My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 398: Regret losing

So when he will do some things, he still knows how to deal with these special and different aspects, as well as some places where he can really get more changes.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that when Nagato is doing anything, he can still really go to some special different places.

Because he knew from the beginning to end how he would do for the person with a relatively high hardware strip. It is not difficult to see that his understanding of some of his own things is still very different.

Therefore, this first challenger was not surprised, and he lost to his hands under the ease of Xiao Yun.

And this relaxed feeling is that even many people have no way to own or compare with it.

And what Nagato has always known is how, through some of his own efforts, how to change in these different places that he can now face?

This is actually the fundamental reason why Nagato has always been able to do it. When she does this and defeats these people, he will really deal with these different places. It is not difficult to see that he is in any Will do anything.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that he will go to what he can really know at this time, and there are indeed many kinds of things that may happen.

And how Nagato has been going to do some things. This is indeed something different from what he can learn and what he can really do, to face some special, different places and how to do it.

This is also a kind of understanding of his long door to himself, and there is a habit, and at this time these people will challenge him in this way, and are completely free from the threat of him. This is not difficult to see.

When Nagato will really do this, he still has a very serious attitude to deal with everything.

In fact, while Nagato will do so many times, he will also really deal with these different places now.

Because he has always known how he will accomplish these things, so that at the same time as what is going to happen, he will still take any special nature and challenges of his own to really take any possibility seriously.

Because Nagato knows that in the face of these special changes, it is true that Nagato can really do these things.

It is also on the way that these people challenge and make him stronger. He will also face these different changes and ideas, and he will need to consider the real reasons for doing so.

Because at different times, you really need to think about what you need to do every day, and he has always been faced with these different changes.

Moreover, in this special case, it is the long door who knows what he should do based on, there are some developments in different places, which is actually not difficult to see, he still has self-knowledge no matter what he does.

At least he knew very clearly that if he said he was doing his own premises to do something through his own efforts.

He could not accept these different changes that would happen. This is actually very different from many people, because he knows that after he came to the Wu mainland, there are indeed many aspects that are not the same. of.

At this time, how does Nagato do these different places? It is not difficult to see that he still has a better understanding and control of himself than others.

Because he at least knows how he will face these different meanings and different directions of change, all of which can explain that when Nagato does these things, he still really needs to consider the significance of doing so .

Because no matter when and where, when Nagato faces these things, he will still really deal with these different challenges, that is, he will really deal with these changes.

This is also a place where he has some understanding of himself and what he can really do. She at least knows what she will do and do these things based on how much she knows about herself.

So he knows that when he is faced with different changes, he can really face them. There are many kinds of changes that may happen to him.

This is also what Nagato is familiar with when passing these special different places, and indeed in this special case, there are still many things that can happen.

Because he knows exactly what he wants from beginning to end, in fact, he will really face some of these special changes, and still have these special and different changes and ideas.

Because he knows more about himself than others, so at this time.

If he will go to make any changes and different places in this way, in fact, this will really be achieved, and now the different changes that Nagato can complete.

Because now Nagato can do it, it is indeed in a different place.

There will be a lot of changes. It is not difficult to see how Nagato will do what he can accomplish when doing anything.

So when he will go how to do these different places, Nagato will also go through some special positions in different directions of himself, and will go to really do everything he deserves.

In fact, they will really need to face the changes, and at the same time, they will really do what to do. When faced with these different changes and ideas, will they really insist on real at this time? To achieve what you want.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that Nagato is really different from other people at this time, because the special meanings he controls are indeed different from other aspects.

Because the people on this continent are actually facing the death behavior of Nagato, they are more of a reaction to who they want to kill him immediately.

So at this time under these special circumstances, these different changes, how they will deal with this kind of thing, in fact, it is not difficult to see that some of his thoughts and ideas are still different from those of the mainland.

Such different changes and ideas will still lead to many different aspects, and really let them work together to maintain.

When he is doing something, it is still difficult for him to truly learn everything he needs in different places and fields. At least he still knows what he should do. ..


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