My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 390: You know

When Nagato is doing anything, he is well-informed and can fully achieve what he can understand.

Because many times a thing or a person can really become the person he wants to be, in fact, it is also necessary to take into account the person's heart.

Because in itself, when Nagato is doing anything, he will have a barometer in mind, and he can be based on some special ideas when making any changes.

This is actually his own, and he still has some very powerful aspects of his understanding of everything now, and his own positioning of the present.

Many times, whether a thing can be accepted by people, or a special change that allows them to advance and retreat together, is also the special situation we can face now, or how will it be done.

It can be seen that when Nagato makes any decision, he will really adapt well to the possibility that it will happen now, which is also some of the things he can understand.

In many cases, it is true that when he does anything he is facing, in what way will he do everything he can do now, it is not difficult to see what he can do well in dealing with it now, In fact, he will know.

When Nagato is facing these things now, he will really do what he can to do well, in fact, it is not difficult to see.

Nagato will use his own efforts to learn and progress to these due changes. In fact, there are many aspects that can be thought of, and there are still many possibilities.

He knows that under the premise of being able to work hard, he will indeed pay for his own efforts on the road of continuous progress and real strengthening through his own. These are also aspects that must be considered.

Because what the Martial Continent really wants to say now, Nagato will do anything, it is really to cope with the special circumstances now changing, it is also necessary to consider these ways and methods of doing so .

Because in any case, Nagato will go through his own efforts and adjustments, and truly achieve himself under the challenge of so many people on the 5 major roads now, while learning, and constantly detaching from his own positioning.

Because this is very useful to him in many cases, because he knows that if he says that he has not forced these aspects that have not become stronger, then it will also affect the way he will go now.

This is actually a very cruel and direct thing for Nagato, because he knows very well how to make these changes while dealing with any things that may change.

In fact, it is not difficult to see how it will go and how to do these things while dealing with the many possibilities now.

It is indeed within the scope that Nagato can understand now, he will really respond well to these enemies who are likely to be for it.

And the news that he returned from this small world is now the same after being spread by Zhu Wushuang, so when directly explaining that Nagato is now like a piece of XX or more direct, he is really like Tang Sang meat by people There are still many possibilities for some special situations that are taken seriously.

I have always known how I will do these things, but it is not difficult to see that in his understanding of himself and his true acceptance, there are actually many kinds of things he will do. Let them all benefit from these directions at this time. Because Nagato has always known what he needs to do, it is not difficult to see that when these people challenge him, he also thinks that he still has a unique advantage.

Because after eating those heaven and earth spirit treasures, the improvement for Nagato is also very great.

So at this time, regardless of any difficulties or any special challenges, he will do his best to do everything he can.

Because only in this way can he really grow to the point that he can achieve through these adjustments and some aspects of his true position.

This is actually a very important thing for Nagato. At least he knows what he should do. Is n’t it?

And while these people are now more and more challengers coming to the door, Nagato still has very strong patience.

Because many times Nagato will do some things, in fact, it is not difficult to see these special circumstances, which are still very important to her, and they will happen in these special situations.

In this particular case, what Nagato will do is actually not difficult to see how he can do everything he can while dealing with these things. Some aspects that must be considered.

And now at this time, how will he become stronger, or change his way to a position where he can only really do it? This is actually not difficult to see at this time.

Many strongmen on this continent are only a whetstone for Nagato, or more whetstones and stepping stones. Because of the existence of these people, he can set a higher peak, which is actually a reason. And necessary.

Because Nagato has always known how to do these things, he will go through his own efforts to truly deal with any situation that may happen now.

It is also true that while he is dealing with these special changes, he will do what he can do.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that at the same time that Nagato can make these changes and all aspects again, Nagato still has some aspects of very strong self-cognition.

If he said that he could not do these things, he would not really grow through his own understanding and the aspects he learned through these battles.

Because in many cases, the two sides of a thing will lead Nagato to think so, but it is not necessarily a proof. There are still many possibilities for things that can be done now.

And now that Nagato can face this, they will really do it. For these changes, they can really deal with these special situations.

This is indeed something that Nagato has known all along.

And Nagato has always been really coping with these real changes. ..


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