My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 218: Time is up

With the passage of time, the agreed time was quickly obtained, because for itself, for Nagato, no one interfered with his words.

He also likes to be alone, not to mention the people he wants to send now, and arranges a very good residence for him.

In fact, it can also prevent many people from interfering with her, and even many people from disturbing his life.

You have to know the intentions and reluctance of the rich and powerful in this red dust, not to mention that under the circumstances of this rumor, Nagato can defeat him with a sudden appearance, from all sides Worthy of shocking and inexplicable things.

Then in this case, of course, they will make the Nagato become a loser, and become a person who can not be completely guessed by others.

Now that they can learn from the Tian faction, that is, Liu Jiaming, they will be able to get the news of the ancient ruins they need me after these half a month.

In fact, no matter from what aspect, it is a very worthy thing.

After knowing that Nagato would get too old from the beginning, he was also very curious about this creature.

I just didn't expect that after absorbing him, he has brought so many benefits to him, and it's still this benefit, which is also very real. I can't guess what the benefit is.

Well, in this situation, naturally, this time, this time, some conjectures of the ancient ruins of Nagato became very unusual, and it made him want to stop.

After all, he has no memory of coming to this world, although he does n’t know why he came, why he came here, and why does he live here? ?

But he knew clearly, or in his current memory, that he was not even curious about the ancient ruins.

So now when Nagato can get a series of information about ancient ruins, and even get some things he wants, he is actually very happy.

Because the ancient ruins were his first time, and at the same time he got this kind of news, it was also the first time he wanted to really explore what is good in it.

This is the most worthy concern of Nagato, and this day soon came, and then, came to the residence of Nagato, that is, Liu Jiaming who had discussed with Xiaoming for a long time.

This guy gives people the feeling that the first is gentle, the second is very smooth and very organized.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is even better than that of Zhu Wushuang's guy, even more powerful from all sides.

If this guy is really the son of these giants, even, these giants may actually unilaterally crush each other's children.

It's a pity that this guy's father's official position did not reach the level that Cheng Xiao took off, but it was considered a relatively large official.

"Brother, is it okay to rest for a few days now?" Liu Jiaming said with a smile.

Nagato smiled. "It's still just like that. It's already today. Why don't you take me to meet the people of your Tian school?"

"I happened to come to you today because of this matter!" Liu Jiaming said with a smile. "In the court, our Tian and Zhu schools are divided into two major schools, so the battle between them means The battle of the hundred officials in the court. "

Although it is not possible to really get this kind of thing on the table, the practice of their children does indeed indicate the current situation, as well as some rules of the group in this world,

Nagato was able to see through this, so Nagato knew that since this negotiation will bring out this kind of ancient ruins, a day that is very much anticipated, it is indeed attractive, and also attracts other Tianpai Officials.

In that case, wouldn't this ruin be sure that in addition to them, there would be other people, even the children of officials, who really care about these things.

Because the people who come here must be those who really care about their children, because if they can do the right thing, it is enough to show that they will travel here with many people.

To be honest, Nagato and those of his Tian faction will pay attention to this ancient ruin, because chance is the rarest thing in this world.

At this time, people will pay attention to these reasons, because they need these things to make them stronger, and thus change their life path.

This is why the main purpose and reason why people will fight for, as long as there are big things in the world, people will fight for and fight for names, because they need this kind of thing to bring them, and can really change their lives. s things.

In this case, no one will go to true love but to cater to all the materials they need now, and everything they really need to change to change their lives.

This is why many people who are highly valued officials, as well as their children, are willing to spend their money and energy to do everything they should do, because they all know that they are on the mainland of Budo.

What kind of person you can become is very different from their relationship, and it is also very different from some of the tangles on the resource.

Well, at this time, now facing the situation where ancient ruins are born, it is indeed very enough to explain that these people of the Tian school will also attach great importance to it.

At this time, Liu Jiaming smiled and said, "Get in the car, just those people should have almost arrived, we should leave now!"

This kind of time is indeed very happy for people, because if they are not able to be a faction, they may not stand in line.

Unfortunately, they can become one of the two major factions in the Yanhuang Empire, which is enough to explain.

In fact, no matter what aspect they are, it is a thing that allows people to imagine grandchildren and people to like things.

Because of itself, in this court, people will form a certain faction, that is, they need to be born to win, not because he needs to do something.

Because if they don't do it, they will be isolated, and even doing things will become very difficult.

This is why the relationship between such a great empire in the Yanhuang Empire will become two factions, and these officials are also born to adapt, rather than stand alone,

This is also a product of this era, so under this product, they will use their children and everything they get. What they should do is actually a kind of thing in their own right, which requires great risk and desperate things. ..


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