My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 260: Work hard!

If Nagato was n’t trying to become stronger, rather than having a stronger ability, he would n’t do more. He knew that some things would n’t be possible in a few words.

If Nagato does not understand these things, or if he understands these so-called recovery, perhaps he will not become so strong.

And become the objects that these people envy and fear!

Because in itself, the reason why Nagato can do so many and get so many scary things is a very difficult thing in itself.

Well, at this time, the reason why Nagato was able to achieve his current state was entirely because he was in a person who could not be defeated casually.

So many times, when this kind of nine-color lotus, in fact, what Nagato has to do is to mislead, because this set is also the best as long as it can be understood.

What's more, the reason why Nagato can do so much, but also so hard, in fact, the purpose is to become stronger, if not to become stronger, he will not work so hard.

Well, at this time, what Nagato needs to do is that when he digests these things, he is constantly changing into what others fear.

If the decision made by Nagato is also something that others do not allow or do not know, it is not a thing in itself.

Because no one can achieve a truly perfect level, then at this time, what Nagato did was just for himself.

So no matter who gets face to face, he has no way to say that he really saved them.

Of course, this is not to say the so-called salvation, it is more because they all understand it, and sometimes it is not clear in a few words.

What's more, when Nagato is facing these people and what they can know, in fact, what they can do is not to change, but to really become stronger.

Well, at this time, what they need to accomplish is not just a little bit.

It's only when you want to accomplish what you need to accomplish.

Then at this time, all the goals that Nagato did were to make himself stronger, not for other things.

Well, at this time, I have eaten the nine-color lotus, and it has been a great honor for them to keep the car for them, or for everyone.

Or, very fortunate and very rare, because this kind of thing itself is very rare, and it is not something that can be eaten casually. This is the most important point.

Well, at this time, Nagato, as a being able to crush these people's cultivation, actually has certain things they need to think about.

Well, at this time, what Nagato did was tantamount to trying to change this situation.

At this time, all the so-called everything is for him, only auxiliary.

So at this time, no matter when and where, all he does now is just to make him stronger, not because something can change his mind.

Because Nagato himself knew his position clearly, if he became stronger.

Perhaps he would look for it, if he did n’t remember it so early, if he could n’t remember it, then at least now he did n’t mean anything at all. Anything that made them feel guilty. Because for itself, what Nagato does is to become stronger for what he needs to pursue.

So if there is no such pursuit, then he has no motivation to move forward, and if there is no motivation to move forward, why should you pursue?

This is actually a contradictory thing, but in this, what they can find.

Or in order to make yourself stronger, there are still many things that simply cannot be understood or accepted without a way.

Because everyone knows that the reason they want to be stronger is because they need something to pursue.

The role played by Nagato was also the one who knew everything he needed

Facing them in the lineup, now they are so young that both of them are very scary for others.

In fact, it is enough to explain everything he has done, and it is only after hard work and after going through his own permission.

Well, at this time, what Nagato has done so much is actually enough no matter when and where, it shows that he is indeed better than others.

This is something that people in this world insist on and understand.

Because they are very clear, no matter when and where, if they do not change very strong, or can not really do everything.

If they can recognize something, then in the future they will have no way to overcome who will gain stronger enemies.

This is like why Nagato has become such a level that others will be afraid of it, and at the same time more people will choose to challenge him.

That is because he is very strong himself. If he is not strong, others may think a lot, and even if he is killed, no one will say anything.

If you think about it, everything seems so futile.

Well, at this time, if you have n’t been able to do something they can do, then it is indeed a little too awkward and useless.

The role that Nagato played in this is still the kind of person who is in pursuit of a stronger person, and becomes more so that others have no way of seeing through, and no way of dropping.

Because they all know very well that if they don't want to live for each other for themselves and each other for what they need, they will not work hard for so many things.

Well, at this time, everything that Nagato faces now needs to be paved for its own efforts and strengthening.

Then at this time, everything he encountered and what he really got was some of the last gains after his hard work.

Because no matter what they want to become stronger, they need these opportunities, so if these opportunities can be taken by everyone, it is indeed not that simple.

So in this case, what can get these nine-color winning streak is the situation of world self-protection, in fact, it is a very big improvement for itself.

And this kind of improvement is not clear in a few words, just like the one that was lost by the long gate before, they are all treasures of this world, they will have very powerful power.

Let each of their users, or those who can get them, change their lives. ..


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