My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 101: The conspiracy

On the other side, the Otaki family.

At this time, Datongmu Yuyi and Datongmu Yucun are planning a terrifying conspiracy.

Since the image of the devil is the body of the **** tree, he was taken away by the young man who was afraid of the head.

Well, Otaki Muyu and the mother of Otaki Muyu village, Otaki Muhui Yehji, as the only **** on the planet, she can achieve the divine position and also uses the fruit of the **** tree.

In the end, she became the only **** on this planet by the power of faith on many people on this planet.

As Liu Daxian Datong Muyu and his brother Datong Muyu, the cultivation methods and genres of ninjas, as well as some of their cultivation techniques and moves, have indirectly become the existence of demigods.

However, although he was able to mobilize the power of heaven and earth and use many wonderful rules for his own use, he was ultimately a demigod.

So now it means that, even though it is said that the tree is acquired by others.

Under this circumstance, they can still feel the breath of their mother, and this breath is exactly the essence of Otaki Mikihime becoming a god.

Then, if they want to get rid of the current state of demigods and at the same time want to defeat the red-haired young man who seized the **** tree, then it will definitely require the addition of another force to make this possible.

Because the two brothers of Datongmuyuyi and Datongmuyucun had been defeated by Nagato, and the two were already seriously injured. Even now their injuries and their levels have not reached one-tenth of the peak period.

If they did not develop a lot of life-saving ninjutsu and treatment methods, they might even become dust under the hands of Nagato.

But now, after struggling in the face of the **** tree being captured, they did not get the **** tree they wanted and the roots they wanted to become gods.

Then their mother Dahuimu Huiyeji has already become another force they are thinking about now.

Therefore, everyone in the Datongmu family, under the orders of Datongmu Yuyi and Datongmu Yucun, must not go out a half step.

And as long as they can qualify as elders, they have been recruited by their brothers to a forbidden place.

With the current strength of Datongmu Yuyi and Datongmu Yucun, even their mother's seal can't be opened. This is the result of their battle with Nagato.

The elders of the Datongmu clan also listened to Yuyi and Yucun brothers and stated their purpose. So everyone's face is a little dignified now, because under this forbidden place, the seal is the only **** on this planet!

"Brother, are we really going to do this?" Datong Muyu Village said in consternation. "If we really want to do this, if the mother comes out, we won't have a good life ..."

Datong Muyu Village said that the reason why they sealed their mother was because they could not kill their mother completely.

Because she is already in the divine position, she can be resurrected even if her body is destroyed, so in desperation, their brothers and two talents will unite with the strong among many ethnic groups to seal their mother.

But now in this situation, if the mother is really going to be released, then whether it is the red-haired young man or both, they are very likely to suffer the mother's poisonous hand.

"Do we still have to choose now?" Datong Muyu's face said uncertainly. "The red-haired young man didn't know where it came from. He even beat our two brothers so easily!"

"Now the tree is still in his hands. I think my mother should feel that breath in the seal. It is estimated that she can't bear it anymore!"

Datongmu Yuyi is also telling the truth. Their mother, as the only **** on the planet, can certainly feel the breath of the **** tree, because they share the same source.

Now that the breath of the **** tree is reappearing, as the big barrel of wood that has eaten the fruit to become a god, the night must have already sensed that breath, even if the brothers felt the breath of the **** tree at the beginning.

"But if your mother doesn't come, you, me, and our Datongmu family will probably no longer exist!" Daguanmuyu Village is still a little worried. After all, they built so many things that they spent their hard work and time. Cultivated

Their mother, as the only **** on this planet, can instantly destroy the Datongmu clan and create a powerful race, so if you really want to talk about it, they are in a dilemma.

Datongmu Yuyi, as a six-way fairy, certainly knew his brother's concerns.

However, their strength is now less than 1/10 of their peak. It is no exaggeration to say that if the red-haired young man is killed again, it is not only that the two of them have no resistance. The hand was destroyed.

Therefore, in such a dilemma, the big tube wood feather clothing is also helpless, only intend to take a risk!

"Are you two little guys so unsympathetic? Don't you want to see your mother?" At this moment, there was a voice suddenly in the void, which was like a magic sound, which made everyone in the face dignified , Do not dare to slack off.

Especially Yui and Yucun, as sons of Otaki Muhui Yehji, knew the horror of their mother.

"Mother, we couldn't seal you at the beginning. Your ambitions were too big. If we didn't do that, then the planet would probably not be where it is now!" Said Yu Yizheng. .

It is true that the life of the planet Dahuihui Huiyeji took a higher path in innovation. That kind of terrible assumption and his thoughts did indeed have a terrible ending for all creatures on this planet.

"Oh? It seems that you are the same as before! Still stubborn!" There was a voice again in the void, "I think in the state of your two brothers, in a few hundred years, you will not let go I'm going out, and the broken seal won't stop me? "

"So how do you plan to restrict me then? Or do you want to kill the only **** on this planet?"

Datong Muhui Yeji's voice is like the word of the curse word, the face of Datong Muyu and Datong Muyu Village become more and more difficult to look.

Because her words are correct, the two of them are now less than 1/10 of their cultivation base and strength. Even if their brothers can recover, it may not be a day or two.

It will be a hundred years before that time. If the two of them haven't recovered to their peak strength, then it means that Yuki Yuki will get out of the seal.

At that time, it was not just their brothers or even all the life on this planet, but many of them were likely to suffer from the poisonous hands of the big tube Muhui Yeji. This is something that cannot be restricted! ..


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