My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 139: Fighting suddenly

Perhaps no one thought that the red-haired young man in front of him would be so strong that he would not even give anyone a chance. This also made many guards, even the onlookers totally unaware.

At this moment, he came, and he was not afraid, and it gave people a very strange feeling no matter from his temperament, or from all aspects of his speech.

But at this moment, when Nagato came, he was ready and wanted to practice his hands.

So even though it was the Guards who kept pouring out, and at the same time, under the command of the city master, all surrounded the long gate, he did not fear it at all.

These imperial guards are full of battles, even if there are no more than a thousand people, there are seven or eight hundred, but these people are not real enemies for her, they are just practicing hands.

"Boy, otherwise this matter is just that. After all, you and I are people with identities, so it is not good to continue to make trouble like this." The lord said lightly.

At this moment, although the city master had some feelings, he was worried or afraid.

But he knew better that if he didn't do anything, then the city owner would be soon, so the man in front of him came boldly and wanted to provoke him, which was something he could not understand and accept.

So if she wants to restore her face and all this, he must make some sacrifices and decisions that he deserves, then these decisions will lose the dignity that the city owner should have.

Perhaps really speaking, many people may not understand why they are not taken seriously in the face of fear.

He will really recruit his own guards, but in fact he has no way. If he does not stand up in this battle, it is like if the tortoise is really living in the shell, then it means that in the future Whatever he does in this blackwood city.

Maybe everyone laughed at him from behind, or slandered his words ... Although these are not important, they are very important things in the dignity of him as the Lord for so long.

"Yes, it's quite fast." Nagato said with a smile.

"Since that is the case, then use your hands to practice!"

In this moment, Nagato entered the crowd. At this moment, he was like a tiger going down the mountain and rushed directly into the crowd. Even people ca n’t stop it

And these imperial guards, they are not stupid.

They looked at this guy, it was indeed tickling their hearts, more people also wanted to avenge, or say they want to ask for credit, because if this guy is killed, it will definitely be, and the future will be much higher than the current status.

Although they are just some imperial guards, in the eyes of ordinary people, they do tell them some, but in the end, they just stop there and want to climb higher, it must not be so easy.

But now the opportunity is coming, I think this guy is indeed young and vigorous, which is why they are afraid of this guy. In fact, the main reason is because it is not, real, because every strong man will Experienced a lot of ups and downs.

And now this red-haired young man is not like the strong guys they imagined, so they are not afraid of them, just that more people want to go forward to catch or kill the long gate, only in this way can cause the city master Note that only then can they be bigger and higher.

The city owner shouted at this moment and said, "Whoever catches him, I will call him captain and reward him another 10,000 gold coins!" The enraged guards immediately roared, and everyone had joined the fight with no regard for their own lives.

Because they understand that only in this way can they make achievements, and only in this way can they stand out.

Because many times people are thinking about why they want to climb up, why they will continue to train, mainly because they are not willing to be ordinary.

Then they are better than ordinary people when they are in the Imperial Guard. Then they want to climb higher, they must pay more.

This has caused many people to be inactive all their lives, but now when they have a chance, they are like a wolf with blood, very powerful and terrifying.

So as for Nagato's slaughter and slaughter among these people very quickly, these people still don't know the fear, but the more they fight the more they fight.

Because people are like this, as long as they have status and money ... they are willing to spend all their own desperation, even their own.

At this moment, Nagato also felt a little bit happy in his heart. If so, let's fight!

At this moment, Nagato also turned into a meat grinder-like kill, and entered the day. Although it was said that many people around him were already afraid to go away at this moment, they dare not say it was the slightest stay.

No one said they would dare to stay not far away to watch this battle.

Because they know that this battle means that most people will die, or he will die alone, but now the red-haired youth has done everything beyond their understanding.

So as for many people who want to watch better now, most of them hide far away, or watch in the corners of their homes, and no one dares to come forward.

Because this guy is so fierce, so fierce that they all have scalp numbness, so fierce that they are totally afraid to imagine, there are such people in the world.

So now this situation is already a very grim and cruel reality.

Of course, more people are holding their heart and want to see this very grand battle.

Many of them may even be ordinary people in their entire lives. They can't accomplish things that many people go to, and they can't accomplish things that many people do. This has caused the Blackwood City to look large.

But in fact, this is just a small place. At the same time, it also causes people to be scared and scared, just because they are too ordinary and ordinary, ordinary as ordinary as the ants on the ground.

However, the person of Nagoma has let them see more of the world, or more simply, let them increase their knowledge. It turns out that there are such powerful people in the world that can even reach one thousand.

This is something beyond their cognition and beyond everyone's cognition. Even if they know the martial arts strongmen, it may be at most one enemy ten, or even one enemy one hundred, all in this place. common.

But this young man, this red-haired young man, he did it too. He hit a thousand and effortlessly.

The whole person is like a **** of war in the world, slaughtering the humans on the ground, and those humans have no resistance, just like the battle on the chopping board, completely let him slaughter. ..


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