My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 176: Horrible means

If from the beginning, Nagato knew that he was going to face this war, he was already a bit impatient.

He knows some things well. If he does n’t do it, then the long-awaited war will definitely not break out. If the masses do n’t break out, he wo n’t learn more things he wants to learn.

Now thinking about it, Nagato also knows well, since he is now standing in this position.

Even if someone else does not know his practice, or even if someone else thinks of him, he should do some counterattacks, not just that nothing has happened, at least unacceptable to Nagato.

Now these powerful family members, in fact, can also be seen from the side. The reason why they will stand here now is because what they can do now is to kill the long door as much as possible.

But after the city lord joined the battle, everything he experienced now has not improved, because although the city lord is fighting with the Nagato, the city lord ’s means are not much worse than theirs, although his repair For very powerful.

But what they can do is perhaps more of doing what they should do. Despite this, they still have a group of people who ca n’t stand the door.

This is very difficult to accept and there is absolutely no way to really think about things, no one can really ignore them. At the same time as these things, they ca n’t ignore the facts they are accepting.

Because Nagato is indeed more powerful than them, not to mention being so young, they just killed 1/3 of them.

This is also incredible for these top-level characters in the entire Phoenix City, because they themselves are surrounded by groups of people, not to mention masters, and even the master of martial arts may even fight for it.

This is just their thoughts, as to whether they can really fight with the martial arts master, they are hard to say, but at least the characters of the master level are certainly untenable in the face of so many people.

Even at the Nagato, it was still easy to deal with, and also wounded and killed 1/3 of them. This is indeed a very terrifying thing.

Although the city lord joined, it didn't bring much pressure to Nagato, but just let his mind mostly revolve around the city lord.

Although other people also want to attack Nagato, most of them are easily resolved by Xiaoneng, and this has caused what they can do well now, perhaps, it is not at all, it is suitable by a simple method, it works, light Complete easily, these things they know.

Now after such a long battle, they all clearly know that this person is extremely terrifying, otherwise faced with so many of them, nearly 20 families besieged them.

Perhaps it is true that no one can easily survive, but the Nagato not only survived, but also killed six or seven, which has led to the fact that their battle is no longer controlled.

Even with the participation of the city lord, they have no confidence in killing the long gate, which is indeed too cruel for them.

The reality is that they are so cruel. When doing all this, they had already expected that the strength and cultivation of Nagato must have a certain level.

Even if it is a guru, but now facing the attacks of these people, even a guru can't stand it, let alone a young man like Nagato, who can already surpass the guru of this world.

This is really incredible, not to mention that before going through these battles and what people perceive, what they can do is really only to exert their fighting power as much as possible.

Although these people are top-notch figures in this world, they can't survive under the long door, or even get seriously injured by him.

This horrible thing is indeed something that cannot be easily thought of at all.

To know that this world does not lack genius, what is lacking is a genius that is truly powerful enough to scare others, which is a bit scary, not to mention among these people.

There is a genius in this world in itself. The length just now can not be reached. It is as terrifying as Nagato. After all, no one can easily face the attacks of more than 20 top first-class families. Some people have no way to take him.

This is really terrifying. At least in their impression, they haven't really met this kind of genius that makes them all have headaches.

But the reality is so cruel, Nagato not only faced their attack, but also seemed so easy to face the newly joined city owner.

Despite the large number of opponents, they were so weak in the face of the devastating attack by the Nagato, and it was indeed a place where they felt frustrated.

Because each of them is a group of people who stand at the commanding heights of Phoenix. They are everywhere in Phoenix. They need people in Jingyang District, and they need to go.

Despite this, their current situation is very anxious and restless.

Because they have tried hard enough to kill the Nagato, but the result now is not as passive as they thought.

Even if the city lord joins the battle now, he has n’t tampered with this situation. It ’s just that Nagato ’s speed of killing these people has slowed down. Cruel thing.

But precisely because of this, what they can do, maybe just want to do what they think they can do, otherwise, they won't try so hard to kill Nagato.

But the real result makes them unacceptable, or that they cannot believe in themselves for a short time, which is really so difficult.

Before that, they also doubted the real cultivation and strength of Nagato, but when they actually faced it, they actually felt terrible.

This is why when they can send those masters to kill Nagato, it is actually a gambling behavior, although they are sure to kill Nagato.

However, they did not expect that Nagato could kill all of them and still be able to appear outside of Phoenix.

And arrogantly hang the head of the player family outside the city, which is indeed too arrogant and unacceptable, so at this time, they all want to let Nagato die here all the time, but everything Everything is not as they thought. ..


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