My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 171: At your own risk

Soon, when the head of the Wang family head was hanging at the entrance of Phoenix, many passers-by had already seen it.

This thing has spread all at once in Phoenix. People all know this. The Wang family heads who were out of their reach, were even killed at this time, and their heads were hanging on the city gates.

This caused many people to not understand what was going on, but they dared not get close, because they were afraid that they would anger the person who hung their heads.

And at this moment, many people have understood that this person who hangs his head is most likely the one who killed the head of the Wang family.

And at this time in Phoenix, there was a mess of porridge, because no one thought that things would suddenly become like this. Each of his family sent masters to encircle that, they thought they were very talented red-haired young people.

But it was precisely because of this young man that they sent not only did not kill that guy, but that guy also brought the head of the Wang family head back and hung it on the city gate, which was undoubtedly beating their entire Phoenix The face of the city.

And at this time, people already knew that those who they sent out might have stayed outside forever, and could no longer return.

So everyone in the family knows that since the matter has happened, if they want to solve this matter completely, they need to find a way to calm down the matter completely, if not Or maybe that guy will really kill.

So after the long gate hung its head outside the city gate, this time it sent people out, and all the family members came to the main palace.

At this time, they all knew clearly that as the owner of this Phoenix city, he must be the most face-saving person in this city, not to mention that all the other four families are inferior to his mansion. And his power.

So at this time, they can only pin their hopes on the city master, because no one can go, really can say that they can kill the long gate.

Because Nagato has already killed all the people they sent out, it gives them a deterrent power that this kind of deterrent force cannot bring to ordinary people.

Because you need to know that one of the group of people is more than a hundred, even a large number of martial arts level people. They all died in the hands of the long gate. If the long gate really ran in and slaughtered a clean one, , Then no one can easily escape this robbery.

So they can only pin their hopes on Chen Chushanshan, after all, the sister of the city owner, she is the queen of the Yanhuang Empire, her rights and prestige are not a bit of a star.

But at this time the city owner also had a headache, because he did not expect that things would happen like this.

Although he knew that those families would be the leaders, they would mobilize to kill this guy. They were all people who wanted to save face, but the result would suddenly become like this, and none of them could imagine or think about it.

But things have developed to such a point that if he does not go as a city owner, he really cannot do anything, but if he is asked to go and actually face the Nagato, he feels a little bit bad.

When these people themselves would go to assassinate the Nagato, although he did not participate, at least, he did not stop, which means that he defaulted on the development of this matter. So now the long door hangs the head of the Wang family head at the door of Phoenix, which is invisible in the invisible, and let the family of those who really go to her hands go to him. .

Although this is a naked provocation, it is also the most effective provocation. No one can resist this matter.

Listening to the messy words of the crowd, the lord of the city said helplessly, "Don't say it to me, my ears will be deafened by you now!"

"Since you are all here, well, let's go to the city gate together! If this matter is not resolved, I believe that the guy will not leave like this ..."

Indeed, at this time the lord of the city also had a headache, because he knew that if this matter was not solved perfectly, then the lord of the Wang family would not say whether it was in vain, at least he would not be happy at the gate.

If Nagato is unhappy, there may be more people dying, although at his level, it has absolute power to control this matter.

But for the more than one hundred people who died, he was very clear, and even many people knew him, so he could not be 100% sure about this matter, and he could even retreat.

Then it means that if faced with more than one hundred people, even the city owner as the city owner of Phoenix, as the highest leader of the city, he has no way to say that he lost 100%, beat those people to send or have an accident, and the whole body and Retreat.

Then I can see from here that the cultivation of the Long Gate is higher than that of the city master. Then as the city master of this Phoenix city, the city master still needs to unify everyone's thinking and thinking at this time.

At the same time, the person ’s head is now hanging outside the city, which is inadvertently against him, and it is also a kind of provocation, so since these people are coming, then it means that the small, white can also use them and then do Some other things.

But although they are not willing to face the long gate, but since the Pure Lord has spoken, they have no choice.

Because they are already here, if things are not resolved well, they may not even be able to sleep at night. After all, among the more than one hundred strong men, there can be many strong martial arts-level strong men, even they If they are all planted there.

Now, who of these people can be alone, completely as if this thing has not happened.

Soon, the city owner brought people to the gate of the city, but the head of the Wang family's head was spreading in the wind, and his hair was also shaking under the wind.

But the long door sat lightly next to the stone, watching these people quietly, without any sign of wanting.

At this time, the city lord, as the city lord, knew that of course he had to say something, otherwise, he had no prestige as a city lord, so what did he say!

"It would be a little too much for this little brother to do this. This dead man's head is at the door of our Phoenix city, which is not very lucky ..."

The long door said lightly, "I think you should understand what I mean. I now have only one request to hand over those who ordered me to be assassinated. I might be in a good mood and I can leave a few more mouthfuls, otherwise At your own risk! "


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