My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 95: Fierce battle

In this beautiful universe, human beings can only sigh. The little stars are like bright pearls, set on the sky, shining brightly.

The vastness of the universe is boundless and boundless. It has always been a dream chased by human beings, constantly dreaming that one day, human beings can travel in space and explore the mysteries of the universe.


The inertia of the huge body movement of the outer Dao Golem drives the stone arm, and then the stone fist drives the stone fist to send a full blow to the two of Yuyi and Yucun. Today's golem is no longer the same as that of that year. After being refined by Nagato, not only has the power of God, but also the power of soul.

The seemingly simple one-punch essence contains the purest divine power of heaven and earth combined with a force-generating technique similar to martial arts.

Due to the power of the soul, the golem gave birth to autonomous consciousness. It's no longer like waving the arms with brute force like a puppet before. Since the emergence of autonomous consciousness, there seems to be a lot of memory in the golem's mind. When waving his fist, he will instinctively incorporate force-like skills like martial arts. If you can feel the amazing punch from the side, you will have the illusion of facing a martial arts master who has been practicing hard for many years. Muran's golem is long gone.

Yuyi and Yucun flew out like cannonballs, smashing the rubble from space, spitting out like blood springs, and finally stabilized their figure far away.

I saw the two were in a state of embarrassment. The blood had already stained the robe of the body, dripping down the robe of the robe, the shawl was distributed, and his hands were covering his chest. Obviously this punch caused the two to be seriously injured.

If under normal circumstances, the two golems are hit like this, the two are not completely incapable of resistance.

However, it was just because the two were in shock that the Nagato escaped from the six explosions of the earth explosion, so even if the two had extremely rich combat experience, they could not make any defensive stances or defensive tricks at all. Come face to face, with the flesh directly facing the full blow of the Golem Golem. He was seriously injured.

But despite the serious injuries, the two did not flinch, and Qiu Daoyu emerged again, floating beside them. The hands of the two did not know when two Zen sticks appeared.

I saw that the eye of the writing wheel of Datongmu Yuyi turned rapidly, and the three hook jades were suddenly deep. If someone else could see it, they would fall into it. It was Yuyi ’s own horror pupil technique. The kaleidoscope wrote the wheel eye.

At the same time, Yucun was enveloped by the green Chakra energy, and he entered the advanced reincarnation mode of the white eyes. The shape of the ten Qidaodao jade beside him also changed. , Showing a gruesome attack.

At the same time that the "Tianjin Zhenxing" golem attacked, the Nagato did not stop, and his hands were quickly sealed.

I saw a huge meteorite appearing on the top of the feather coat, and screamed toward the feather coat. Due to the volume of the meteorite, it gave a feeling of slow movement, but the movement speed of the meteorite was very fast.

Seeing the feather coat, the full body must be able to be instantaneously turned out, and Chakra's energy was rapidly output, turning into a giant blue giant wrapped around the body of the feather coat. The skull-shaped blue energy giant is instantly covered with flesh and blood meridians, Chakra energy surrounds the outer periphery, and the Wutiangou armor also covers the entire giant at the same time. The left hand is holding a plus earth sword to the large meteorites in the distance. With his right hand holding a ten-fist sword at the same time, he pierced the long gate.

Such a move that violates the laws of physics seems extremely smooth and smooth on the body.

In a flash, several majestic sword shadows were hacked out by the sword with the earth, and fell on the meteorite in the distance. If the sound could be heard in a vacuum, it would be incomparably deafening.

Time seemed to stagnate for a moment when the sword shadow met the meteorite. Then, the huge meteorite shattered apart, and countless stones flew in all directions.

Yes, the complete body of Suzano can be so powerful that it can split the meteorite with a hand-held earth sword. At the same time, the tip of the ten-fist sword also emitted an energy beam and struck the long gate.

Facing the instantaneous energy beam, Nagato was not panicked, and his right hand was held in a virtual hand, reaching forward.

"Super · Shenluo Tianzheng"

A powerful repulsion emerged in an instant, ejecting the upcoming energy beam.

"Sura Road: Machine armor, strange wrist rocket, laser gun."

"The way of hell: psychic art, the judgment of the king, the gate of reincarnation."

"The hungry ghost said: The evil spirits fight, the evil spirits restrain."

"Animal Road: Increase psychic, psychic strengthening."

Four of the six summons emerged again, and the energy rockets, laser cannons, evil spirits, and reincarnation doors were all strengthened into huge energy bodies after being strengthened, and turned into a single attack to shoot toward the feather coat.

Although the attack has been strengthened, Nagato also knows that the strengthened attack can't cause actual damage to Yui.

He just needs to impose a momentary impediment on Yui and seize the moment.

"Psychic sacrifice"

Nagato used the technique of reincarnation of the eye to strengthen it, and burned all its energy to strengthen itself, so that it could gain a certain amount of time, and then activated the power of the **** in the body, wrapped the power of the **** in the body It turned into an energy giant similar to Suzunenghu and waved towards Suzunenghu.

Unlike Suzuno, the energy giant transformed into a long gate does not have a weapon. It completely relies on the physical strength of the energy giant. The original **** power is the most pure power, and the long gate is strengthened by psychic sacrifice. The self has made the giant energy of the Long Gate reach a terrifying height.

Nagato controlled the energy giant and Suzuno of the feather coat almost collided again and again. In the fierce battle, Nagato kept suppressing Suzuno, and the kaleidoscope's ultimate technique of writing wheel eyes seemed a little powerless in front of Nagato. .


Looking back at Yucun, Yucun turned on the reincarnation eye mode and engaged in fierce battles with the Golem Golems. Ten tetrahedral jade-like jades were endlessly transformed, and various attack methods were changed back and forth to attack the Golem Golems.

I saw that all the attacks of the Outer Golems were completely defeated and forced to retreat frequently by Yucun. Due to the existence of the reincarnated eyes, all the moves of the Outer Golems could be seen through the reincarnated eyes.

In addition, the self-consciousness of the outer Taoism is just born, the control of the body is not so smooth, and the extra consciousness in the mind is not enough to use it flexibly, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the outer Taoism is frequent During the retreat, it seems to be more and more comfortable, the control of the body is gradually strengthened, and the moves of the fist are no longer chaotic but more regular and artistic.

…… ..


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