My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 257: One punch attack

Of course, this may not be understandable to many people. Why do they want to be stronger while the big carp is in the reservoir?

Because there are no illegal rules in the Budo mainland, all the rules are made by the strong.

Then if you are not strong enough, you must lose a lot of things, even your life.

So for this kind of time, many people know that the level they can reach is not as strong as expected.

No matter what kind of things or decisions Nagato does at this time, he is actually a very representative and individual person.

So when he became a big carp, he would either die or he would kill him now, and then seize control.

Seeing the big carp still refused to give in, Nagato saw that he was so persistent, and only shook his head and said, "Since you are so persistent, then I will send you back to the west!"

Immediately after, Nagato called for an understatement, and raising his hand was a punch.

This punch seems to be bigger, but it actually contains a lot of power.

The big carp was directly killed, and even he did not react, and died in the hands of the long door.

At this moment, the fighting power of Nagato and his powerfulness have made Tian Dashan and Zhu Wushuang not dare to step forward.

Because the three of them themselves came in after this trivial matter, that is, an ancient ruin, they are their three giants.

He said that the director of Nagato had done it once, and the fighting power had already surpassed it. The other two were that the partnership between the two of them would not necessarily be able to get past the Nagato.

"Brother, you are so powerful. You can kill this demon king. It's really amazing!" Tian Dashan said at the time, "I can't think you are so powerful. I really wait for me to do it. Envy! "

At this time, Zhu Wushuang wanted to anxiously want to grab the treasure in the past, but the long door directly blocked him. "Do you want to get those two treasures, have you asked me?"

Zhu Wushuang's face became very ugly. He knew that it was inevitable for him to clash with him, but it was more difficult for him to let these two treasures go.

Because he was not close to his eyes, not to mention that Nagato defeated him with a punch, which made him always remember the new things.

Otherwise, such an arrogant person would not spread the news in the imperial capital, letting people know that this red-haired boy showed such a powerful fighting power.

But now the wicket blocked him, then I thought their confrontation would be longevity again, which is definitely inevitable.

The fighting power of Nagato is indeed reflected because of the carp corpses on the ground.

It is a goal that none of them can beat, but Nagato has easily solved it. The most speechless is the gap between them.

"Don't go too far, there are so many treasures inside, if you are alone or snatched, then where will you put us!" Zhu Wushuang shouted.

Tian Dashan did not speak at this time, because Zhu Wushuang, as the son of the prime minister, may be the object of envy and admiration outside.

But here, it's not so comfortable.

Because they all know and understand each other very well, the reason why they will form a certain state and idea is because they all know that they have the responsibility and have the obligation to do so.

Well, at this time, in the face of the grasp that they now need to **** together, in fact, no one can do it, and the real warrior gets the real, to do something they know.

At this time, Nagato now faces the strength they all need to go against. In fact, they are a threat to themselves.

However, now Zhu Wushuang stands up as a head bird, which is undoubtedly what the Xiaoganyuan sees.

For himself, when he did these things, he already explained that they are willing to pay a lot for these things.

Tian Dashan also knew that the reason why he formed an alliance with Nagato was because they all knew that each other could use each other's things.

At this time, Nagato was able to continue to do so resolutely, which is tantamount to that he must have taken a look at what the other party can use and some directions.

It ’s just that he did n’t expect Nagato to be so strong now, emphasizing that they could n’t beat it, then in this case, they could n’t ignore the infamous Nagato.

And Nagato stood up was just telling them that his thing and everything in this small world had nothing to do with them.

So Nagato said coldly, "If I were you, I would leave now, instead of standing here and continuing to talk to me about this thing, do you understand what I mean?"

At this time, Tian Dashan looked a little embarrassed, and Zhu Wushuang was even more angry.

Because they have no way to really have no thoughts, but in the face of such a tough young girl, they are somewhat helpless, or even some completely over-acting.

Because they all clearly know that in the face of such needs, they really recognize things, no matter when and where.

The strength of Nagato has been imprinted in their minds. There is no way to deny and ignore.

In this case, if they do not make changes, they will definitely become a kind of, they have no way to make their own decisions.

Well, at this time, all that Nagato did is tantamount to everything they need to do now.

At this time, they are going now, wanting to seize the run a few days is a small static long door, but Tian Dashan is more understandable than Zhu Wushuang.

So the reason they are born is that they want to see Zhu Wushuang and Nagato fight.

It's just that what Nagato said at this time is indeed unacceptable to them, because they are the arrogant of heaven outside.

It is the object that people envy and admire, but here, like a lamb, they can't do anything at all.

At this time, although Zhu Wushuang was angry, he was still a little sober in his mind, because he knew clearly that the reason why Nagato dare to say this is that he is relying on his own strength.

Despite this, he had no way to stop Nagato, or even refute him, because he knew the horror of this guy.

So at this time, after he could be injured and killed by the demon king, he had already lost a lot of soldiers, and said that it was their partnership, so that the partnership between the two giants would not necessarily beat this guy.

Zhu Wushuang said angrily at this time, "You'd better be so arrogant after leaving this place, otherwise I will see how you die!"

At this time, he turned and jumped into the water pool, no longer staying here.

Because he knows that he is useless here every day, even getting anything without his share.

So it is the most reasonable and most ponderable thing to simply leave and look for other places and opportunities. ..


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