My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 116: Guards come

Seeing that the sudden addition of a group of people gradually approached, the old man and the little girl became a little panicked. They knew how terrifying these terrestrial thieves had been, half-life or dead.

Now Nagato has killed all these thieves, which means that the people who came this time are likely to be the remnants of the thieves. After all, these thieves were nearby, entrenched for many years, and harmed many people around.

So much so that in this case, more people are unwilling to face these thieves.

But when these people came nearby, they were dressed differently from the chaotic cottages they wore.

These people wear uniform clothes, even if they are wearing this kind of clothing, which looks like armor but is not cheap armor, and it seems to be out of tune with these thieves.

At this time, among these people, a middle-aged man in a 40-year-old riding a horse, got off the horse and asked, "You killed these people on this ground?"

Nagato sees that these people are coming, but it does not seem to be a bad person. He nodded subconsciously and said, "Yes, it belongs to me alone!"

At this time, despite the face of this pair of ten people who came out suddenly, Nagato did not have much pressure.

Perhaps this is just after he personally solved the lives of more than 30 people, and he also felt some inexplicable confidence in him!

It can also be said more directly that Nagato does not want the old man and Xiaoya to pick them in. After all, they belong to ordinary people. For Nagato, they are more like the good people who saved him.

The middle-aged man did not expect that Nagato would even admit that he was so generous, and he also saw that the knife on Nagato's hand was covered with blood, and he did not seem to have anything.

Well, this made him think from the side that the red-haired young man who looked so young in front of him seemed to have two brushes. Otherwise, how could he deal with these thirty people alone?

"I don't know ... what's the name of this little brother?" The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, you don't want to blame you. These thieves have been around for a long time. The mayor has been nagging all the time, and it is a headache for these people! "

Mayor? !

Hearing the name, the old man was inexplicably relieved.

No wonder he always felt that the clothes of these people looked familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere. So he thought carefully that he was the mayor, which means that these people are related to the mayor!

"I don't know what my name is now ... but I carry a jade pendant with the words" Nagato "on it, you can call me Nagato now!" Nagato said lightly.

The current Nagato is equivalent to a blank piece of white paper, so his name and his experience are completely gone, except that a jade card on her body is carved with the words "Zenmen", so now for Nagato, His name may be called "Nagato"!

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "The younger brother has such a skill at a young age, it really is not ordinary!"

The rest of the men who followed the middle-aged men were also surprised at Nagato.

You have to know that these thieves are not weak. Otherwise, they will not be able to run for tigers in this neighborhood. Nowadays, they have only been dealt with by this young man. A lot of annoying things.

"We are the guards in the town, and I am the captain named Chen Gang!" The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I don't know the little brother, what is the state now?"

As the captain of the town's guards, Chen Gang is actually not weak, and even more directly said that he is one of the best in the town, but his realm is not high, only in the late stage of the warrior.

So as far as Chen Gang is concerned, it is a problem to let him face so many thieves alone, not to mention that other people want to kill them, let alone as easy as a long door, and it seems to be still No injuries.

From here, it can be seen that the young man is powerful in front of him.

Therefore, as the captain of the guards in the town, he usually hated these thieves, and now they can eradicate them again, and he also made friends in his heart.

At this time, Nagato shook his head and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about, but these people should be damn, I believe you should understand it too?"

Chen Gang felt helpless, but looking at the long door in front of him did not seem to be lying.

Just as he thought, the young man in front of him solved these people so easily, even he could not do it, and even the entire town of Qingfeng Town may not find such a person.

So in short, the young man in front is at least a martial artist, or even a great martial artist!

Only these strong men can have such a powerful fighting power, so Chen Gang, as a late warrior, really wanted to make friends with each other, but the other party didn't seem to want to make friends with him.

At this moment, the old man stood up and said, "This lord, Nagato was rescued by me and my granddaughter. Perhaps his previous memories will not be remembered. Don't blame him!"

The captain of the guards in the town can represent the most authoritative organization in Qingfeng Town.

Their guards are indeed guarding the security of the surrounding villages and towns, so when the captain asked the long door like this, the old man also worried that he would punish him.

"No, you can rest assured!" Chen Gang assured, joking that he thanked Nagato for being too late, how could he blame him?

"In recent years, the mayor has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to eradicate these harmful thieves, but after all, there is no result. Now that they are all destroyed, I can go back and make a job!

Indeed, when they came, it was also because someone told them that the thieves were rampant for tigers and wanted to ransack Qingfeng Village, so they would bring people over.

Maybe these people can't stop the behavior of the bandits, but they really need to do something that should be done.

Even drove out the bandits, or appease the hearts of the people ... it's a very necessary thing. After all, in the final analysis, if there is no one in their political **** to do anything.

The mayor of Qingfeng Town and those of their authoritative institutions have lost their hearts. This is a very bad thing.

At least nothing can be less popular, otherwise how should they be safe like those of the mayor? ..


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