My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 79: Suppress all

Not only Tuan Zang, but also Qi Mu Shuo Mao was extremely shocked.

As the initiator of the attack, Qimu Shuomao understands what terrible power the mystery named after his title has ... can only kill any shadow-level strongman in terms of power alone.

Because Ao Yi contains a kind of ninja that does not exist in the spiritual practice system, sword intention!

It is rumored that before the rise of the ninja system, the mainstream of the world was samurai.

Although there are also monks and other supernatural beings such as Onmyoji, but those who are only a sparse type and have the largest cardinal number are the masters.

At the top of many warriors, there stands the existence of Jianhao.

Not only do they possess extraordinary physiques honed through various difficulties, but they also control extraordinary swordsmanship that ordinary people cannot understand, but they are more terrible than swordsmanship in their will.

Forging his own will into a sword, both sword intentions-swordsmen can use this to kill the soul of the enemy.

As the so-called knife cuts the flesh, the heart cuts the soul!

But nothing more.

The Qimu family where Qimu Shuomao is located was the former warrior family. It was only after the rise of the ninja system that the Qimu family tried the situation and joined the ninja system.

It's just that they didn't give up the former samurai way, but they also integrated the essence of it into the ninja system.

Because of this, the Qimu family can stand firm in the core circle of Muye.

Otherwise, the Yiqimu clan has no special blood-heavy limits, and the Chakra volume is relatively weak. It has long been a marginal character of the Muye Ninja Village.

The Qimu Shuo Mao is the master and sublimator of the Qimu family power system.

Not only did he have outstanding achievements in the Ninja Way, he sublimated Lei Dunchakra's power to an amazing level, but he was also a swordsman who condensed his sword.

The interweaving and integration of the two systems have created Qimu Shuomao's current strength.

The white tooth mystery is precisely this powerful concentrated expression.

Only now, this powerful manifestation is bleak in front of a young boy in his early tens, how can he not be shocked by Qi Mushuo!



Compared with the shock of Qimu Shuomao and Zhicun Tuanzang, Nagato's mood is a surprise.

After the surrounding dust was scattered with the power of Shenluo Tianzheng, the red-haired boy suspended in midair, his purple eyes staring tightly at the distant flag tree Shuo Mao, full of joy and craving.

Nagato never imagined that the wood leaf white teeth that had been close to the background board would actually hold this rather amazing power.

If it were n’t for Nagato, with the help of super-intuition, the body skipped the will and instinctively exerted the greatest defense. I am afraid that he would be greatly injured under the attack of Qi Mushuo.

It's just that he is more concerned about the traits contained in the attack than the powerful white teeth attack.

"It is actually the power of will!"

A faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and the long door chuckled softly.

Although the practice time is not long, because he is standing in a new stage of the Chakra practice system, the young people's knowledge of various extraordinary powers is in place.

So he understood the importance of will to the transcendent system, especially the Chakra system.

The current fact is that there is no way in the Chakra system that can directly use will to attack ... The power held by Konoha white teeth is obviously a major complement to the Chakra system. So--


The force of gravity was fully released, and the speed of the long gate surpassed the sound instantly, triggering a sonic boom.

Maintaining a half-open repulsive force field, the red-haired boy turned into a charging tank.

In the moment of the action of Nagato, both Qimu Shuomao and Zhicun Tuanzang reacted at the fastest speed, but unfortunately, the condition of both was not so good, so that they responded slowly. beat.

Then, the two encountered an unimaginable horrible impact, their bodies and bones oscillated and flew straight out.

Blood was sprayed from the mouths of Qimu Shuomao and Zhicun Tuan, and sprinkled in the air.

"Shen Luo Tian Zheng!"

After "bumping" and flying the two, Nagato stopped the charge posture, and Chakra was running inside the body. The power called Shen Luo Tianzheng was fully released again, and the terrible repulsive force field quickly expanded, "chasing" the two who fell .

Obviously, the red-haired boy is ready to chase after the victory and lay the ending of this battle in one fell swoop.

However, Qimu Shuomao and Zhicun Tuanzang are the film-level strongmen who have been baptized by countless battles. At the juncture of this crisis, they have overcome their current difficulties and made counterattacks.

Zhicun Tuanzang decisively used the psychic technique to summon his own psychic beasts through the blood he spit out. The legendary dream-eating beasts and dream tapirs ... a ten-meter-high red body with long red A greasy beast with a long nose and limbs.

The dream tapir that has appeared has not yet figured out the situation, but he has carried the expanding Shenluo Tianzheng with his own body.



Then, in the painful wailing sound, Meng Tapi was flicked and disappeared into light smoke.

The effects of force are mutual!

Although Shenluo Tianzheng is powerful, there is still a trace of undetectable pause when the monster Mongoose that bounced off the block, the repulsive field at this time is the weakest time.

At this moment, Qimu Shuomao completely disregarded the body's ability to withstand and almost squeezed out Chakra.

Nearly at the same time, the knives that contained the determined will of Konoha white teeth regained their glory again.

Between the electric light and the flint, Qimu Shuomao turned into a thunder and cut to the long door.



I saw a smile on the corner of Nagato's mouth, and said lightly, "Although it's not a Saint Warrior, the moves I've seen once are useless to me, super **** Luo Tianzheng!"

The voice hasn't fallen yet, and the terrible repulsive force field has strengthened several times again.


The incoming Qimu Shuomao had a fierce collision with the force field.

But the collision lasted only a moment. Although the repulsive force field was slightly distorted at the beginning, it still won the final victory. Qimu Shuomao was directly bombed and fell heavily to the ground.

Not only him, but also Zhicun Tuanzang was affected, and fell under the bombardment of the force field, hitting the ground heavily.


Feeling the faint breath of life in Qimu Shuomao and Zhicun Tuanzang, Nagato said lightly, "Now is the time to harvest. Let me see. The white teeth of Muye and the darkness of Muye can bring me What? "


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