My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 269: Rapid growth

After Nagato understands these things, in fact, if he does not go to Sushanyin to change, then he does not know, or is not worthy of having greater strength.

The reason why Huang Xiaoming did so much at this time was because he knew how to go.

Because of itself, if Nagato does not have the special ideas and other concepts, he cannot become stronger.

In that case, he is not worth mastering something better, because it is a good thing for him.

Because he knows that he is able to really think and think of some plans after experiencing these things, but it is actually a comparison, which can make people think clearly.

What's more, when Nagato can do some things now, it is actually enough to show that he is changing, and then making some corresponding adjustments.

Some people are like this. When you all need to be able to change your mind and state, everyone wants to be stronger.

Then they naturally only know this, so when.

The extent to which Nagato can achieve depends on what they can accomplish.

Because in itself, Nagato thought and acted like this, in fact, it was also a very correct choice.

If the role that Nagato plays in this is not a person who really understands so many people, perhaps he would not think about so many things.

In this case, they will naturally go and need to do the right thing.

Well, what we should really think about now is that we have absorbed so much power, and Nagato is constantly shrinking and expanding.

Because he knows that his physical body is absorbing these spiritual powers, and at the same time, he is becoming stronger.

Because if people want to become stronger, they will go, how to really change, how to improve their ideas.

So in many cases, in fact, what we can really do is tantamount to being able to intersperse with a certain state and degree of what they want to accomplish.

So when and where are they now facing, some situations that they can accomplish.

Now Nagato is here, constantly challenging his rising curve.

Because many times, what Nagato can do is how to do all this while insisting on self-reflection.

So in the face of the challenges now, it is actually a very difficult choice for him or for the path he will take in the future.

Because in itself, if Nagato did n’t think so, or did n’t do it.

Then he can't do what he should do, because while it is becoming stronger, it is also constantly innovating and truly challenging.

Then in this case, if he does n’t go and becomes stronger, then it will surely finally reach the level they want and want.

And the reason why Nagato often understands this is because he understands it very well.

When you experience these things, how much can you accomplish, and the state is indeed a thing that needs to be considered.

Because when Nagato really challenged his limit, he didn't know how much strength his body could bear.

What's more, this kind of insanity is itself, and I don't know when it exists in this world.

Under such circumstances, Nagato is now absorbing such huge spiritual power.

In fact, no matter when and where it is enough, it is very necessary for him to think and do so.

Because although he may have many ways to move forward, the purest spiritual power in this world is absorbed in the number of shares, which is actually a good conversion.

Although it takes a lot of thoughts, there is still a real mentality to change to achieve.

But relatively speaking, if they do this, they do have a very big adventure, or need to think about how to perfect this adventure.

Because in itself, Nagato needs to really do one, in order to really think about some things that should be done.

If they do n’t do this and do n’t think so much, then they wo n’t become stronger.

They can't do it without getting stronger, they want to accomplish that degree.

Then it's just like what we thought, if we can't really think. Why did they do the corresponding thing during this period?

That would definitely make it impossible to think about how they should do well in order to be the most correct choice.

Because no matter what time it was, Nagato said it was because he knew what to do and that was the most correct choice.

Because if they say they did not think so, then now they are facing some changes and they cannot make corresponding adjustments.

Well, at this time, faced with some actions they need to complete, they certainly need to really think about how to choose is the most correct choice. ,

Well, at this time, in the face of the fact that they can really grow their flesh, it is indeed a very clear point.

So what Nagato needs to do at this time is to perfect it as much as possible. Since then, she has self-reflection and challenges more things that can be done.

For itself, if Nagato is in this, the role it really plays.

Nor is it one. If we have achieved some goals in order to pursue and share together, then we will certainly not really do some corresponding things.

Because Nagato knew that when he did this, he actually faced huge challenges many times.

Because without such a challenge, they cannot make progress together and truly grow together.

So in the face of what they need to accomplish, there are actually many things they can really do now.

In this case, the extent to which they can now achieve depends on the state and goal they want to achieve.

Because as long as they are normal people, they will recall certain things and will work hard for them.

So the degree that Nagato can do at this time is definitely much more than many people.

Because Nagato knows what to do and how to do it, it is the most correct choice.

So now, facing the immense spiritual power of absorbing ancient trees, in fact, I really want to talk about it, and now he is greatly promoted.

Now when they all need to change those things, in fact, what Nagato does is relatively conservative and comparative, it is difficult to think about how to do it well. ..


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