My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 130: The siege has started

It must be said that Zhu Wushuang brought so many people to surround this broken temple, which really surprised many people. Even Nagato did not expect that the other party would come so fast.

Perhaps at this moment, what has to be said may be that since so many people are coming from the other party, it also means that the thing of being too old is a very rare and precious thing in their eyes.

Otherwise, the son of Prime Minister will not come in person.

So even if it is, many people do not know Zhu Wushuang, or only heard his rumors. Now that he has appeared, the importance of this matter can be imagined.

Originally Qianqian and their people discovered this guy's temperament and extraordinary, but also through the chat between the long door and Zhu Wushuang, they learned that this guy turned out to be the son of the prime minister, Zhu Wushuang 1

At this time, the faces of several of them became abnormally ugly.

If it is caught, there may indeed be life worries. Of course, this is something everyone has thought about before.

But having said that, since they have been hiding for so long, they have indeed spent a lot of time and energy before they can finally succeed.

But now that the long gate has come, even the General Guard's Imperial Guard and the son of the Prime Minister Zhu Wushuang have brought it, so the severity of this kind of thing is beyond their imagination.

They originally thought that if the Prime Minister wanted to send troops to arrest them, it would definitely take a long time, at least one or two days would not be reached.

After all, it is a long distance from the center of the Yanhuang Empire. If you want to catch them here, it will definitely take a long time and effort.

It's just that the way of looking at the chat between Nagato and Zhu Wushuang seems like they don't know each other. So who is this young red-haired young man? Where did it come from, and what happened?

Although this blackwood city is a big city in the eyes of many people, in the final analysis, he is nothing more than a sand-like layer in the Yanhuang Empire, and there are certainly not as many masters in it.

Because the real masters of martial arts, they basically all have their own territory or name. Although there are many strong people who don't ask about the world, they are only a few, and very few.

But the red-haired young man who is suddenly popping up, or Qian Qian is looking for a substitute for the dead ghost, so it happens that he can find a hidden power, is it really too good luck?

And because Zhu Wushuang did not receive the respect of him as a son of prime minister, his face has become a little ugly.

After all, as a son of the prime minister, his reputation for wishing Wushuang echoed in the ears of many people, and even some scholars even sang praises in the books or wrote their legends.

However, although the young man of his age seemed strange and calm in front of him, he did not put himself in the eye. This is something that Wu Wushuang cannot accept.

"It seems that you really don't die until the Yellow River! What are you all stunned? Quickly asked them to catch me, I will interrogate!" Zhu Wushuang screamed, and then immediately retreated.

In fact, he has been here for some time, but he has not been able to find the owner of this blackwood city, because in his eyes, the owner of this city is just a small person who cannot be small.

However, since the Everlasting Chamber of Commerce is their industry, and at the same time shipping the Taisui, which his father values ​​very much, he actually understands the importance of this thing in his heart.

It ’s because this thing is in the hands of others now, and it has n’t been returned, which means that if he does n’t do it well, he will not only lose his face, but his father may not be good at it. .

So before and after, Zhu Wushuang does not plan to continue to talk about any nonsense, since the other party is not so ignorant, then just grab it directly.

At that moment, the imperial guards and the prime minister's personal guards immediately raised the spear in their hands after hearing Zhu Wushuang's order, and immediately walked towards the long gate and Qian Qian.

The siege of all three and three layers of these people, even a fly may not be able to fly out from here, let alone the few people they are active in.

At this moment, Qian Qian's face was ashamed. They hadn't thought that the other party had shot so many people in order to catch them, even surrounded by three layers and three layers, even if they had some effort.

But in the face of the siege of these people, there is absolutely no way and hope to escape.

Especially now, they have even believed the long-speaking gossip. If they want to escape from these people, they have to follow him. Isn't this guy bragging?

However, Xiaowei didn't care that these people came towards him. When their spears were gradually forcing her, the long door directly cut off several spears, and those spears stabbed him. Just like eating steel iron bones, it can't move at all.

Even Nagato himself couldn't figure out what was going on, but one thing he knew very well was that her body was very powerful, and she was tough, comparable to any weapon in the world.

If he doesn't want to hurt himself, or wants to test his own body, he can't break his skin at all, not to mention that these ordinary people attack him with ordinary weapons.

So this also led to the spears of these soldiers, when they stabbed him, it seemed that they had eaten steel and could not eat at all, and in the case of excessive force, they also gave their spear heads, all the thorns. Break.

At this moment, many soldiers are a little flustered, who is this guy?

Why is the body so strong?

I did n’t have a long door and did n’t sit down like this, but at the same time these people could n’t eat him, they knocked down all the people in front of him. It was as fast as a leopard. It was terrible.

At this moment, Qian Qian and others did not completely say that they were sitting and waiting to die, because they also knew that if they were taken back by them, then it would mean that they would be crippled even if they did not die.

After all, they planned to steal Tai Sui, and at the same time they also succeeded in stealing Tai Sui, which also meant that they offended, and Dang Chaocheng offended his son.

So no matter what, they cannot be caught back in all aspects of reason and reason, otherwise, the consequence is something they cannot bear.

So when they saw Nagato being so fierce, there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes, hoping that this time they could really survive the disaster. ..


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