My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 302: Three spirits

Because at this time, Nagato absorbed the earth's spiritual power, and the spiritual power in his body was after the combination of fire spirit and earth spirit.

In the case of its own immortal body, it can withstand some absorption of more spiritual power.

Because after really coming to this small world, he absorbed the spiritual power contained in the ancient tree and the nine-color lotus and other comprehensions, which already contained super rich spiritual power in the body of Nagato.

This is indeed a very correct thing, so if you change individuals, maybe they will not form some special situation.

Because in the face of these changes, whether people can really learn about such changes, they really need to think about whether to do so.

Because in the face of the direction they all need to change, many people will hesitate, or make some decisions, because they do not know whether they are the right choice to do so.

So in this case, Nagato will make these changes at this time, and after absorbing these earth spirit veins, it contains some things that are really worth thinking about.

While facing these changes, they will do it, and what kind of adjustment is also worth thinking about.

So in the face of the fact that they now understand these things, whether they can really learn some knowledge, or learn some real powerful tricks, is indeed worth thinking and imagining.

Because when faced with things that they all need to take seriously, they really need to be taken seriously.

In doing these things, it is indeed necessary to do these special changes.

In the present, when Nagato absorbs these powerful spirits, the benefits brought to them are indeed much larger. At least Nagato knows how to do this, and how to accomplish it. Think seriously about the direction.

Because at the same time as these changes are made, how Nagato will accomplish these changes really needs to seriously consider this point.

So while facing these changes, can you really learn something they want to learn.

While Nagato made these changes, he also knew how to make the right choice.

So in the real world, obtaining these treasures from this small world, and the benefits brought by the earth spirit veins are very huge, at least Nagato has never found so many heavenly and earth creatures outside.

At the same time, the spirits and some spiritual veins made his harvest huge, and it is even no exaggeration to say that this harvest is indeed too rich.

Because Nagato often knows that when he does these things, it is because he knows how to accomplish this change while doing these things, and his ideas.

Now, while facing them with these changes, what kind of changes they will make is indeed a question worth thinking about.

That ’s good, now that Nagato has absorbed Pring ’s sell, his body ’s spiritual power is very huge, and after the Longhe land is sold, Nagato ’s body has three kinds of spiritual power.

The first type is the spiritual power of fire, the second type is the spiritual power inherent in it, and the third type is the spiritual power of the earth. When you gather together, it is like a pot of chowder, constantly changing and absorbing the long door Flesh.

Faced with this particular change, what they will do is also a direction worth thinking about. Because Nagato faces these spiritual forces, after his implication and continuous fusion in his body, these spiritual forces are not enough to prop up the body of Nagato.

Even Nagato had to say that his body was indeed too prominent and strange, so much spiritual power was absorbed, and he did not even explode his flesh, which is enough to show that his body is indeed too strong.

You must know that Nagato does not know that you are there. The original Ninja Planet has cultivated a truly powerful immortal body.

Now Nagato will be able to have this time at this time and absorb such great spiritual power. It is indeed very important for him or for his own ideas.

Because in the face of the situation they are all familiar with, Nagato will do these things, knowing that he needs to change some aspects now.

Because he himself knows that he is doing this and absorbing this constant spiritual power, which is the most correct choice.

Because people are facing some difficulties they need to face, whether they can get out of it, and at this time really find the direction they need to get.

What to do at this time is indeed something worthy of their serious attention.

Because in the face of these changes, when they can completely do this kind of thing, can they really form a special level.

This is indeed something worth thinking about, because no matter who they are, whether they can really achieve the kind of special things they want.

Whether they can really complete this special move is also a place worthy of their serious consideration.

Because when doing these things, whether Nagato can really learn, what they need to order, some things.

I want to absorb it again at this time. After so much spiritual power, what he will do is more correct.

If Nagato is doing these things and doesn't know how to really want to achieve what he wants, maybe he is not worth having such a strong strength and having so many ideas now.

, Because in front of all powerful strengths, many things are virtual, but if you have enough powerful strengths, you may form a special situation completely,

Because many times, people will really care about these things, really need to take one thing seriously.

Because in the face of these special changes, what kind of changes will be made, it is also the power that they deserve to think seriously.

Because many times, under the premise of doing these things, how they should accomplish this change now is indeed something that needs to be taken seriously.

At this time, if Nagato is unable to do these things, he may not be like many people, and eventually become the strongest person in the world's top part.

Because the strong, it is something that needs to be carefully weighed and considered at every step.

So at this time, what to do, and to what extent, is the direction and behavior of their serious thinking.

Because no matter who they are, whether they can really become stronger on the way to becoming stronger is actually very important. ..


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