My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 296: Special presence

If it is faced with this kind of situation, it is especially necessary to compete for some times. In fact, for most people, it may not be a particularly good thing.

Because once in a while, people who can really do these things have made corresponding changes many times.

They will go and make these changes because they will make these changes, that is, opportunities, and they all know what to do.

Because the real situation is based on the fact that they are facing these directions that need to be changed, which means that when they face anything, they are more often bad, to complete these special things.

This really requires people to take it seriously, because no matter who they are, they face the kind of reversal that they need to take seriously.

And how much they need to complete, will it really be as they think, this is actually worthwhile, to think about.

Because no matter who they are, when they face this special time, it is also because they have done something completely and it is also conducive to their growth.

Because the real situation is like this, when you become a special person, how to accomplish this kind of thing that needs to be taken seriously is actually a direction worth thinking about.

Just like when Nagato faces many things, he knows what to do, because only then can he accomplish what he wants, what he wants, and what he wants to accomplish.

Because in the face of these particular directions for change, the real situation is that people will make these changes at these times, depending on whether they can eventually become the people they want to become?

Because in the face of these changes, no one can say, to make some simple small changes in reality.

Because the real situation is like this, before they face these directions that need to be changed now, how to accomplish these changes really needs to be taken seriously.

If they are unable to do so, they often complete some corresponding ideas, and there are expectations. In the face of nothing, there is no way to go, and what kind of completely special existence.

Because Nagato also knows that in many cases, when facing the things he needs to really deal with, he still finds a song at this time.

Because for him, how serious he should be, and face life with a smile, in fact, this is also very important.

At least he knows what he is doing is the right choice, or she knows what it is and can really reach the level they want to accomplish.

No matter who they are, whether they really want to do something special, or will complete some corresponding actions.

Because at these times, in the face of what they all need, and the people and things they face, they really have to think seriously about this problem.

So based on the special time they are facing, people will make some changes.

It is also based on what they will do when they are really able to complete the special situation, and to what extent they are the right choice.

Because no matter who they are, they are completely organic fish in the face of their need to change, and they are the right choice to do so.

This is like why Nagato was born, and when he finds this kind of danger again, how much he should do it is also based on whether there will be wrong behavior when doing this kind of thing now.

Because when faced with resources that they all need to earnestly obtain, most people will go for it and work hard.

Because this is the case in this society. If it is time to go, it is the right choice to face the need for change now.

Then, in the face of this special time, in the real completion, this special time, it really needs serious thinking.

Because human beings are like this, no matter when they are faced, they really need to take everything they face seriously.

Now, in the face of what they all need to work for, to go where they really want to fight, it is actually quite correct.

Because they do n’t know who, can they really achieve what they want to achieve, a special kind of existence?

So in the face of this need to change the direction, in fact, in many cases, will it be true, to achieve this special move, is also based on whether they can really have this concept.

Because no matter who they are, in the face of this special existence, they can really defeat these external factors, indeed depending on whether they are strong enough.

Because in the face of this, whether they can really achieve a special degree depends on whether they are really correct in doing so.

And Nagato also knows the preciousness of the earth spirit veins, so it is indeed in a very good mood when it comes to this special thing.

They are indeed serious and need to think about some things in this regard.

Because the real situation is like this, in the face of this special change, whether people can really do it now, this special time, completely need to change.

The reason why Zhu Wushuang and Tian Dashan did not follow Nagato is because they have no way to say that they can really have, and their self-confidence can defeat Nagato.

Because the strength of Nagato is not as strong as they expected.

So that is to say, someone is facing it very softly, and they also know that you are not willing to deal with this person, and there is no way to say that you can really easily defeat it.

They couldn't guess where this guy came from.

Because the real situation is as they thought, but it appeared too weird, and people can not guess the origin, then in this case, if they now easily take the long shot.

Maybe even if the two of them join forces, they may not be too small, so despite the fact that they are faced with these, I do n’t know where the real good chances come from, and the Long Gate will naturally not let people let go.

Especially in this desert land, neither of them can find it. Now Nagato, when faced with this kind of special event, it is true that, like many people, it is not completely, and requires some corresponding changes.

Because when doing these things, Nagato also knew that if he didn't do it, other methods would be doomed to be wrong, which was very important to him.

After all, not everyone can do some things easily, so Nagato knows he has the ability to do these things.

If he didn't do it, then he wouldn't be strong, wouldn't it be very bad.

As Nagato thinks, if he does not do these corresponding changes, he may not be worthy of truly having a better tomorrow, or even having a better memory. ..


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