the red-haired boy's combat effectiveness is obvious. If he is allowed to fight Uchiha Spot again, the process will not be as difficult as it used to be.

Nagato at this time can definitely stabilize Uchiha spot.

Not only that, with the continuous battle, the use of various ninjutsu, body skills and blood-successful limit capabilities, the huge power of the Longmen's promotion from the panel has a vague sense of solidity.

Nagato knew that he was digesting the immense power that had been raised by the panel at an alarming rate.

In a few more months, the teenager can absolutely digest his own strength.

As for the final study, I am afraid that Nagato has gained the most in half a month.

A few months ago, the red-haired boy realized the true path of Chakra's practice under various conditions, and surpassed the world and entered a new stage of practice, but that's all.

If the practice is regarded as a book, then Nagato has listed a basic outline.

Through the outline, the red-haired teenager knows the truth that this book wants to tell, but knows that it is known. For current teenagers, this truth is a bit false and cannot be truly understood.

And the crazy study of the past half month has allowed Nagato to understand the wisdom of countless Chakra practitioners.

These wisdoms seem to have been transformed into the countless words in the book "Cultivation", which assisted in explaining the truth, and gave Nagato a more detailed understanding of Chakra's practice path.

The result is that Nagato's mind is clear, the road is clear, and the spiritual realm has been significantly improved.

Even on the future practice path, Nagato can definitely go further and be more stable!

Therefore, the Nagato at this time has a greater desire for various Chakra practice materials, but Yuren Village is a shallow little ninja village after all, and there are not many Chakra practice materials.

However, in more than half a month, the teenager had read all the Chakra information in the village.

Faced with this situation, Nagato immediately found Shanjiaoyu Hanzo.


"You came just right!"

Still waiting for the red-haired boy to speak out about the problems he encountered, Shan Jiao Yu Ban Zang said a few serious words, "We can't seem to continue to watch the changes, and the Ninja of Konoha finds the door."



"Ki Ye found the door?" Hearing the words of Shanjiaoyu Hanzang, Nagato immediately thought of the vortex Jiu Xinnai that he turned back, and said, "Did they find Jiu Xinnai in Yuren Village."

"That's not there!"

Denying Nagato's speculation, Shanjiaoyu Hanzo only handed over two intelligence scrolls and a letter to Nagato.

The red-haired boy took the scroll and opened one of them.

This is a piece of information about the war between Konoha and Yunyin.

Yes, war!

The two Ninja villages, Muye and Yunyin, finally went to war.

During the practice, Nagato also heard about it, but he did not care, because it was destined to be a short confrontation.

A few years before the end of the Second Ninja War, both Ninja Villages can't stand the new round of war.

Although it is a war, both sides of the war will maintain some restraint.

The intelligence content also confirmed the judgment of Nagato ... Although Muye and Yunyin used Tang Zhiguo as a battlefield and invested in a battle of forces, the losses of both sides added up to less than three figures.

There is no double-digit number among the dead elites, and none of them really fell.

As for the movie-level powerhouse, it is the presence of soy sauce.

It's Zilai's close disciple, the husband of Li Jiu Xinnai, and the next four generations of Naruto Feng Shui Men performed well in this battle. There is a faint style of golden glitter in the future, which makes the ninja world praise.

"As far as the situation is concerned, Konoha has an advantage, and Yunyin hasn't shown much disadvantage."

After reading this information, Nagato thought about it slightly and came to his own conclusion, saying, "There should be a great battle between masters as the end of this war."

"Yeah, neither Muye nor Yunyin are idiots."

Glancing at the long door with appreciation, Shanjiao Yuhanzo added, "If it wasn't for Konoha, it would have to show some strength in the problem of the Jiuwei people being robbed, this war shouldn't even have happened."

"If Konoha can win in this war, even if it is only a small victory, the next few years will definitely be a peaceful year."


"What if Konoha fails?"

Following the words of Hanzo, Nagato thoughtfully opened the second scroll.

This is a piece of intelligence on the conflict between the borders of the rain country and the fire country. The specific situation is temporarily unknown. I only know that the atmosphere at the border between the rain country and the fire country is quite tense.

"Huh, what a conflict."

Seeing this, Nagato's eyes flashed, and he said coldly, "Who did it, Yanyin or Shayin, so bold that he actually wanted to drag our Yuren Village to the water."

"Who did it, I don't know yet!"

Hearing the five words "We Yuren Village" in Nagato, the feeling of Shanjiaoyu Hanzo suddenly delighted, and said, "The dark part can only be detected. There are rock hidden, sand hidden and wood leaf ninjas near the border. Active. "

"Is it!"

Speaking faintly, the long door opened the last letter.

This is a letter of accountability and visiting post from Muye. Muye first blamed Yuren Village for its inaction in the border conflict, and then declared that it would send a messenger to Yuren Village.

I hope Yuren Village will give a satisfactory answer.

The last person to pay is the Zhicun Tuanzang!

"Oh, Tuan Zang, the answer!"

With a sneering smile, the long door's hand shook slightly, and the entire letter turned into powder.

Standing up, the red-haired boy's thoughts and thoughts turned back and forth, and eventually turned into a seeming helplessness, but in fact he continued to sigh, "It really is, the tree is quiet and the wind is endless!"


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