My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 180: Confrontation palace

When people in this palace saw Longmen coming, they were actually Gujing Wubo, and that matter would develop in this direction.

After arriving here, in fact, after feeling these three powerful breaths, Nagato can already know that they seem to be restricted here, rather than really hiding here.

You know, he killed a lot of Phoenix, and these people are the people of the family and masters who wanted to kill him.

Although Nagato is not a scumbag, he does not have any hands for those who want to kill him. In his own right, he has a good temper, but he is not without temper.

Now, these people not only have no intention of regret, but still want to kill him. This is totally a matter of no reason.

Now after killing those people, Nagato came here just to know what these guys are doing here, why, even if he killed so many people, these people would not go out to interfere with him.

When the man looked at Nagato, and asked him why he came here, Nagato already knew that they had moved to kill.

"What the **** are you doing here?" Nagato said lightly, "Wouldn't it be ... something for the guard?"

In fact, at this time, he only said to come for a while, mainly because of some technical itch, since someone can become his opponent, then it means that he can appear here, just want to play against them.

Now with this opportunity, Nagato is of course reluctant to let it go. These people are the highest people among those encountered by Nagato, and these highest people even refreshed all the previous encounters of Nagato. people.

So at this opportunity, Nagato does n’t want to miss it, not to mention that a few of them are self-cultivated, they can even feel their strong breath.

But Nagato still ran without fear, that is to prove that he was not afraid of these, but really wanted to fight.

Although the man said that he could not see through the cultivation of the long door, he already felt it from what he did, so he said lightly, "If you leave here directly, nothing we do should happen ..."

"Then if you want to stay here, I don't mind shooting you!"

The other man and woman had already opened their eyes at this time, and their eyes on the long door were not very friendly.

You need to know that the main reason why they will appear here or stay here is because they need to guard something. If someone wants to get him or destroy it, it must be given to the three of them. Provocation and insult.

Nagato could have guessed that there must be a reason for the three of them here. To know what she did, at least in Phoenix, no one can forgive.

Nagato was watching these people. Such a powerful deterrent, if replaced with ordinary people, it would definitely scare you back, or even make you pee.

They are strong enough from the momentum alone, not to mention that when they really release their powerful momentum.

But at this time, Nagato shook his head and said, "I'm here to see that you are missing one here. The reason I came here is to try the skills of you guys!"

"If you still have such stubbornness, I don't mind staying here for a while, or I really want to see what you are protecting!" At this time, Brother Nagato is not afraid. For him, he knows where he can go, the position is to continue to become stronger, rather than continue to stay in a certain place. Stage.

Under the circumstances, what Nagato can do is to create more opportunities to play against others under limited conditions.

What's more, now that these three people who are the most powerful as carpenters have completed, if none of them can take action, it might be really disappointing for Nagato.

The two men and a woman immediately got up after hearing the words of Nagato, and then exuded an endless powerful breath.

Howe does not exaggerate that the people in Phoenix, or the top powerhouses, are simply chickens and dogs in front of them.

Even the Nagato felt that if one of the three of them went out, they would surely be able to slaughter a piece. Although it may not be as decisive and powerful as the Nagato, at least the entire Phoenix, no one can stop it. pace.

But Nagato looked at the thought of the three of them who were going to shoot, and immediately smiled, "If you really want to shoot, I think it ’s better for you to hurry up, otherwise, if I really started, I do n’t think You can stop me! "

Although it is said that they are in Phoenix, Dandong may be the most powerful group of people, but in the face of Nagato, he knows how powerful he is, and it is precisely because of his self-confidence that he can make him unfavorable and Zhao is invincible. .

But now facing these three people, there are indeed many possibilities for what he can do.

"Since you die so early, then I will fulfill you!" The leading man said very aggressively.

Then for a moment, he appeared in front of the long door like a teleport, and without exaggeration, it was very fast and suffocating.

But when he raised his hand and hit the Nagato, Nagato disappeared in place at this moment.

"It's impossible!" The man also looked at something weird, the direction where the long door disappeared.

To know that he just punched, not to mention anything else, at least one of the peak of the martial arts master will be killed by it, this is her strong enough capital and strength.

But when faced with the long door, he punched a punch at the moment, even the corner of his clothes was not touched. This terrifying speed made him never think of it.

"Your speed is a little faster, but I'm faster!" Nagato raised his hand and punched directly behind the man.

The man took a punch directly and flew out backwards.

But after flying out a few meters away, he stopped immediately. He was not like the lord of Phoenix and other people who could not take a punch from the door.

The three of them, each of whom was from the sect period, not to mention that when facing the long gate at this moment, they said they were a bit worried and scared.

But if they really want them to choose, they can only fight, because what they protect is what they insist on.

If this thing is known or used by others, the three of them will die first, and even their family will suffer from the pond fish. In the greatest case, the real consequence is whether they can bear it or not. ..


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