My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 159: Waiting to eat meat

This eagerness to fight is actually the same as many people. They want to be stronger and stronger than many people.

Nagato is such a competitive person. He needs to become stronger and develop his own way.

At the same time, when they came to the main hall of the city, there were a lot of people in it, and most of them were chatting.

And in the moment when Nagato came in, everyone was concerned about being positive on him, because all the messages in Phoenix during this time were about him.

This man not only defeated Chen Yuanwai, but even caused most people in Phoenix to talk about something after dinner.

This is also the reason why people will remember him, or because this guy's hair is red, and it is still very easy to remember.

So in this case, people will go, and on the premise of thinking about these things, they will still think about what this guy is coming from.

More people are skeptical, doubting the strength of Nagato, otherwise, today's dinner will not exist.

A person can be strong, if he can be strong, it can be, but if you are strong to a state that people cannot understand, they will think that you are completely lying or do not exist.

Because a person's ability to understand and his ability to accept is limited, it is like why Chen Yuanwai will lose to Nagato, and they cannot accept it.

In fact, the reason on the one hand is that although they said that they were unwilling to accept the face of Phoenix and were beaten by this guy, they were also unacceptable, so they could defeat the crew outside at a young age.

And those of the top families in Phoenix can also see the wine that the crew members drink in the corner.

At this time, although many people want to ask curiously, how is it true that this young man with red hair beat him?

Or whether it was them, who made the false ingredients, no one really asked.

Because the main reason for the dinner hosted by the city owner was because they wanted to recruit this young man.

After all, if it really exists in a person as strong as Chen Yuanwai, then it will still have a very big impact on the entire pattern of Phoenix.

After all, they have been comfortable for so long, and now there is such a strong man suddenly, they will indeed be a little uneasy. At the same time, they want to recruit longmen and recruit their own family.

This is like a person, if he is too strong, he will be rejected by the group!

That's why some people feel inferior, that's because they are not good enough ...

These people are indeed good enough, because at that time his level of excellence was far from the point of having a real master and master of martial arts.

In this case, it also caused them to, and the main reason for inviting Nagato was on the one hand, wanting to break through his lies.

On the other hand, it is also preparation. If this guy is really so talented, they will still throw out olive branches and recruit him into their own family.

Because at this time, genius can be needed, but if he does n’t have to exist, then he does n’t have to exist. This is the idea of ​​their family and so-called, top characters.

"Yo, this little brother, is that the red-haired strong man who has been spreading during this time?" At this time, he looked at the very kind man and walked over with a glass of wine. It's Uncle Wang next door.

However, Jiang Tianxiang introduced, "This is the owner of Liu family, one of the three big families in Phoenix. Uncle Liu is good!"

"Tianxiang, you have done a good job this time. I heard that your cultivation has improved again!" The head of the Liu family looked very hospitable and the whole person looked very kind, like a smiling Buddha.

However, Jiang Tianxiang knew very well that this guy was hiding a knife in his smile.

And he is also a very cold-blooded person, don't look at him on the surface, but she is very obvious in her heart.

So although people know his true personality, they will not break through, because this is their mask, if they do not have layers of masks, they will not be able to attend the banquet.

This has caused them to be very powerful on the one hand, and to live in secular masks on the one hand.

So now that Nagato is so powerful, it also made them realize that it would be impossible for them to continue to let this young man go.

Because if a genius is strong to a certain degree, it must be because it has a special chance, or that he comes from a very powerful family and family.

So now the purpose of this dinner is to attract him, but also to miss the temptation, and even want to know his origin.

Nagato didn't feel too cold for them. He didn't even click his head, so he picked up something and started to eat.

For him, it caused everyone not to be politely greeted.

Because he knew why he knew himself, there must be a reason. Although she wanted to retrieve her memory, these things still had to be done step by step.

But this does not mean that he respects these ordinary people, or will do things like salute.

This is a very normal thing, so Nagato also understands that no, he can do it now if he is serious about himself, to be completely stronger than these people.

Looking for him to know that he still has to live with his own nature, these people are among the best in Phoenix, but it is not important to him, so he now eats for himself.

I was also thinking in my heart, to see when this group of people could endure, don't see him come, and you can't run away!

In fact, in the eyes of everyone now, except for Chen, he is a hooked fish, so they are not worried about running away.

He completely left the long door aside and was in a stocking state, so it meant that he wouldn't look for something deliberately, although it was very pleasant to find things.

But Nagato is not that kind of person who likes to find things in public.

The reason why he came here, first is to solve the trouble that people find him, second, he needs to fight to make up for his emptiness.

Because, Nagato did not meet a strong man here!

Although Chen Yuanwai has some strength, Nagato really defeated him after only a few rounds, so Nagato knew that this time he needed to play seriously and really make her feel comfortable and make him martial. A little bit more refined.

So during these crocodile-filled dinners, Nagato was not flustered at all, because he was waiting for a crocodile with no eyes to attack him, because only then could he catch the crocodile and eat the crocodile meat! ..


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