My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 407: Top name

In the eyes of Nagato, they can be said to be ridiculous, because at any time they will go to the point where they will grow up to the extent they are now.

Although these external reasons will make them really affect their pace of progress, now Nagato knows very well the so-called strong man, the so-called true peerless genius, but in fact it is nothing more than the false name that people crown.

And what Nagato needs to do is not only through its own positioning of itself, but also at this time, it really becomes stronger, which also affects this aspect of his own reach.

Now that Nagato can go because of these things, it makes them more powerful. Some reasons in this respect will also make them really able to do these degrees. It will also make them special, letting go will become Stronger.

Nagato will need to go to these things that these people can really do, and to the point where they can accomplish together, it will also need to go to himself to fight through his own efforts.

Well, these so-called external fame and the name of being a genius are really able to go for Nagato, and there are many possibilities to do things, so now.

So while they can achieve the degree, Nagato will also consider the form through his own needs. The three-day covenant is still very important for him.

Who can really do these things, may need to consider the reasons for doing so, there are still many possibilities.

Nagato is also true. At this time, these special changes will really need to be faced, so that these people now want to covet his things. In fact, it is not difficult to see that he is greedy for this at this time. This kind of thing is very scary for anyone in any era.

And Nagato will do this, in fact, it is not difficult to see that it will need to do something really good, and really be able to really deal with these people through their own efforts, any possibility will become more .

It's just that Nagato can now use some of his things to accomplish these different changes and the challenges of these people, and it will also have a certain impact on him.

Although Nagato is able to go really above this martial continent for this immortal body, she will need to do more. Many of these may happen.

But he can really go to these things that he learned at this time, and he will also let them learn and progress to the point that he can now reach this level.

So now Nagato will need to be really good at the same time, while confronting these people on the Wu mainland, and these people are still so-called geniuses. This is actually not difficult to see at any time.

Nagato may really be able to achieve this degree with his own, and it will make them more powerful, so that he will not become worse in many cases.

However, when there are still a lot of things that Nagato can do, he will still face the level he can reach, and will have to work hard and struggle.

But the place where the mainland of Budo can now face the challenges of these people is actually not true, anyone can deal with any of these situations that may occur If Nagato is not some of his consciousness who can still know what important things are waiting for him, and important people are waiting for her, she may not work so hard.

Because once people reach a certain level, either because of love or because other aspects will really progress to these, if they can grow space, it is impossible for them to have these motivations to move forward.

Nagato will need to be really good, and these things will also go, because with his own personality, he will become more like himself under any circumstances.

Nagato will really face these things, and on the premise that he can do well through all these things, he will also progress to more space.

So Nagato will really be able to accomplish what he can do, and he will do so with his own heart and the most wanted ideas in the heart.

Now, in this world, when we can truly face these different spaces for progress, we will also need to face these more people and things. Nagato will also have its own particularities and his own ability to achieve The extent to which these are truly accomplished may have changed.

So that these things that can be confronted now will also be true. At this time, while continuing to progress, it is also possible to pass these external factors now, that is, these so-called worlds, basics and some other aspects. Make them progress.

The so-called Peerless Genius suddenly shouted, and it was not difficult to see that the Nagato, he should still go through some aspects of his own that can pass, so that they can grow and at the same time, they will also make them more progressive.

Now in this era when it will be necessary to fight against these things, Nagato can still go through his own efforts and these people will really do everything well, or will he need to let Nagato himself achieve these changes and real Room for improvement.

In fact, it also has very important significance for the two of them, because Xiaoming understands his strengths and weaknesses.

Moreover, the small world does not greatly improve him. If he has not experienced and did not grow up in these things, he will not have this idea.

Well, it is not difficult to see at any time that people on this continent would really want to be able to defeat him.

People's greed is actually huge at any time!

They really ca n’t be controlled by themselves. This is actually a special change. They will also be able to really do it. It is also possible to follow their inner thoughts, but really accomplish what they want to achieve.

So Nagato will need to really do whatever it takes, and he will do it, as he pleases, and is constantly making progress. They will really love to change, and at the same time they will become stronger. .

Nagato will fight at any time to face the challenges of these people and their battles, but in fact, his promotion is very great.

Because now how Nagato will do in this particular situation, in fact, these things that he can really do well are also his positioning for himself. Now, to what extent he should achieve it, he still has a good sense in his heart. ..


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