My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 128: Too old

In fact, the voice outside really shocked, surprised and even surprised people inside.

Not even Nagato thought that the other party would come so fast.

"Did the people outside you bring them in?" Qian Qian was already a little angry at this time. She never thought he would treat this person as a dead ghost, but this person hooked up with the city's main palace and wanted to Grab them.

If you think about it this way, the person in front of you who looks like a harmless animal is indeed a wolf ambition!

In fact, Nagato listened to his words and understood that this guy should blame him for the reasons that these people would appear.

So that is to say, although he wanted to explain, or to say that there was some misunderstanding, there was nothing to be solved in fact.

"The people inside listen, you are surrounded! Hurry up and come out! If we are one step slower we will kill in ..." There was a loud voice outside, and the voice was very loud, even the people in the passage and the cellar, They have all heard clearly and clearly.

At this time, with the exception of the Nagato, all people's faces became very ugly. They knew that people outside were here to catch them, because they had already stolen Tai Sui.

So it means that they will not only anger the prime minister Zhu Zhishan, but also the lord of this black wood city, then it means that they are now two enemies.

It's just that Zhu Zhishan lives as the prime minister in the center of the Yanhuang Empire, so the time they will be here must be so short. Even to put it simply, they certainly can't live these days.

So they must now be faced with the people sent by the lord of Blackwood City, and they also got the news that these people are the guards of the lord of Blackwood City.

These people are all professionally trained, and most of them start from nowhere to join the Guards. If you really want to say that, these of them may not be enough to kill.

"What should I do now?" The man who had been wearing Doujia before also panicked. He turned his eyes to Qianqian. It seemed that at this moment she was still the backbone of everyone.

The rest of the people did not say anything, but they could feel it from their timid gaze, they are timid.

"What else can we do now that everyone is here and we have no place to run!" Qian Qian was very sorry. "The most important thing is that this matter is all my fault. I should not find this to replace the dead ghost. Now we are It really turned into a dead ghost! "

Qianqian's voice has been intermittently heard many footsteps, this sound is very much, it does not seem to be deliberately caused, it means that the other party really hurt a lot of people to surround them.

It can be seen from here that these people are inevitable and want to catch them, which is a very cruel and grim thing.

No one dares to say that they can be taken lightly at such times.

Nagato saw them in a panic, but said lightly, "I know how you think of me, but there is one thing I still want to say, if you are now reminded of Zhengtai, give it to me immediately, maybe you may have a chance escape……"

In fact, Nagato is telling the truth. After all, although he does n’t remember who he is or where he came from, he also knows very well that this is what he has been looking for.

Before that, he really wanted to get it when he was too old, although it might be out of inner curiosity, or he wanted to find out its role. Is it as good as the legend.

But these are not important. The important thing is that now that there is a chance, this kind of thing will certainly not let this opportunity out of the long door, at least he is the first time he heard this thing too old.

Memory, to restore the original memory, may be difficult or very difficult, but how do you know if you do not try?

Other people turned their attention to Qianqian at this moment, because at this time Qianqian's words were equal to theirs. They had no intention of making a joke, they just wanted to simply live or escape from here.

Because these people have come around, maybe from this moment they mean either to leave or to continue to wait for death here, they can only choose 2 out of 1, but they have no choice.

Qianqian gritted her teeth and pulled out a box from under a brick in the cellar. The box looked very peculiar. It was a deep red box. It was nearly 20 centimeters in length and width, giving a very heavy feeling. .

The long door felt heavy in his hand, and he could feel that there should be something inside.

Otherwise, it wo n’t be so heavy, so after getting too much, he said lightly, “If you want to escape with me, then it ’s best to leave now, otherwise I ca n’t guarantee you can leave alive. Here."

With that said, Qian Qian immediately helped them loose.

After all, at this time, even if they do n’t deal with each other, or look down on each other, or hate each other, they do n’t matter. As long as they escape from here, then everything will still have hope, everything will be OK Again.

If it is said that they were caught by the outside guards of the city owners, the consequences may not be as they are now, but they can still talk and talk, but they need them to think hard.

After talking about this drastic change, Nagato walked ahead.

He didn't care if the people behind him would catch up. Since he was too old to reach him, all he needed to do was just leave here.

And the rest of them are also behind the long gate. At this time, although they are eager to escape, or want to leave this place, they want to escape from these far, **** guards.

It's just that it is really difficult. After all, the guards called by the outsiders are all martial artists.

Although they also have some effort, but then again, maybe one-on-one they have the opportunity to escape, that is one-on-two, or one-on-three, or one-on-ten, they have no hope at all to escape, .

So at this moment, although they feel bad about Nagato, or hate him a little, in order to escape from here, they can only pin their hopes on Xiaowei, because only in this way, they may have Opportunity to break away successfully.

Out of these dangers, it is possible to go back and report what is happening now, and then it is possible to have any plans again to be able to implement, instead of saying that I will die here today, which is really too worthwhile Too.

At least in their view, it is undesirable to die here. ..


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