My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 178: True strength

After the city master showed his real accomplishment, the remaining families on the scene felt it, a little luck, because they knew that the city master's strength would let him come and lead them to want to get this battle. victory.

But Nagato faced the city master who had exposed his true cultivation behavior, but shook his head and said, I know you hide your strength, but have you ever thought about using cultivation practices that are not available on three floors?

With a long gate, everyone's heart fell to the bottom, because they have felt the strength of the long gate, and the people who died on the ground have enough to explain all this.

But when the city master is really exposing himself, but hope, after all, as the city master of Phoenix, he must have harvested a lot of resources over the years, and at the same time, he has also improved his cultivation skills. That is nothing wrong.

Now Nagato suddenly said this, which was undoubtedly a blow to them.

But the city owner did not want to believe this fact. After all, he was in Phoenix. After so many years of hard work, he has achieved this kind of practice. If the long gate is so easy, it can be overcome. He, or beyond him, totally made him unacceptable.

"Less nonsense, fight if you fight!"

At this moment, the city master flew past the long gate.

Because at this moment, he knew that if the Long Gate were not to be killed, or if it was left here forever, the battle would not stop. Then in Phoenix, the families of these top families would not be able to There is still death.

Although these people are not particularly important to him, he is, after all, the owner of Phoenix, a provocation that does not allow others to easily hang a human head outside his city.

Now that he has revealed his true strength, he intends to kill Nagato completely, otherwise, the consequences will definitely be more troublesome.

At least he is not a troublesome person, so now Nagato must die!

Nagato saw that this guy had started to be a little crazy, and he did not continue to stay behind, and then looked at these people with cold eyes, while resisting the attack of the city master.

In this case, you guys will die completely, and Nagato has lost patience. He directly traversed an arc with his hands, and with his own body strength, he directly punched on the stomach of the city master.

This punch is so powerful that it even blasted the city lord out like a human bomb.

Although the city master said that he had exposed his cultivation practice as a guru, he was so unbearable at this moment that he was even blown out with a blow by Xiaoming, and there was not even a chance to fight back.

Because the action of Nagato was so fast that all of them could not clearly see how things happened, only to see the city lord flew out, not at all.

The rest of the people saw that the little girl was so powerful, but they also found that he did not intend to let him go. These people laid siege to the long gate after a short pause, because they knew that since the city master had already been turned over by the long gate.

So if they do n’t do anything, or do n’t talk about the little sisters a few hundred, maybe their ending will not be much different from the current city owner.

It ’s not that Nagato is too lazy to talk nonsense with them. He will spend so much time with them. The main reason is that he wants to attract those powerful ones to come out.

Now that those people have n’t come out yet, then Nagato no longer needs to wait any longer. The best way to kill him is to open the ring! So when these people are besieging the long door, the long door does not do much nonsense, directly punches, directly the rest, the family of a dozen large families They turned to the ground.

And the Nagato then found the place where the city lord landed, at this time the city lord was dying.

Although he said that he was already dedicated to the cultivation of the master, he had no way to fight back against the city master, and even he himself did not figure out what happened when Nagato just punched.

When I saw it, I flew backwards, and then I didn't remember anything. At this time, for the city owner, it was totally unacceptable.

But now this kind of thing has happened. What they can really do is only be able to maintain their own face, because sometimes as a strong man, the face he cares about is more important than the rest.

At this time, despite saying that they had reached this point, the city master still said feebly, "You are so powerful, why should you ... play like a pig and eat a tiger? Is it necessary?"

Nagato shook his head and squatted on the ground to look at him and said, "Actually, I didn't plan to do this at the beginning. I came to this place just to find something I lost ..."

"But you still want to have my life still entangled, do you think I am good-tempered or have no temper?"

At this time, Nagato didn't say much nonsense, and raised his hand to kill the city owner.

But he said that he was the owner of Phoenix, but Nagato did not really regard him as a person in need of respect.

After all, in this world where the strong man is respected, since he is a strong man, he has enough qualifications and strength to marry the name of another person, not to mention the person who wants to kill himself, he does not want to stay in the world .

But after the Longmen family killed the city master, those auras of arrogance remained unmoved.

This not only surprised the Nagato, don't see the city owner, as the city owner of Phoenix, that is the leading person in this place, so his death will definitely bring shock to the whole city and even the whole place.

Why are those strong breaths still unmoved at this time? What exactly is going on?

After killing the city owner, Nagato went directly into Phoenix.

At this moment, many people who secretly watched this battle were so scared that they did not know what to say at all.

Because everyone who died on the ground is a person with a head and a face in the entire Phoenix, each of them is a person who needs people to admire and needs people to respect!

But it was such a group of people that I died in the hands of such a young man. What an exaggeration!

Even among these people, even Xiaohong has been hiding in the crowd to watch all this, but when he saw the Nagato, it was so easy to defeat these people, even after killing the city owner.

He finally understood why Nagato looked down upon her ...

That's because this man is not a woman, someone who can get it easily, his power has surpassed too many people in this world! ..


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