My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 164: Empire and Sect

After a few more days, Nagato was relatively comfortable in Phoenix.

But now in Phoenix, although there is no interruption before, people still talk about some smiling faces, after all, the red hair of the long door is too conspicuous.

But Nagato already understood that it would not be a problem to stay here again, and this could only be regarded as the edge of the center of the Yanhuang Empire.

So if you want to contact more arrogants of heaven, or more powerful people, you can only move towards the center of the empire.

Only then can he really meet the stronger!

At least, in the memory of Tai Sui, what Nagato knows is this. Most of the strong men and some sects are located in the center of the Yanhuang Empire.

Of course, although there are some other strong people who will live in other places, or in more remote places, but after all, it is in a few

The Yanhuang Empire is a very large empire among the three empires. His cultivation rules and people are very numerous.

So in this case, the reason why people will live in this empire is because the empire not only has these people, they also have soldiers, and even many officials.

It is precisely because of this system that their dynasty can last forever. Without the function of these systems, people may not have civilization, and without civilization, martial arts and all kinds of beautiful things will not be born.

You know, if a person wants to be a strong person, or wants to be the envy of others, she spends more effort and time than ordinary people.

Moreover, as one of the three empires, the Yanhuang Empire has very strong discipline, including masters like clouds, and even many middle-aged people are here.

Of course, at these times, many people will feel that the Yanhuang Empire can actually order those who speak Chinese to act.

But the truth is just the opposite ...

Because most of the people in the sect are practicing martial arts, although some people will leave the court after leaving the sect.

But most people are character, and will definitely not go to court.

Because they are dedicated to cultivating the Tao and want to pursue a higher level of martial arts, in this case, the attack is actually far more than the court of the entire dynasty.

To put it simply, it is the sect of these empire, although they are in the empire.

But it does not mean that the emperor and other members of the Yanhuang Empire can order him to gain control of them.

Because there are countless strong men among them, if you anger others, you might not know when you are sleeping at night and they are getting a knife on your neck.

Therefore, in this case, the people who cultivated martial arts and those who practiced other ways of law also lived in these huge empires.

Because this continent is divided among these three empires, and now at this level, they also have fighting and friction with each other, but the rotation and friction cannot affect those who are dedicated to cultivation. Because these people are beyond the existence of ordinary people, they exist in this country because they exist in them, not because they existed after the founding of the country.

So this has caused these families, or powerful families.

Although they said that they existed in the Yanhuang Empire or the other two big powers, they actually did not belong to the imperial courts of these countries, and even many officials saw that these powerful men had to retreat.

Normal people may be able to reason, but these martial arts people are nothing. When you are strong enough, if you kill two officials, the court may not blame you. This is what appreciates reality.

Therefore, some industries established by these ancestors, big families, and powerful people, in fact, were not dared to be controlled by the court, or even completely unmanaged, which caused it, even though they were in one place, they might live together.

But they can't manage others. Although you live with him, of course, he can't beat him by running around and calling and exercising every day. This is a very real thing.

What's more, there are some sects, if you control them in court, their people may go to kill your family because of anger or revenge. How can you manage him or how to remediate them?

So this has created martial arts people, so it is said that it is very popular on the whole continent, even the road they think in their hearts.

But I really want to talk about it, so I have created a lot of restrictions on the martial arts earlier and those Zongmen. For example, on the street, you ca n’t kill ordinary civilians at will. Otherwise, it ’s easy to suffer. Siege of the forces.

Therefore, many rules and clauses in this world have changed, but the thing that they haven't changed is the strong man, who speaks absolutely.

Most of these so-called restrictions and rules restrict those who have not yet reached a certain height.

Really like Wu Zong and Master Wu Dao ... These people, in fact, can really limit them, only this world or his own heart.

In this Phoenix city, even the guru has only a few nicknames, which is indeed a bit boring. After all, for the Nagato, these guru seems not enough to be his real enemy.

So after figuring out these things, Nagato packed up and prepared to leave here. After all, she stayed here for a long time. Although there were some feelings of reluctance or other emotions, she still had to leave.

When he was leaving, not many people actually knew that because he did n’t have friends here, so he packed it up and went straight to buy a batch of travel agents, and set off.

At this time, he did n’t really care about anything else. Nagato had his own problems, because he was not a saint, he could n’t control everything, and he could n’t do anything about Chen Yuanwai ’s family.

Or do not want to control at all!

After all, he is not a saint. If everything is for him to manage, how can he manage so much?

He wasn't really idle and **** and ran to deal with this kind of broken thing, so he didn't tell any of those guys, just go directly.

After all, those in the entire Phoenix do not welcome Nagato.

They are not very welcoming of this kind, sudden strong. This still has a certain amount of oppression for their blows or their self-esteem!

Otherwise, the long door defeating Chen Yuanwai will not cause such a big upset ..


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