My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 103: The price of being god

Datongmu Yuyi and Datongmu Yucun faced the strength of Datongmu Huiyeji at this time, and their weakness was so helpless.

But in the face of the only **** on this planet, even when the wicked brothers are in their heyday, they are not necessarily able to defeat her. If they were not able to get that special seal formation, they might not be able to save Hui Yeji gave the seal.

But now that they have released Datong Muhui Yeji, it is enough to show how embarrassing and dilemma their current situation is.

Datongmu Yuyi and Datongmu Yucun struggled constantly in the hands of Datongmu Huiyeji, and kept trying to escape.

However, they felt as if their necks were imprisoned, and they were completely incapable of moving. The proud two had already changed their tints and felt like they were going to die.

"How about, this feeling of being controlled by people is not bad?" Datong Muhui Yeji could not help but increase the strength of his hands, the two pinch Datong Muyu and the brothers of Datong Muyu Village were completely without any previous arrogance. And arrogant.

"Don't ..."

Datong Muyu's mouth spit out a hard word. At this time, he is also a human. Although he is a demigod on this planet, he is also afraid of death. As long as he has not cultivated to the realm of God, he can understand the laws and powers of the world, and he will not die They will die!

Datong Muyu's eyes are full of despair, he knows how cruel a **** his mother is! If it were n’t for the mother of their seal, they might not stay on this planet with anyone ’s practice methods and various moves.

But just as Datong Muyu and Datong Muyu were approaching the brink of death, Datong Muyu suddenly released their hands and said lightly, "If it ’s a bit useful for both of you, I ’ll take you The two are pinched! "

Datong Muyu and Datong Muyu Village were shocked by the method of Datong Muhui Yeji.

Even if they have been sealed for hundreds of years, their mother Dahui Muhui Yeji is still the only **** in the world, and now she has learned a lot of cultivation methods and moves, but still facing her mother, they are as weak as ordinary People are just as sad.

"Okay, don't pretend to be dead, tell me what's going on. I'll take the **** tree back!" Datong Muhui Yeji said lightly, at this time she looked completely without any trace. Feelings

Perhaps this is God, and it is necessary to cut off all emotions and all relationships between them. Perhaps this is why she can become God!


On the other side, Yuren Village,

Jiu Xinnai's return is also a happy thing for Nagato.

After all, Chakra, which merged with Kyuo, was already perfect, so that while her strength increased greatly, it was also stronger than before.

So Nagato can also feel that Nine Sinai has become stronger after Dragon and Nine Tail Chakra, and his confidence has increased a lot than before.

So that even if Nagato wants to accompany him, he needs to come up with 1% of his ability to play with Jiu Xinnai back and forth.

Nine Sinai knew herself well, even if she tried hard, she couldn't beat the current Nagato. After all, the current Nagato is as Xiaonan said. The current Nagato is as powerful as the only master in this world, and can mobilize the power of the world at will, but also The feeling of being able to merge with the power of this world is really daunting.

On this day, Jiu Xinnai, Nagato and Xiao Nan all sat and played by the lake.

Nagato suddenly remembered what he had said to Xiaonan before. He glanced at Jiu Xinnai and said, "I ask you one thing, you just need to say your decision and your inner thoughts."

Jiu Xinnai nodded, although her character was hot, and her temper was as good as chili. But she also knows that once Nagato gets serious and talks to her, she must also take it seriously. This is mutual respect between the two.

"If one day I leave this planet, would you like to follow me like Xiao Nan? Or would you like to stay here to practice?" Nagato said seriously, "No matter what choice you make, I will respect you s Choice."

Nagato said his thoughts. After all, the cultivation methods and rules of this planet are incomplete. He really wants to change. But it takes a lot of effort, and he doesn't want to say it is simple, let the world change even if he is more skillful in controlling the power of the world.

And it takes time and effort to change the cultivation rules of a planet, as well as a series of incomplete things on this planet. It takes a long time. If there is such a time, it is better to use the space-time portal to go to another world, looking for another way to make him stronger.

This feeling is like the experience in the novel, or more directly, it is to experience to create, so that he can walk out of his own way!

Jiu Xinnai was asked by Nagato's question. She has lived here from birth to the present on this planet. The ninjutsu she used for the ninja world, Chakra and other cultivation methods are all his. The things carried out throughout life.

As Nagato said, if he wants to leave this planet, his cultivation methods and the enemies he encounters, or the encounters, may become different. This is a very need test. It ’s the human heart that decides things.

Jiu Xinnai suddenly looked at the long door seriously, "Are you really planning to leave here?"

Nagato nodded and said seriously, "With my current cultivation practice, there are no more enemies on this planet. Except for the **** of the big barrel wood family, I need to go to a higher-level planet and a higher-level place to cultivate what I control s things!"

If it is said that I ca n’t get a good environment, and there is a general cultivation environment, my state can only stop here. If the eagle wants to truly become an eagle in the sky, it must undergo countless test flights and training. In order to become an eagle in our fantasy after all! "

"I think you should understand me, right?" Nagato laughed.

Jiu Xinnai nodded and fell into silence.

If compared with Xiao Nan, Jiu Xinnai has more of her own personality, at the same time she cares more about what she cares about and respects more!

It is precisely because of this, Jiu Xinnai's charm is not worse than Xiao Lan.

On the contrary, more men may be more inclined to women of this type, but precisely because of this, Jiu Xinnai must be much heavier in terms of feelings than many people.

So now let Jiu Xinnai leave Yuren Village and let her leave this place where she has lived since childhood, which is a test and a choice for Jiu Xinnai.

But Jiu Xinnai knew from an early age that it was really difficult to become stronger, but to become stronger, it was more difficult.

So when Nagato said this, in fact, though he was hesitant, Jiu Xinnai already had an answer ...


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