My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 213: Zhujia's actions

It was after listening to the words of Longmen that Liu Jiaming was not discouraged, and even did not feel unhappy at all.

"Brother, let's talk about something else. I'm only proposing this matter. Of course, the decision is still in your hands, isn't it?"

Nagato nodded, and he could feel that this guy really didn't care if he really joined the faction they filled in, but really talked to him about something else.

"Well then, just say it straight away. What else are you here for?" Nagato said lightly.

If Nagato can feel, this guy is not as simple as it seems on the surface, only the master's initial cultivation, but he can feel a special energy contained in the other party's body.

This stock. Energy is not something that can be clearly explained in three words, at least for the first time Nagato encounters this strange energy, and this energy seems to be non-long strange and powerful

Most people can't see that there is such energy hidden in his body, but at least the long door can feel it.

And he can know the reason why the other party will come to him because it is because he is dependent and certainly not as simple as it seems.

If you want to come here like this, there must be a reason why this guy will come here. After all, it was rejected by someone, and it is really not easy to accept it so frankly.

"It ’s like this, because Brother Tian and I are close friends, so plus that I ’m from the Tian faction, so the purpose of my coming here is to talk to my elder brother, there is a way to go to live, and take pictures , Do you want to hear? Qiang said with a smile

"Then you say it, I want to hear it!" Nagato laughed.

From the beginning, the main reason why Nagato Hui and Tian Dan had an alliance was because he knew that this guy did n’t hold back any good farts.

But despite saying that if the other party is also able to use him, it is also a good thing.

At this time, Nagato knew that in this imperial city, if it could make the son of one of the two giants become a chess piece under his hands, it was actually a good thing.

Nagato knew that the only thing he could do was to maintain this short-term relationship while taking advantage of any help that Xiao and Qiang could provide him to do some things he should do.

"Because as a faction of the Zhu family, many of his big officials are under his banner, so in this imperial city, they have a lot of real estate that they are really mastering!"

"So we got it through an inside line. Recently, Zhujia seems to be planning with the Everlasting Chamber of Commerce, so I will come to tell my elder brother such a thing!"

Before coming here, Liu Jiaming was able to come here because he had learned from some gossip that the reason why Nagato was able to beat Zhu Zhishan.

That's because the previous family found a plant too old!

This kind of anti-celestial creatures that can make people really meet, and it is precisely because of this, maybe it is he who defeated Zhu Jia and Zhu Wushuang!

After all, as a member of these geniuses, Zhu Wushuang is also a person who is respected and longed for.

He will be able to see that he will be defeated by Nagato. Nagato is not only sure that he has certain strength in many ways to do this kind of thing.

So in this case, if Nagato eats this Taisui meat, or absorbs Taisui, it can only reach this level.

That is enough to show that he also belongs to that kind of understanding, indeed it is a rare thing in this world!

It's just that Tai Sui was eaten by Nagato, and it must be his blessing. Plus he is so strong now, it must be the object of people in and outside the Imperial City.

It's just a long door, for one of the most concerned people in this imperial city.

There will be no one to harass her. I used to find this good place in my junior year, so that those ordinary officials even have some intentions. The rich and noble people of the party dare not come and easily find trouble in the long door.

Because Longmen itself can be arranged by Tian Dashan, this is to take it seriously, which is enough to show that he is a very important person in the field of vision of the Tian family.

What's more, if people are truly controlled by the Tian family, it is not long for their Tian Cai, a person who can reach a higher level.

Because after all, it is a faction, but the masters among these big officials and real dignitaries are also rare.

After all, it can become a master of martial arts, and its purpose or other aspects of life values ​​are definitely not simple, and want to become a vassal of others.

So despite the superficial scenery of the minister of the DPRK and China, in fact, there are not as many masters in the real mainland as there are legends and imaginations.

Nagato can defeat Zhu Zhishan. This kind of genius who really makes people go and really admires it. In fact, what he really wants to say is indeed, indeed, a person who is not long and attractive.

Now that Nagato is being pulled to a certain extent by Tian Dashan, it can also explain the importance of itself. In these aspects of human relations, it is still stronger than the Zhu family faction. .

After all, if Nagato can be pulled to the home faction, it is indeed a blow to their Tian family faction.

Well, as one of the smartest young talents among their factions, Liu Jiaming naturally knew at this time that he did not come here simply to win him into the Tian family.

Because he knows that if he simply pulls the other person in, it is certainly okay.

It's just that the other party is already in a cooperative relationship with Tian Dashan. You can also see that the relationship between their family and the relationship between the two parties is better. So the so-called alliance and the real pull-in are only a matter of time.

Now the long door, let the other party stay in the control of their Tian family, then naturally it will be needed, the other party can do something to spend, the other party's use value.

After coming to the Imperial City, it also attracted a lot of attention. After all, he was able to defeat Zhu Zhishan and his son Zhu Wushuang. In fact, no matter from any aspect, it is not a genius who can be worthy of recognition.

That's not clear in two or three sentences. People like Longmen seem to have no background.

Even if he can achieve this degree, then regardless of his strength, is it really like, as said in the rumors, did it become so powerful after eating too old?

Or is there any really strong power behind him or what, the strong man is behind to control, it doesn't matter, what can he do for his family faction, is it the most important thing now? ..


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