My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 342: Genius stupid

Prime Minister Fuzhong, Zhu Wushuang is having a headache at this time.

Because of the recent turmoil in the court, his father had let him contact some officials and some in advance. What happened in the court.

This is indeed a good thing, but with the deeper his contact now, he is facing these people, and these, some people in Chinese, also make them gradually feel that they are real, even if they become a Real genius.

But at this time, he could not really say that he was a genius, because when he came out of the batch of pure imperial sects that he contacted a few days ago, when he was a character, he suddenly felt deeply hit by him. .

Because this time I went to the small world to consult, you let him successfully break through Wuzhong's cultivation practice. He thought that he had no cultivation practice, and he can still be regarded as a relatively powerful genius on this continent.

But when he met the young talents, he deeply felt that he was a genius, and it was simply stupid.

Because she was picked up by him, everyone in that group was stronger than him, and even the worst of all, he could not see his cultivation behavior.

So at this time, Zhu Wushuang deeply felt that as a son of a prime minister, as a person who is considered to be a genius, it really is not as powerful as imagined.

Because in many cases, these people will have this kind of thinking, and it really depends on them. The reason why they often do this is because they have too much confidence in themselves.

And this kind of excessive things is not done badly, but when this kind of people really meet people who are more powerful than them, they will be truly destroyed by these people.

If so, if he was hostile to Nagato before, it was because Nagato defeated him.

And throughout the small world, some cultivation practices, as well as other things, have made him feel that this person is indeed too strong.

But after the group of people he met, he deeply felt that there are really some people in this world who are so strong that even if I want to be true, there is no possibility of going beyond.

So now that he has been in touch with some things of the court, when they contact more elites among the sect, and some addresses, he is now facing the pressure of these people. It is really not known how much.

And at this time, he is really more troublesome now that a few days later, they will hold a comparison between the sects, even if they are the children of the court officials and eunuchs, they are actually eligible to watch,

But at this time, neither he nor we are this right now, because he is the town of the children of the two largest officials in the court. For me, I need to take my affairs seriously.

I have given instructions to the emperor to find some strong folks, as well as the strongest among the children of officials and officials, to participate in this competition.

Because in many cases, these so-called official children and some geniuses on the surface are really geniuses or born in the eyes of many people, and they are characters they cannot reach.

But when faced with people who come out of this kind of superb middle door and some real theater doors, these are well-known to the secular people.

Now there is no way to surpass them, because, their resistance, and some of their real differences, there is no easy way to go in three words and really wipe out.

Because most of these sects will also have some distribution in this modern world, but more is to avoid entering the mountain gate and practice their minds.

Because why the Yanhuang Empire is the three major empires is not simply because some people in this empire still have energy and some population and other things.

It is because these empire still have these movie and television portals and big families that scare people and fear them.

They will exist in this empire, then it is the most powerful reason in this empire, and some people can even directly determine whether something exists in this empire.

Because many times, why an empire is recognized, or feared, is because there are still some of these sects in these empire, especially powerful geniuses, they will be nurtured continuously.

In the end, it becomes a strong party to deter the heroes, so in this case, don't look at these, the emperor ministers in the empire seem to be powerful.

They are really anxious. Some large gates on the frontier of this empire, and even some large families hidden, may be wiped out in minutes.

However, the existence of these imperial dynasties and their birth in the imperial city must be because these sects are the default, and these people are now emperors or officials.

So, in such a situation of secretly competing with each other, who can live to the end, it is really to show that these people, or these really strong people and this kind, official children, and this kind of empire can survive the battle.

All have to explain whether the current savings power of this empire, as well as some peerless powerhouses of some professionals and some geniuses, can actually become the objects that people fear now.

Because at this time, Zhu Wushuang will have a headache, or because he is the son of the prime minister, he himself has many great qualifications to become one of the objects of this competition.

But he currently only has the strength of this guru's realm. This is indeed for the big money now, there is no chance of winning at all.

So in this case, the first thing he thought of was actually Nagato, because this guy always felt impenetrable to him, and this guy was challenged by them before.

He vaguely felt that this guy was indeed not that simple, because in many cases, there was no way to replace one's feeling.

And Nagato gave him the feeling of being arrogant, even arrogant and powerful, which is completely different from most people in this world.

But now Nagato has not come out of the small world, he is even thinking, is this guy really dying in the small world?

While thinking about these things in his time, the guard walked slowly and said, "Son, someone outside is looking for you."

Zhu Wushuang froze for a moment, and asked, "Who? I don't have time to deal with those people now, let him go!"

Because listening to Zhu Wushuang said this, the guard went on, "He said that he called Nagato, and he came to visit the son ..."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhu Wushuang suddenly lit up, "Come on, go out with me to see ..."

As soon as this remark came out, the guard was taken out by Zhu Wushuang with a brutal expression on his face, completely unaware of what was going on. ..


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