My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 359: Retreat consciously

So long door, know from the beginning.

When he will be for the people and things that he can meet now, it also depends on whether they can really do it, the corresponding changes and some, can let them go, feel that he can go to work hard, at the same time How to do it.

This is also one of the aspects that Nagato can do well now.

Then at this time, he said a word to Nagato, and left directly, because after all Nagato is not ordinary, and with his, cultivation practice, there are indeed some aspects beyond the martial arts.

You must know that the real can really let them go. In order to be able to face these changes now, how will they do these ideas, and the changes must also be considered.

Because at the same time, they will face the present in this way, and there are still many possibilities for those who can really do well.

Because in the face of whether they can really do these things now, it is also necessary to consider whether they can go now. In order to make these changes in order to work hard now, he will go with real, and complete Many aspects.

And Nagato, they will go, to be able to do well now, among these people and things, whether they can persevere, to work hard for some aspects they can really do well now.

This is also the meaning that Nagato has been missing. He knows that he is fighting for these changes through his own efforts.

Which way they will really get some degree they want to get, in fact, this is a very necessary thing to consider.

So at this time, how will he deal with the challenges and various aspects that can make them stronger? In fact, it is enough to explain how they will do while doing these things. Ways to make these changes.

This is also the question that Nagato has been thinking about for a long time, because even if he will really do this, and he is not afraid of facing the challenges of others, he is actually enough to need people to really treat what they need now. everything of.

Because in the face of these changes, they will really make those changes in that way, and there are still many possibilities.

Then at this time, they will make these changes in this way, and it is also necessary to consider.

Well, at this time, the efforts that Nagato will pay for these things are actually based on the fact that it is now facing something that can be paid for these changes, and it is indeed necessary to consider the situation.

Because most of the time, Nagato will go for the present and be able to face this change at the same time.

They will really face these, some of the things people really want to get, in fact, while doing all this, in what way they will make these changes.

In fact, this is all the things they can face now, there are some aspects that can be based on, to be in place.

At this time, in what way will Nagato do this? While changing and thinking, which way will they really take these relationships seriously.

This is actually some of the special things that I now want to face the challenges of these people. Because while they can really work hard for these changes, it is also necessary to consider in which way they will make these changes.

Because in many cases, they will gradually take these changes seriously, because they are really able to work together to make changes in this particular situation.

So at this time, if they can really work hard for these changes, and at the same time they do these things, in what way will they really achieve these ideas.

In fact, it is also very necessary to consider some things, because in their eyes, maybe they can really pay for these changes and efforts, ideas, there are many things that may happen.

Because most of the time, they will deal with all the policies they are dealing with in this way, and they have to work hard to do well together.

Because on the premise of being able to work hard for these things, whether they can really pay for these corresponding adjustments, changes and changes in this particular situation, there may be many aspects.

Then at this time, if he is facing the challenges of others, he cannot win.

So even though he has become very powerful, or how powerful he may have become, he may not eventually reach the level they want.

Well, at this time, they may really be able to pay for this kind of change. It is really necessary to deal with this possibility, the challenge that will occur at any time, and there are still many possibilities.

Moreover, under certain special circumstances, Nagato is indeed something that needs to be considered, and there are still many possibilities.

Well, at this time, if they are unable to cope with these things while they are going through these things, they may actually have to face them, perhaps with more positions.

In your eyes, you may really be able to get some real changes at the same time, but it also depends on what they will do while facing these corresponding adjustments.

In fact, it is also whether they will actually make these changes because of these things in response to these special things.

In this martial arts continent, the rule of respect for the strong has always existed, if only you can truly be stronger than everyone here.

Then you are the one who made the rules. This is a problem that there is no way to refute, and there is no way to go to the real nurse.

So on this issue, since Nagato can really become stronger at the same time.

In what way will he really treat all the problems he is facing now, this is actually what he needs to seriously consider now.

Because no matter who it is, as long as it can survive or be strong on the mainland of Budo, this is actually a factor that really needs to be considered.

Because as long as you can really become stronger and surpass many people, this is actually an aspect that needs to be considered and it is also very powerful.

Because as long as this is the case, they can only face the different levels of the present, and the entertainment they spend will become more unpredictable. ..


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