My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 333: The stronger is stronger

Bai Lang said to Nagato, "Your experience is successful. You let the fish and shrimp who can't leave the water leave the surface. This is really not easy, but you succeed, you become stronger and a step further. , There are more difficult experiences waiting for you. "

Nagato "I will accept every one of Mr. White Wolf's experiences that make me stronger, I will practice myself well, rest assured, I will become stronger, so that you can complete your wishes together, I cannot live up to your expectations of me. "

The white wolf smiled heartily. Sure enough, I was right to look down on this foreign young man. This young man named Nagato is a good young man. It is worth cultivating, so that he can become stronger and clean up those evil classes.

The white wolf did not forget to say to the fish and shrimp, "I will make you stronger. You first swim from this stream into the water source of this stream. The end of this water source is a waterfall that flows straight up. , The stronger is stronger, depending on your own skills. "

The fish and shrimps heard that knowing that it is not so easy to become stronger, just like this outsider, being able to practice his applause so hard is also a lot of difficult experience. Nagato, they gave themselves great encouragement.

They need courage and perseverance to make themselves stronger

In this way, the fish and shrimp also cultivate themselves in order to make themselves stronger. Every creature in this ancient forest has spirituality, some are at peace with the status quo, and some cultivate themselves to make themselves stronger than the white wolf. There are many creatures under the power.

Nagato said to the white wolf, "I have learned in this practice, as long as you have the ability, you are not afraid that no one will appreciate it. The so-called floral fragrance attracts butterflies. If you are a strong person, you naturally attract those weak people and also inspire those who want to change Strong people. "

Nagato remembered that in the dream last night, he dreamed of the elder who was said by the white wolf, and wondered how he would dream of that elder! The elder also said something to him. He wanted to know what the elder said to him, but the elder disappeared.

The long door told the white wolf about the dream of the elder. After listening to the white wolf, he learned that the elder had given the dream to the long door. It must have been something to tell the long door. Telling the white wolf, the white wolf does not know what the elder intended.

Bai Lang said to Nagato, "Nagato just said a word to you in the dream? Is there no other hint? The elder didn't let you go somewhere, tell you where to find her? Just Just a word? "

The white wolf wanted to know the elder's intentions. When the elder left the white wolf, the white wolf could not accept it at all. She had been seeing the elder in her dream. It would be so lonely in this ancient forest.

Nagato saw that the white wolf was very sad. After he had said about the dream of the elder, the nagato knew that the elder was very important to the white wolf. The elder was the relative of the white wolf. After losing the elder , The white wolf guards alone in this ancient forest.

Nagato knew that the white wolf was lonely and lonely. In this ancient forest, the white wolf has lived alone for so many years. It is really difficult for him. Nagato knows the taste of it. He understands this. The taste is quite uncomfortable. The long door told the white wolf, "the elder" can actually give me a dream, if you want to tell me, you will definitely give me the dream again, white wolf, do n’t be sad, When the elder gives me a dream again, I will tell you the first time, okay!

Bai Lang knew that Nagato was comforting him, and his heart was relaxed. Nagato smiled. Nagato "Thank you for your comfort. For me, the elder is a family that I have no way to forget in my life. For me, I think you should understand. "

Nagato said, "I can understand. I know this feeling. You can wait for the elder to give me a dream again. The elder will come to me again. You should wait for my good news." "

The white wolf can only wait for the news of Nagato, and this is not in a hurry, and can only wait. Nagato said, "Today's practice is over or should I continue. Is there anything else to test me?" I still have physical strength and endurance! "

The white wolf said, "Come here today. Pulling seedlings to promote is not a good thing. Although the white wolf also wants to raise the long door to cultivate it immediately, but the cultivation can not be rushed, and it cannot be blindly accelerated.

Nagato thought of idleness and rest, and asked the white wolf to bring himself to explore this ancient forest, to understand a little every day, so that he would soon know the deeds of this ancient forest, and the white wolf took the long door to explore this ancient The forest is gone.

Nagato and the white wolf came to a swamp, which exuded an unpleasant smell. The white wolf told Nagato, "Under this swamp, there are human or animal corpses. They (they ) (They) were swallowed by the swamp while passing through the swamp and would never go back to their home.

Nagato asked, "How can this swamp engulf them, and at a glance you know that it is a swamp, and you can walk around the swamp, why pass by the swamp? Is there another hidden reason? Please also white wolf Tell me what is hidden. "

The white wolf said, "This swamp is the disguise I used to unlock it. Usually people or animals don't know that this swamp is a swamp. This swamp is an illusion. I will show you the illusion of this swamp. What is it. "

Nagato sees that this swamp has turned into ordinary grassland for a while. Where is there any swamp that engulfs people? Isn't this just ordinary grassland? And the grass is full of bright and dazzling flowers, which is very beautiful and charming.

No wonder those animals and people can't help but walk in and look at these charming flowers, but I don't know this is a terrible swamp. Once you walk into this swamp, the true features of the swamp come in, and people have reacted too late.

Nagato looked at the white wolf. How did this swamp disguise itself? Is this also illusion? Nagato waited for the white wolf to answer him, so that he could understand how this disturbing swamp disguised himself.

The white wolf said, "Look at the flower bushes with transparent flowers behind them. The smell they emit can confuse people, make people hallucinate, let them see the swamp as a sea of ​​flowers, trick them into the swamp, and let the swamp swallow them. "

The long door looks at the flower cluster behind it, there are transparent flowers blooming, this transparent flower looks very strange, the flowers are all transparent, there is no color, crystal clear, very beautiful, even the sun is so scattered With a strange white light .........


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