My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 83: For half a year, I am a fairy!

Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past six months, the situation in the entire Ninja Continent has been changing, from the confrontation between Muye and Yunyin, to the large-scale clearance of Shanjiaoyu Banzang.

Many people originally thought that the third ninja war was about to break out.

The situation immediately changed!

Muye and Yunyin, who had just been inseparable, soon reached a peace agreement, each stepping back slightly, and Shanjiao Yu directly blocked the country of rain and no longer externally.

The ninja world has restored peace again, but under this peace, there are various dark waves.

People with a discerning eye know that at most one or two years, the war may happen again.

It's just that all of this is not in the consideration of Nagato. After getting the memories of Zhicun Tuanzang and Qimu Shuomao, he dealt with some trivial matters, such as throwing the agreement to Hanzo, and then began to practice.

His main practice is not the others, but the warrior way learned from the memory of Qimu Shuomao.

As for why, there are many reasons, but in the final analysis, there is actually only one, that is curiosity, Nagato is very curious, what kind of path is the samurai way.

After carefully studying the ancient samurai's practice path, he found that the desolation of the samurai way is completely understandable.

Because this road is too difficult for ordinary people.

But its practice method is too simple.

At the beginning of the samurai practice, there was no special method, which was to constantly exercise and challenge oneself.

At most, there are some special breathing methods and ideas. The former can accelerate the body's absorption of nutrients and accelerate growth, while the latter can make the samurai's will more firm.

Qualified warriors will surpass the ordinary in continuous refinement and challenges, brewing their will and sword will.

By the way, normal exercise and challenge to oneself are difficult to brew swordsmanship. Therefore, when the Chakra was not yet born, warriors often traveled between the mountains and forests to understand between life and death.

Subsequent practice is to continuously perceive this sword intention, in order to temper oneself.

It is said that the culmination of the warrior's way is to completely unite himself with the sword's intention, and then burst out an unimaginable force, so that the warrior is truly extraordinary and transformed into a sword saint on earth!

When I first saw this material, Nagato wanted to give up.

After all, in his case, there is a way to become stronger. There is no need for this kind of almost self-abuse, but the instincts in the nether world persevered Nagato and took action.

For half a year, Nagato has undergone various physical exercises and visualizations.

The former has greatly tapped his physical potential, and various qualities have been improved a lot, while the latter seems to be due to the object of visualization—Yuanshi Space, which is extremely special, and has actually significantly enhanced his will.

Then at the end of half a year, Nagato actually brewed out a special Yuanshi sword intention.

Throughout this life of swordsmanship, Nagato suddenly felt his own difference ... As if everything had its foundation, the weak foundation caused by the multiple promotion of the panel completely turned into nothingness.

More than that, his Chakra seems to have a backbone, becoming more powerful and terrifying.

It's just the same, Nagato discovers that his Chakra seems to have some kind of defect. He vaguely realizes that as long as he makes up for this defect, he can get a substantial sublimation.

Thinking of this, Nagato unconsciously revealed his own panel.


Name: Nagato

Age: 11

Spirit: 7.3+

Flesh: 5.4+

Reincarnation eye: lv7 (expand)

Yuanshi Jianyi: lv1 Chakra extraction: lv9 + 2

Sealing technique: lv9 + 1

Three Body Technique: lv8

Water attribute: lv8

Wind attribute: lv7

Thunder attribute: lv5

Fire attribute: lv5

Soil attributes: lv5

Talent ability: Incomplete fairy, super perception, perfect control

Source energy: 456

Comprehensive evaluation: Only half a step away can achieve the ultimate in the world.


"Extreme world?"

First, I swept over the extra skills on my panel, and Nagato's eyes quickly focused on the evaluation that emerged on the panel. "The so-called extreme, it should mean that there are no shortcomings in all aspects of yourself."

These judgments flashed in his mind, and the super-intuition started again, his eyes inadvertently falling on various attributes.

When the idea moved, Nagato's original energy consumed 15 points, and his various attributes all reached the ninth level. In a moment, Nagato felt his body reached a certain degree of perfection.


Yuan Shijian intended to run on his own at this moment.

The wave of terror spread in all directions, the surrounding natural energy swarmed all over, the red-haired boy was bathed in an endless stream of energy, and began an unprecedented transformation.

With Jianyi as the core, Chakra, whose attributes are complete, jumped completely at this moment.


The red-haired boy shuddered suddenly, and his brain seemed to have a broken bowstring, as if some imprisonment had been broken, and his own existence seemed to exceed a certain limit and completely escape from the human level.

Immediately, he shuddered and his consciousness fell into darkness.

In the midst of obscurity, he forgot who he was, ignorant of where he came from, where he was going, and his consciousness was stretched indefinitely, as if it was a newborn baby, blank, and filled with memory again.

From the initial rebirth, to the battle in the capital of the rain country, to the adventure of Xingren Village, and finally to the sublimation of today.

These things flashed in my head and drowned in the dark one by one ... When the last point disappeared in the past, he suddenly felt that he had removed a heavy shackle, and he was loose from the body to the spirit, so he had to fly away. .



In a short time, the long door pulled away from the state of nothingness.

I only feel that a huge amount of Chakra energy is filling the body, and it is constantly accumulating, filling the limbs and corpses, and his spirit is full and full, and it is normal.

The red-haired boy who was still a childish boy has unconsciously turned into a boy of seventeen or eighty years old.

There is an indescribable feeling that occupies the whole body. It seems that he is standing on the top of a vast mountain, looking down on the human lights.

The world is full of emptiness, illusions, and all kinds of things, all at their feet.

This is the sublimation of the essence and level of life!

Even if no one tells, even if the situation seems a little different, but Nagato instinctively knows that his own fairy has been completed. At this time, he should be called, fairy! ..


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