My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 88: Golem Recovery

After drawing the conclusion, Nagato couldn't help but suddenly.

The red-haired boy was not surprised in his heart, but felt a little taken for granted. After all, the tree of God is the origin of Chakra and Ninja Story.

The path of cultivation based on Chakra, through the God Tree, is further logical.

Thinking so, Nagato suddenly couldn't wait to see the tree of God.

"Just before this ..."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato's eyes turned to the mysterious golden streamer in front of him-divinity, and his hands began to seal.

The young man's highest accomplishment on the seal together, the Vientiane seal is again displayed.

The power of the invisible seal captures the divinity!

Subsequently, the seal is completed!

At the next moment, Nagato's consciousness returned to his body, opening his eyes, and the eyes closed were the silent and closed chamber and the vortex Jiu Xinnai lying with his eyes closed.

With the eyes closed, the red-haired boy could feel that there was a space for a seal in his body.

In the void seal space, a streamer-like divinity is floating alone.

"Place it like this first!"

Although I have thought about absorbing divinity or something, but after careful consideration, Nagato decided to study the divine tree first and get the result before thinking about the divine treatment.

Thinking about it, Nagato Lingjue moved slightly, opened his eyes, and saw Jiu Xinnai woke up.

I saw that the red-haired girl slowly stood up, and along with her movements, an increasing momentum diffused from the girl's delicate body and filled the entire chamber.

And when Jiu Xinnai stood completely, the substantive crimson Chakra burst out like a feather.

Several Chakra's condensed tails appeared behind Jiu Xinnai, sweeping.

At first glance, the girl seemed to be a fox.

Or ... Vixen.

"It seems that an agreement has been reached!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato knew that Jiu Xinnai and the 9th Lama had reached an agreement. Starting today, Jiu Xinnai really had the strength and deterrence of human columnarity.

Just watching Jiu Xinnai's breath grow wilder, the red-haired boy could not help frowning slightly.

Except for the period of the Six Daoxian, since the history of Ninja, tail beasts have been the object of human hatred. Coupled with the personality of the tail beasts, they are basically very irritable. Their Chakras are full of negative emotions.

Jiu Xinnai only reached an agreement with the Nine Lama, and failed to purify the negative emotions contained in his Chakra.

Under such circumstances, if a girl uses Chakra of Kyuo for a long time, it is likely to be affected not only physically or mentally.

Thinking of this, the long door would open to remind Jiu Xinnai.

Just waiting for him to say something, the chakra feather coat on Jiu Xinnai disappeared, and then Jiu Xinnai exhaled for a long time.

"Really, the fellow Lama Nine, Chakra actually has so many impurities."

Complaining in a low voice, Jiu Xinnai opened her eyes, and then just opposite the four eyes of the long door, visible to the naked eye, a little blush appeared on the girl's cheek.

Then she didn't know what she remembered, and Jiu Xinnai snorted coldly.

Without saying anything to Nagato, the girl turned directly and only heard a bang, pushed open the door of the secret room, and within seconds, she disappeared into the vision of Nagato.

It wasn't until Nine Sinai left for a moment that Nagato recovered.

"This guy, shy!"

Although Nagato is not a love sage, it is also not an elm head. It naturally reminds me of some situations in the seal space, and it is a bit sudden and unsmiling.

Unexpectedly, Jiu Xinnai, who had always been carefree, would be so innocent.

"Really ... makes me more excited!"

Whispering softly, the corner of Nagato's mouth slightly lifted, but did not chase it out ... From the girl's words, Nagato knew that she already knew the defect of Nine-tailed Chakra, so she didn't need to explain it.

Today's red-haired boy has more important things.

Thinking this way, Nagato's hands finished printing again.

"Reverse psychic art!"



An underground space in Ninja.

This is an old Uchiha dormant base. Darkness and silence are the main melody here, and in the center of the space stands a behemoth.

Its appearance is a sitting giant withered wood, with ten pillar-shaped protrusions behind.

That was nothing else, it was Ten Tails who had been pulled out of Chakra's empty shell.

Its name-Waidao Golem!


Suddenly, the sound broke the silence of the dark space, and I saw a light smoke burst from the head of the outsider golem, and the figure of the long door appeared in it.

Waving his hand to disperse the smoke around him, the long door slightly lowered his head, and looked at the outsider golem under his feet.

A little consternation appeared rarely in his deep purple eyes.

Originally, Nagato was still thinking about how to study the Taoist Golem ... after all, he was not a scientist, but a practitioner with great opportunities.

Just now, he found that he had a choice.

In the perception of Nagato, since the moment he descended into this space and stepped on the top of the head of the outer Tao Golem, the divinity in the sealed space in his body began to jump.

Not only the divinity, but even the golem under the feet, the long door could vaguely perceive a trace of desire.

Obviously, the gothic golem and divinity are attracting each other.

Although the instinctive instinct of the red-haired boy did not show any warning signs, he still hesitated, hesitating, whether to let the alien golem and divinity come closer.

Just a moment of contemplation, the long door cast off all hesitation.

"Anyway, even if something goes wrong, I can suppress everything!"

With such an idea, the seal space inside the long door shattered, and the pure white chakra like a flame wrapped the streamer-like divinity and appeared outside the teenager.

Then he could clearly feel that the golem under his feet became more and more restless.

It's just that Chakra is lost, and the Golem has no ability to act at all.

"If you want it, then give it to you!"

Speaking so softly, the long door injects the chakra wrapped in divinity into the alien golem.


In an instant, the invisible convulsion burst out of the outer Dao Golem.

Originally lifeless, the magic image resembling a dead tree instantly showed a new life. Endless natural energy gathered from all directions and absorbed by the magic image.

Along with the integration of natural energy, Nagato can feel that the gothic golem is recovering. ..


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