My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 86: Sword Artillery

It ’s not that Nagato has seen beautiful women.

Whether it's the cheerful and fiery of Xuanjiu Sinai, or the graceful and cuteness of Xiao Nan, it is unforgettable, but the Qianying in front of him, let him sincerely understand what is beautiful.

It was a beautiful woman in a simple robe, but noble and elegant.

Her face was crystal-clear and fair, and she did not seem to have any flaws. Like a goddess coming from the heavenly palace, her gorgeous silver hair seemed to open a screen in the dark starry sky.

Between the fluttering silver hair, two horns like horns made her look a little more fascinating.

The woman's eyes closed tightly, and her eyebrows showed a vertical mark.

Her breath was peaceful and she was sleeping quietly in the middle of the starry sky.

Seems to be integrated with the entire starry sky.

I am afraid that anyone who sees a woman will unconsciously hold her breath, fearing that her slightest move will wake up the other person from the peaceful sleep.

Nagato is not an ordinary person, but he also held his breath.

But this is not just due to the beauty of the woman ... Although there is such a slight reason, it is more the feeling of the long door, the horror of the sleeping woman in front of her.

Yes, horror!

The beautiful body seemed to hide a fierce beast.

Dangerous feeling spontaneously!

Nagato knew that this was an existence many times more terrifying than Uchiha spot.

Throughout the entire history of ninja world, the existence that can be stronger than Uchiha spot is almost nothing. If you add the condition that it must be a woman, then the answer is obvious.

"Datongmu, Huiyeji!"

Quietly read the name of the woman in front of him, and Nagato's guard rose to the extreme.

To be honest, he actually met Datong Muhuiye in the process of refining Heijue, which did not meet his expectations, but since he saw it, Nagato did n’t mind fighting.

At this time, the two met at the level of consciousness, not real reality.

Under this premise, the Nagato with Yuanshi Jianyi is fearless!

Facts have proved that Nagato's alert is wise.

Because at the next moment, it seemed that I felt the presence of the long door, and the quietly sleeping large tube Muhui ruffled around the night, and opened his eyes.


The horrible coercion spread throughout the starry sky at the moment she opened her eyes.

The bearded red-haired boy hummed slightly and resisted the pressure, and then he saw a pair of pure white eyes that seemed to reflect everything in the world, cold and ruthless!


Seeing Nagato resist the coercion, the beautiful woman gave a slight doubt.

Then she saw the vertical mark of her eyebrows slowly open, revealing her third eye.

It was a crimson eye with three concentric circles engraved on it, and on the edge of each concentric circle, three hook jades of the same size were dotted.

Its name-reincarnation write reincarnation!

According to the original memory of Nagato, it is the eyes opened by Chakra's ancestor, Dahui Muhuiye, after eating the fruit of the **** tree, and has the pupil power to write the chakra eyes and the reincarnation eyes.

The opening of this eye symbolizes the awakening of Datong Muhuiye's consciousness.


With the awakening of Huiye's consciousness and the opening of the reincarnation wheel, the pressure that burst out of her instantly increased several times, dozens of times, and even hundreds of times.

The unimaginable coercion even shocked the starry sky, leaving countless stars swaying.

Even Nagato felt extremely uncomfortable for the first time, but he did not retreat, but instead visualized the Yuanshi space and immediately operated his own Yuanshi sword intention.


There seemed to be a sound from the sword in the void.

A terrible sword burst from the body of the red-haired boy, and the infinite edge penetrated the coercion that covered the audience in a way that others could not understand.

The terrifying sharp breath, even across the distance, also stimulated the dignity of Datong Muhuiye's eyes.


From the attitude of floating starry sky to standing in the sky, Dahui Muhuiye seemed a little surprised, then his body shook slightly, and a trace of sorrow appeared on the beautiful cheek:

"It's Nagato, the holder of contemporary reincarnation eyes!"

"... Is it, a dark memory?"

Hearing Datong Muhuiye say his name, Nagato could not help but startled slightly, and then he realized that Datongmu Huiye should have gained a dark memory.


For the speculation of Nagato, Datong Muhuiye gave an affirmative answer, and then said sadly, "The child has planned for my resurrection for thousands of years, but because of you ..."

In the sad words, Datong Muhui moved at night.

The pressure all over the starry sky disappeared in an instant, and the figure of Datong Muhuiye disappeared in the spot instantly, appeared in front of the long gate, his hands were raised, his palms spread out.

"Together kill ashes!"

Along with a soft whisper, two bone spurs blasted out of that white palm.

This is the strongest attack of Dahuimuhuiye!

By changing the composition of the bone lattice, it becomes a tough weapon, and the bone is ejected from the palm of the hand, and the body of the creature stabbed by the bone will completely disappear.

Although this is the level of consciousness, there is no body, but it does not hinder the display of Hui Ye.

Because the move is only an appearance, it contains the murderous intention of Datong Muhuiye.

A severe crisis sprang up in my heart, and the pupil of the red-haired boy shrank, but his reaction was not slow, but he neither chose to avoid it nor launched a counterattack.

There is only one thing that Nagato does, that is, to visualize Yuanshi and to inspire the sword to the extreme.


Mysterious waves are born between the spirits of Nagato.

That was the resonance of Yuanshi Jianyi and Yuanshi space. The red-haired boy could feel that he was getting closer to that Yuanshi space, and a little Yuanshi space power came from the void.


All of a sudden, the horror of the sword was transformed into a substantial blade under the power of extreme power, all burst out.

The whole person of Nagato seems to have turned into an infinite blade storm.

"Keng! Keng! Keng !!!"

The bone spurs that killed the gray bones collided with the infinite blade. The two bone spurs that contained the killing intention of the big tube wood were broken by the infinite blade.

Even Dahui Muhui Ye himself flew out under the impact of the storm.

And at this moment-


The icy voice came from the center of the blade storm, the infinite blades all converged, condensed, and instantly turned into a heavenly sword, penetrating this starry sky.

It also runs through what just flew out ... Datong Muhui Yeji!

In the next moment, everything is broken.

The consciousness of Nagato returned to the spiritual body of the sealed space, and the black at this time had already dissipated in the pure white flame, leaving only a mysterious golden streamer. ..


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