My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 205: Fenghuaxueyue

"This Xiongtai, come sit down!"

At this time, when Nagato came to the third floor, there was someone entertaining him immediately, and this person looked very elegant and could not see anything at all, and looked down on the meaning of Nagato.

But Nagato just nodded and found a quiet place to sit down, because for him, coming to such a place is not only a meal, it must be a thing to appreciate the hostel here.

Although Nagato is not particularly demanding in this regard, as a normal man, after seeing the beauty, there will still be some special reactions.

So in this environment, plus some special piano sounds, and the feeling of talking about the world, it can be regarded as relaxing.

Before this time entertain Nagato, the man came to Nagato, holding a glass of wine and said, I wonder if Xiongtai was the man who was rumored to be defeated, Zhu Wushuang.

At this time, Nagato knew that the other party would find himself, surely because of Zhu Wushuang, because it was the first time he had come to the Imperial City from the beginning, and the first time he could remember things in his life.

Although he did not know whether he had been before, at least he did not know whether he had been or not, and this memory was really the memory given to him by his age.

Then someone will come to him at this time, and it must be someone who knew or had an intersection before, and now that the name Zhu Wushuang is spoken from this guy, then naturally he will appear here, definitely related to Zhu Wushuang.

Nagato nodded and said, "I don't know what happened to you looking for me? Are you his friend or something?"

At this time, the other party does not have animals, or does not have any excessive behavior. Of course, the long door knows that the other party must be either his friend or his opponent.

Because in itself, this world is more intuitive, either friends or enemies, because for itself, as long as it reaches a certain level of survival in this world, he will be divided into friends and enemies.

What's more, in addition to making money, basically whether he is in business or martial arts, he will always have opponents, that is to say, this society is actually cruel, because.

Both the environment and the characters are people of this society. A series of growth and the motivation to make them stronger,

A person, if it is an ordinary person, or an honest farmer, they may live very simply, there may be these, against the first opponent.

But if you once embark on the path of martial arts, then there will definitely be this, the enemy of relationship and Kendo, as well as some characters such as investment.

Because there will be a relationship between opponents and characters, it is because there must be some interests, levels and divisions between them, and this situation will be formed.

Since they will come here and find that the little girl has named Zhu Wushuang, it must be the relationship between them, either friends or enemies, at least Nagato can guess things, as he thought.

The man smiled and said, "This surname is Xiongtai, the last name is Tian, ​​and it is called Tian Dashan!"

At this time, he did not want to conceal his life, but also conceal what he did.

As a matter of fact, he was looking for Nagato to use him to defeat Zhu Wushuang's thing, and to make more articles and things that people could not imagine. They will find the long door, after all, who can beat Zhu Wushuang, but not a character who can speak clearly in a few words.

What's more, this guy, although they say they can't see Xiu Wei clearly, but as Zhu Wushuang, he is also the son of the world's prime minister.

He can admit that this guy defeated him so no matter whether the matter is authentic or the words are inaccurate.

At least prove that this guy is definitely a person who is valued by Zhu Wushuang. At this time, many people may want to see Zhu Wushuang's jokes, but since he will say this, he must have considered this matter.

After all, someone as good as Zhu Wushuang can say such words regardless of face, which is a huge challenge in itself.

Because the arrogant like them, whether in personnel or in their relationships, have a network of relationships and chains that are difficult for ordinary people to have.

These people have a lot of face than many of them, not to mention the character of the pride of the son of the prime minister, and everyone even dies to face.

But it was such an arrogant man, but he admitted that the red-haired young man was the man who defeated her at the edge of the empire.

Now let ’s not say whether the authenticity of what he said is 100%, at least it is worth letting people pay attention to the character of Nagato, not to mention that his appearance in the Imperial City really makes people very surprised and surprised.

"I think since you know that I have some relationship with him, you must know the things between me and him too!" Nagato said directly. "You might as well say directly. I prefer to listen to your truth. I don't like to circle around! "

Nagato didn't like to go around in circles, not to mention that it seemed like he was in the clouds, and he certainly didn't like this feeling.

So now that the other party has found himself, he must be trying to take advantage of himself, or want to do something that they have no way to do well for Russia to use him.

At this time, Tian Dashan laughed, "I know this Xiongtai should not look like an ordinary person on the surface, but it is really hidden! So since you don't want to tell me my name, that's all. "

"Actually, the main purpose we are looking for is to work with you to fight Zhu Wushuang!"

At this time, Nagato knew that this guy and Zhu Wushuang were completely opposite. Now that he suddenly said something like that, it must have been premeditated.

If Nagato really needs to promise him, or will really promise him to do such a thing, then it is indeed a very uncomprehending thing.

"I can frustrate him alone, why do I need your help, or why should I help you?" Nagato laughed.

Also, since you found me, if it is purely because of this matter, I do n’t think we need to talk anymore.

For his part, Nagato was unfamiliar with this guy, not to mention seeing it for the first time. This guy even opened his mouth so he wanted him to be a gun, so of course he was unwilling.

If he wanted to kill Zhu Wushuang, the battle between them would have been so.

Not to mention that now, since coming to the Imperial City, then Nagato of course hopes that everything will go as he thinks, and instead of being led by others, this is not the result he wants, ..


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