My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 331: ancient time

During the rest time, the white wolf asked, "The outsider told me your name, I can call you, so you don't have to call it by the outsider, the outsider knows the name, and the name is closer, but I let When you enter the ancient forest, we open our hearts to each other, what to say, do n’t be so restrained, do you say yes? "

Nagato listened to the white wolf's words and suddenly let go a lot, thinking that the white wolf would be a stern and serious wolf all the time. Unexpectedly, under the serious appearance, it was a soft heart, and Nagato was very open-hearted.

The white wolf continued: "I have lived in this ancient forest for a long, long time, and I can't remember how long it is. I have seen it for more than a hundred years. It's really too long. It's too long, I remember it, I am in this ancient The forest is over. "

Nagato can't see that the white wolf is hundreds of years old. It looks so strong, so sensitive, and such a strong and powerful wolf has lived for a hundred years. It seems that this small world has existed for a long time.

Nagato said to the white wolf, "Mr. Wolf, my name is Nagato. I live in a weak martial arts martial art. Where only the strong can be respected and can live without being bullied. Also, you can call me Nagato, this is my name."

I am strong, but someone stronger than me, so I have to keep making myself stronger, so that I can fight against those who are strong, and those who are weaker than me also come to this In the small world, they also want to become strong.

If you become stronger, you will also come to me and fight with me to prove how strong you are. These people are evil. It turned out that the white wolf should arrive. I will also tell you about this ancient forest, let you understand this ancient forest.

The white wolf continued: "There are a lot of giant creatures in this ancient forest. Many creatures are twice or even several times larger than normal creatures. They also lived in this ancient forest for a long time. Some creatures even lived better than me. It's still a long time.

"These creatures have gone through variants from one era to the next. Some of them are exotic beasts, and some have the same ability as me. They can have a certain ability, just like me."

"In addition to these creatures, there are also lost palaces, which are already in ruins, covered with moss and flowers, and inscriptions that are incomprehensible. When I remembered, an elder accompanied me for the rest of her life. "

Nagato "Has humans ever lived here before? This ancient forest must have been a very prosperous world before. Why did it fall? This has to ask the white wolf. Does the white wolf know this story?"

White Wolf "Which elder is a very gentle person. I was raised by her. She also looks a certain age. She also looks very healthy. She curls her long hair and has a blue silk."

"She taught me a lot of things, what is evil, what is good, how to cultivate, how to survive in this forest, I am very happy to be with her, I feel warm every day with her, I feel like I have a home, Lovely."

After decades of such warm days, the elder reached the end of his life. I knew she was going to leave me. I could no longer live in such a warm life with her, and had been depressed for a long time.

Nagato knew the feelings of the white wolf very much, and wanted to hug the white wolf in the past, and wanted to give the white wolf a warm embrace. The long door knew that the white wolf was not so vulnerable, controlled his behavior, and did not step forward to hug the white wolf. .

Nagato wants White Wolf to take himself to see the lost palace. I do n’t know if White Wolf is willing. Nagato wants to see the inscriptions in the palace, want to see the places in other forests, and want to know more about this ancient forest.

The white wolf took the long door to the lost palace. The long door saw that these collapsed palaces had grown moss. Presumably these palaces were very majestic before. How did this majestic palace be lost? It must have been a great experience. Changes.

Nagato went to the palace inscription to see the inscription. This is an inscription he had never seen before. I do n’t understand what this inscription means. If I can understand this inscription, I can know some deeds of this lost palace.

Nagato let the white wolf take him around in this palace. If there was no other discovery, let the white wolf take him to look elsewhere. Nagato didn't know that if there was no white wolf in the ancient forest, he walked every time There is a danger everywhere.

Because there are huge creatures staring at him everywhere, want to swallow the long door, want to attack the long door, but they do n’t dare to approach the white wolf beside the long door, white wolf's illusion, these creatures are Know, they are afraid of white wolves.

It's not too early. The white wolf asked Nagato to go back to rest early. Tomorrow he still has to wait for him. Keep his energy in tomorrow's cultivation. There is some time in the forest to let Nagato know. The main purpose of Nagato is Becoming stronger is what White Wolf wants.

Nagato listens to the white wolf, it's not too early, it's time to take a rest. Tomorrow I will accept the experience of the white wolf. I don't know what tomorrow's experience will be waiting for him, what new experience will the white wolf give him?

Long Gate followed behind White Wolf. White Wolf took Long Gate back to his residence. Long Gate saw that White Wolf's residence was a cave. Long Gate followed White Wolf into the cave and rested in White Wolf's cave. The next day, we will welcome new practice.

In the dream, Nagato dreamed of an elder, the elder smiled at him, and the elder said a word to him, but the Nagato did not hear what the elder said, waiting for him to listen carefully again At that time, the elder disappeared in front of him.

Nagato wanted to catch up, and the elder had disappeared. It was the next day when Nagato woke up from his dream. The sun was shining into the cave. When Nagato didn't see the white wolf in the cave, he got up and went to find the white wolf. , The white wolf is waiting for him at the entrance of the cave.

Long Gate walked to the white wolf, "White wolf, how do I practice today, is it an open space or where?" White wolf "Today we go to the forest stream to practice, you come with me, I will take you to the small Creek, follow me. "

The white wolf took the long gate to the side of the stream. The long gate saw the water in the stream. It was clear and clear. There were small fish and some shrimp in it. The long gate looked refreshing. I wanted to catch these small fish and small shrimp. This little stream attracted him very much.

White wolf, "" Nagato, you are here to practice today. Cultivation is to enable small fish and shrimps in the stream to leave the stream and come ashore to complete their cultivation. This is also a cultivation beneficial to each of you. , You start your cultivation. "

Nagato's cultivation has become difficult this time. How can we allow fish and shrimp to go ashore voluntarily? ..


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